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*Content warning: transformation, rape, gore
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9 pages long, 3 images, 3 bonuses

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The new story has arrived! Hope you guys enjoy this one <3

Story by Preghorrors

"As the sun set, Sarah, a fox, and her husband, Jack, a bat, arrived at the secluded cottage deep within the woods. Seeking solace in this tranquil retreat, they embarked on a holiday getaway. The air thickened with an unsettling silence, and a sense of foreboding hung in the atmosphere. With her adventurous spirit and naughty smile, Sarah suggested they stroll by the nearby lake.

While wandering along the path, the fading sunlight cast long, eerie shadows around Sarah and Jack. Sarah then got an idea for a prank, she went behind him, grabbed his hat, and ran away.

“HEY!” Jack shouted. He ran after her, only for her to outrun him, and he lost sight of her. Looking around for her, he saw her footprints on the snow-covered ground.

“She may be a trickster, but she is not the smartest out there” he thought as he followed them.

He tracked them down to some bushes and played dumb. “Oh, where could that fox be?” he said out loud.

Hiding in the bushes, Sarah couldn’t help but giggle. And then, her keen eyes caught sight of something peculiar amidst the snow—a weathered deer skull resting on the snow. Its hollow eye sockets seemed to bore into her, then, an idea came to her.

“Oh, this will be good!” she whispered as she approached it. With playful curiosity, Sarah picked up the skull and placed it on her head. It was cold, and she felt a little uneasy. But seeing Jack is about to approach her hiding place, she quickly dismissed the feeling and prepared to pounce at her husband. He got closer and closer, her tail wagging until...

“BOO!” she jumped out at him, “AHHH! WHAT THE…” The skull's face startled Jack. He knew his wife would jump out at him as he fell on the snow, but that was totally unexpected.

Sarah took off the skull and yelled, “haha, got you!” as she laughed at him but went to help him up, “You're cute when you're scared, did you know that?”

“What is that thing?” he asked her, eyeing the skull. “Oh, just something I found in the bushes here” she said, holding it out for him to look at.

“Sarah, I-I don't think you should be playing with that,” he warned her. Sensing her husband's unease, Jack felt a profoundly disturbing sensation, pleading with her not to toy with it and voicing his discomfort.

Despite Jack's apprehension, Sarah's fox nature, enticed by the mysterious object, couldn't resist the urge. Ignoring his pleas, she placed the skull atop her head, a mischievous glint dancing in her eyes, unaware of the looming darkness that would soon engulf them both.

“Sarah, please! That thing gives me the creeps” he implored, crossing the arm while his voice tinged with an unmistakable sense of foreboding.

“Ok, ok!” She then took it off, “But can we keep this? It would be a great decoration for our furniture! Pleaseeeeee?”

Unable to resist his wife’s sparkling gaze, Jack sighed, rolling his eyes.

“...Fine, our room is a bit plain anyway, but please don’t scare me with that thing again.”


As they walked back, Sarah’s stomach started to growl for food. “Oh! Guess it’s just about dinner time!” she stated to Jack.

“I will make your favorite burgers you love so much!” he told her.

Back at the cottage, Sarah's behavior took a turn. Before Jack could make food, she went into the kitchen and started eating whatever she could grab. Her husband, Jack, was taken aback as he observed Sarah devouring food with unusual enthusiasm, an insatiable hunger glinting in her eyes. Concern etched across his face, he approached her cautiously.

"Sarah, are you okay? You're eating as if you haven't eaten in days."

With a forced smile, Sarah reassured him, "I'm fine, just a little hungrier than usual. Don't worry." Her words sounded reassuring, but internally, a disturbing thought lingered.

In a fleeting moment, she entertained a disturbing image: the idea of consuming Jack. The sheer horror of her thoughts startled her, causing an involuntary shudder to course through her body. She pushed the thought away, alarmed by the darkness creeping into her mind, a stark contrast to her usual gentle nature.

However, it wasn't merely her insatiable appetite that troubled her. Strange, disembodied voices began to echo through the walls, softly coercing Sarah to put on the skull once more.

The night turned into an ordeal as haunting voices tormented Sarah, her sanity reeling in the face of an inexplicable force that had trapped her very soul. Meanwhile, Jack's eyelids grew heavy with exhaustion as the moon cast an eerie glow over the lonely forest, lulling him into a deep slumber. Unbeknownst to him, Sarah's curiosity was piqued by the ominous whispers echoing through the darkness. Drawn toward their source, she stood before the kitchen countertop where an ancient skull lay waiting.

Unable to resist its sinister allure, she reached out and grasped it, feeling a surge of power coursing through her veins. However, a bone-chilling transformation began to unfold as she placed the skull upon her head.

Her once gentle features contorted into a grotesque visage: her fur turned black, patches fell off to reveal skin paled to an unnerving whiteness, and her eyes glowed green with an intense and unquenchable hunger. Sharp nails grew from her elongated fingers, resembling claws yearning to rend flesh. Her figure twisted into a grotesque shape, sinewy and taut, limbs stretching as if attempting to escape the confines of her own body. But as she tried to remove the skull, a strange sensation surged through her head as though it were fusing with her face.

In excruciating pain, she staggered out the door, attempting to call for help. However, the skull inflicted more agony upon her, and she fell to her knees. A guttural growl emanated from her throat, echoing through the still night air as her form contorted into a menacing silhouette. Her ragged and heavy breath formed misty clouds in the frigid night. The air seemed to freeze in her presence, mirroring the chilling transformation that had overtaken her.

Now consumed by an insatiable hunger, she frantically searched for food. The inexplicable change fractured her mind, all she knew was an overwhelming need for sustenance.

Emerging from the shadows, Sarah stumbled upon a group of unsuspecting campers, their laughter resonating through the night air like haunting melodies. Driven by an uncontrollable and feral urge, she crept closer, her steps silent and predatory. The forest around her seemed to hush, acknowledging her presence.

As Sarah's senses heightened, the enticing scent of their warm flesh mixed with the crisp night air. Her newly acquired predatory instincts surged forth, urging her onward. The primal hunger within her intensified, drowning any remnants of her former self.

She pounced upon them with feral ferocity, propelled by an unholy hunger that consumed her every thought. Swift and silent, she tore through the night, her figure morphing into a terrifying silhouette against the campfire's flickering glow.

The campers' laughter turned into startled cries as Sarah unleashed her primal fury upon them, her eyes ablaze with a hunger surpassing mere physical need. She lunged, her elongated claws rending through their reality, tearing into their vulnerable flesh.

Their screams echoed through the woods, a macabre symphony fueling her appetite. In the ensuing chaos, the forest witnessed a gruesome spectacle as Sarah, now a creature consumed by her darkest impulses, reveled in the grotesque feast before her.

Regaining some control, Sarah looked around at the death she had caused. Regret washed over her as she recalled the moments before acquiring the skull. Why hadn't she listened to Jack's warnings? Why had she brought the skull back, all for a mere prank to see her husband's frightened face?

Meanwhile, Jack awoke to find Sarah's side of the bed empty. Upon entering the kitchen, he discovered a mess, and the door left ajar—an unease gnawing at his heart. With mounting dread, he ventured into the ink-black night, the forest seemingly transformed into a labyrinth of shadows, each tree a sentinel harboring ominous secrets whispered through rustling leaves.

Traversing the moonlit glades, an indescribable sense of dread tugged at his instincts. Yet, a determined resolve pushed him forward, despite momentary faltering as he stumbled upon a grim scene etched in a clearing ahead. Amidst the chaos and eerie moonlight, he caught sight of a grotesque silhouette—a sight that filled him with primal fear, seemingly rooting him in place.

Sarah stood unrecognizable, her monstrous form emanating an unsettling glow in the moon's light. Frozen in shock and horror, Jack felt a chill course through his veins. The air thickened, an ominous foreboding radiating from Sarah's distorted figure. He tried to call out, trembling, "Sarah, is that you?"

His words vanished into the night, swallowed by an eerie silence. Paralyzed by fear and disbelief, he met her monstrous gaze, the warmth in her eyes replaced by a haunting hunger that pierced his soul. Panic surged as he realized the imminent danger within the woman he loved, her monstrous form a nightmare haunting his thoughts.

With a tremor in his voice, Jack took a cautious step backward. Every instinct urged him to flee, escape the terror between him and their cottage's safety. Meanwhile, Sarah struggled against the encroaching darkness, battling the skull's influence. A distant yet persistent voice urged her to embrace the abyss, succumbing to savage cravings pulling at her essence.

Jack couldn’t believe his eyes. Standing right in front of him was, without a doubt, the Wendigo, a creature that only exists in folk tales.

Then its skull mouth, which had no flesh, opened with one word coming out.


The voice, not from this world, rumbled through the entire forest. Jack's body started to move independently, and his heart began to race, pounding in his chest.

Back with Sarah, she observed her husband run, but now a new instinct took over as if her prey was getting away!

He ran as far as his body could until he reached the cottage. Desperation fueled his actions as he hastily barricaded the doors and windows, hoping to keep the monstrous Sarah at bay. Alone in the darkness, he could only pray for the morning light to bring an end to this horrifying nightmare.

The moon hung high in the midnight sky, casting an ethereal glow over the lonely cottage. Sarah's heart raced within her chest as she approached the door, a sense of urgency mingling with the turmoil within her. She pushed against the stubborn wood with trembling hands, forcing it open, the hinges protesting with each agonizing creak until the door broke open.

Stepping into the eerie darkness of the cottage, Sarah battled a storm within her. Her mind felt like a battleground, torn between her deep love for Jack and the primal instincts that clawed at her consciousness: the curse, an unseen shackle tightening around her very being, threatened to consume her completely.

Despite the chaos within, Sarah knew she needed Jack. Yet, as she stood in the darkness, her voice caught in her throat, the words choking her with their weight. She grappled with a disruption of emotions—a mix of love, fear, hunger, rage, and a profound sense of helplessness that threatened to overwhelm her resolve.

Then, in the corner of her eye, she spots Jack at the end of the hallway, sacred like a trapped animal. She moved to him slowly, but Jack ran to the front door, sadly, he was not fast enough. Sarah caught him with one claw and pinned him to the floor.

“J-Jack….I need you…” her haunting voice came out.

“...Sarah..?? Honey… are you still in ther..?”

Jack whimpered as Sarah had a claw on his snout, keeping it shut, then began to rip off his clothes. Then a long tongue slipped out of her skull jaw and licked his chest slowly. Tears come out of Jack, and his body starts to shake in fear.

“Shhhh, it’s…..ok…….Jack, I am ……r-really sorry for what I am about to do next, but please, It's the only……way I can't t-think of to stop me from eating you”! She told him with sorrow in her eyes.

Jack closed his eyes and waited for the next act to happen. Sarah clawed at his pants and ripped off the last of his clothes, and to her surprise, a sizeable hard cock was fully up! As she looked at it, her belly began to rumble, demanding food, she knew time was running out to keep control.

She opened up her jaw and took the cock right into her mouth, and she began to have her long tongue wrap around it and started to rock her head up and down. Then her eyes went wide when Jack's cock still grew bigger! She began to start sucking and hearing Jack moaning none stop. Now pre, oze out of his penis, and she drank it up, now his cock was throbbing none stop, and she now knew he was close.

“It w-will be all over soon, love.” she granted at him

Now she aimed her clit at his rock-hard cock and slammed down on it! She rode him with no end, his pelves started to feel like they were about to shatter.

“ARGHH… Sarah, please!!...”

“J-JACK, I AM S-SORRY!” she kept saying that to him, her hands on his chest rubbing him.

Jack wept and begged for her to stop, but she denied him. “IT’S THE ONLY WAY I C-CAN T-THINK OF NOT TO CONSUME YOU...” That last sentence hit Jack like a dagger.

Now Jack’s eyes went wide as he felt a torrent of cum shooting out of his cock.

“YES! G-GIVE IT TO MEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOAAAAAARRRRRR!” Sarah let out a long hunting roar that shook the cottage as Jack’s seed filled her waiting womb.

Tears fell from Jack as he saw his wife on top of him, none moving, then fell to his side. Now spent, she placed a hand on his cheek.

“N-NOW Y-YOUR CHANCE TO LEAVE...” She gave his face a tiny lick. Sensing the urgency in her words, Jack managed to break free from the grip of fear that had held him captive. He knew he had to flee, to leave behind the woman he loved, no matter how painful. With one last glance at Sarah, Jack turned and ran, his footsteps echoing in the silence. Sarah watched him disappear into the distance, her heart breaking with each step he took.

Months stretched into an eternity as Jack struggled to move on from the haunting memory of Sarah. The night teemed with restless dreams, where her face appeared twisted and tormented. He couldn't shake the feeling that she was still waiting for him. Her absence pressed upon him, suffocating him with guilt and longing.

And then, on a fateful night, the Wendigo found him. Jack had just gotten home from work and walked to the house door. Two hands wrapped around his waist, and he turned to see her eyes filled with longing and sorrow. But he noticed something new, she now had a large belly poking out. The monster was pregnant. Jack's heart wavered, torn between the love he still harbored for her and the fear of what she had become.

The monster extended her hand for him. Jack missed her too much, he wanted to return to being with her. He placed his hand on hers, and nodded. The Wendigo grabbed Jack in a bridal carry and headed into the night, running back into the woods by their town as fast as she could.

Jack felt the wind on his face as the Wendigo, with her supernatural speed, took them back into the woods. Now she stopped, and he found himself back at the cottage, it looked rundown, with its windows boarded up. There were writings on the walls outside all over the house, which Jack could guess was blood, “KEEP OUT!” scribbled all over it.

The Wendigo took his hand and guided him into the house, she pushed the rundown door open, and both stopped inside. The place still looked clean and new, as if someone tried to keep things in order. But there were many decor bones, this paralyzed Jack, so many bones adorned the walls like trophies. The monster saw the look on his face and nudged him a little.

Jack looked at them, they looked like the bones of feral animals, a bit of a relive. The Wendigo now turned back to him, placed a hand on his back, and pushed him closer to her belly. His face pressed against her belly, and he felt movement inside. A small part of him filled with happiness, but dread quickly took over as he knew there was no guarantee that these children would not turn out to be like their mother.

The monster stroked his back, then her breath became heavy, and she started to pant.

“Sarah, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he said to her in a low voice.

But she wasted no time removing his clothes, she ripped them off with one of her claws and threw them on the floor. The monster jumped on and licked all over him. She moves on the attack and licks every part of his body till she gets closer and closer to his penis, which it had already got a full erection. Moaning and whimpering, Jack tried his best to find courage for Sarah.

“I missed you, Sara-EEEK!” he yipped as she now licked at his balls.

She was wrapping her long tongue all over it, slurping up and pre that came from his tip. A wet sound came from her as she was preparing his shaft till it met her expectations. She removed her mouth from it, looking at it as if it were prey.

Now the Wendigo went on top of him and dropped down on him once more. This time, Jack grabbed onto her now bigger hips and started to thrust into her. He put his all into it, grunting and moaning. The Wendigo took it and groped her breast, where milk started to drip. The monster rubbed her belly, feeling her babies move within.

After going at it for hours in their small cottage, the monster grunted and leaned her face close to his, kissing him deeply. It was hard, rough, and cold, that was all he could think of. Although he still called the monster Sarah, Jack believed she had lost her personality as she couldn't talk anymore, only behaving like a wild animal. It was truly heartbreaking for him.

When Jack thought his Sarah was gone forever, he closed his eyes, tears running down his cheek, reminiscing about the great moments when he and his wife spent wonderful times together.

"YoU're cUte wHen yOu'rE scAreD….." - a screeching sound can be heard, as if it was trying to mimic his wife's voice.

Jack's eyes opened in disbelief, but the monster returned to grunting and making feral noises as usual.



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