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Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2gEBq955jU


Katja van den Berg

Gosh these two together on a song... absolute magic. For both these songs this is now my favourite version. And yes, hearing Hold On still has be in tears, thinking about the loss of my fur babies. Especially when I had to have Grisabella put down...that was such heartbreak. I bawled all day. And I can see Seugmin's point. And even knowing you are right....doesn't make it an easy decision to get a pet knowing that heartbreak will come sooner than you would like. In the beginning, when they talk about their ages and Han saying it was late puberty...I think they meant 20, Korean age. Seungmin says they (I am sure he meant the other '00s and himself) were in year 12, last year of high school, so probably more like 18. For guys, that's still very much in puberty. Nothing late about it. I forgot to say this in my comment on the previous video, but I am not sure whats going on with your microphone. The balance with the sound from the video itself is a bit off. Its okay until you talk over the music. At that point its very hard to hear your voice. Just wanted to mention it. Not sure if its something you can help, but just so you know. Hope you dont mind me pointing that out.


I loved this reaction! Their dynamic is one of my favorites. Also just to let you know some of your early 2 kids room episodes aren't available anymore for some reason.

K-pop Auntie

Thank you for pointing out the mic issue. I was wondering that as well. I play back a little of the video to get an idea of the audio, but obviously not all the way through. I'm still not used to the new foam I have over the mic. I'll adjust. Makes sense with the age. Some guys are technically done growing at the age of 18, but others are far from. New a guy in high school that was 4'11" when he graduated. Thank God, the guy had his growth spurt after that. Life can be stacked against super short guys.