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Happy news all around.


Katja van den Berg

Omg they are adorable. So so adorable. I literally have tears in my eyes (blaming hormones). So cute. As to people in the house: gosh so relatable. I am a social person. I chat easily. I need people in my life. But constantly having people in my house, strangers...no. my house is also my bubble. I love having company, but not constantly. I had construction for three days and was stressed hahhaa.

K-pop Auntie

Exactly. So happy the stress is finally over. Now, for other and new kinds of stress lol.


Congrats on selling the house! It does seem quite fast. I think part of that is comparing it to how long it took to remodel. AGES getting ready and then POOF! It's over. I had JUST been wondering how you and your mom felt about you moving away when you said she was going! The kittens are so cute.

K-pop Auntie

Yup. Mom's coming with us. She'll have her own living space and help out with a lot of stuff as we begin a garden and accumulate chickens and all.