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Original videos:

SKZ-TALKER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mOsAGuznog

M Countdown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHYUlOlaq1w

Music Bank: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DY6Aye6OgRk

MusicCore: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHasMKj53qw

MusicCore ceremony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTYsSvo1hiQ

Inkigayo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIswpAorkKQ



About the music core win, each music show has a different criteria that includes digital points, phisical sales, views on the MV, a certain percentage comes from fans voting on different apps or live during the show and so on. Digital points are the hardest for skz to obtain because those include only streams from korean music platforms and not international ones like spotify and apple music and the biggest percentage of points for music core comes from that. So every time skz were against a popular girl group for example they lost because those groups are usually more popular with the general public and have a lot more streams in Korea. Stays were really trying hard all these years to give them a win there while Hyunjin and then Lee Know were MCs but they won the week after Lee Know finished his MC job 😊

Katja van den Berg

I hope we can keep.up the digitale..they are more popular now in Korea and more international stays have helped by getting streaming passes. Or helped paying for them. So fingers crossed.

Katja van den Berg

It was absolutely fantastic seeing them finally win Mucore. I may have screamed. I may have cried. I am not admitting anything lol. There are, of course, close up videos of their reactions and they're just so happy and surprised. They know very well how they always do with digitale so they really weren't expecting it and after 6 years...well I am.sure there was hope, but I am also sure they were thinking they wouldn't....and then they did. They did have Lee Know next to the MC, which is not his normal place for the final. And his confusion was adorable and endearing. So glad you added that acceptance video as well. Oh and as to the stage outfits closing in the back...I am.sure nog every outfit is that way, but it makes perfect sense. We do that a lot with stage costumes. Its easier for making, easier for access to the bell pack and wiring, and its easier for very quick costume changes. Not when you don't have help, but they have stylists and so its the easiest and quickest way. Often it even involves velcro but in their cases, with a personal stylist, a zipper is just as quick (especially for changing INTO the outfit). Anyway, tmi but has to share. The sound is brilliant now, btw! Thanks!!!

K-pop Auntie

Glad the sound finally cleared up! Thanks for your feedback with that. The TMI isn't too much at all. It does make sense, especially for concerts. They change, what? Three, four times at least. And some of those costumes are bulky with a lot of buttons, so the time it would take to get out of a bulky, buttoned-up, "front-loading" outfit and a quick zip, "back-loading" outfit would be the difference between a quick outfit change and an extended break.