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*Content warning: possession, weightgain, ftm (female to male), expansion, naked
File stats:
6 pages long, 3 images

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Enjoy the story guys~




Story by Preghorrors

It was a late Monday night in a library, a 22-year-old doe wearing a blue top, jeans that had brown fur, short red hair, and blue eyes was in search of pregnancy books. Her name was Jess, she was eight months pregnant with twins, and her belly was huge! And she can pop at any time. On top of her belly were two large D-size breasts full of milk, waiting to spill at any time.

Jess was pulling out book after book, anything that would help her when the babies were born. Waddling down the library as fast as her feet could, the place would soon close.

"This should do for now." - Jess said with a huff as she pulled out the last book for the day.

When she began to walk out to the front counter, she heard a THUMP on the floor. Jess turned to see what fell and only saw an old black book beside her.

"Huh? I must have knocked it over without looking."

So Jess walked over to the book and bent her knees to pick up the book. As she picked it up, Jess looked at it to see what kind of book it was. When she opened the book, complete with strange symbols, she could not understand any of the words. As she flipped through the book's pages, her hand felt burning!

"OUCH!" - yelled Jess, dropping the book.

Jess looked at her hand and saw one of the symbols from the book burned light green onto her hand.

"What!?" - Jess looked down at the book. It was nowhere to be. She then looked back at the hand, it was okay, with no mark.

"Did I just dream all that up?" - Jess thought to herself.

Then her belly began to rumble, and she felt her babies kick.

"you guys must be getting hungry." - Jess said as she rubbed her belly.

"yeah, I could go for food myself." - as Jess made her way home.

On another plane of existence, a demon, resembling a filthy, overweight rat has been sealed away, waiting for his freedom. He felt a surge of power. Calling to him then, he smiles.

"Aw, someone has opened my tome! I can have a new body to enter the mortal realm once more!"

His chains weaken, his body becomes a spirit form, and he enters the mortal plane. The demon followed the curse placed on the doe. He sized her up as he found the curse doe walking out of a bus.

"Well, she is big, but not big enough. We need to make some changes here!"

The doe walked, unaware of the demon around her. Now, he waited for her to walk a bit more. Looking at her peach shape ass.

"Oh, she looks good enough to eat!" - as he saw her hips swayed with every step she made.

As Jess got a few feet away, the demon grinned.

"OK, the fun starts now!" - he flew full speed at her, ramming her in the back as he started to faze into her.

"AH!" - the doe screamed in pain as she caught herself on a pole.

"What just hit me?" - Jess rubbed her back and felt nothing. She looked around to see nobody.

"I should get home fast!" - and began to speed walk home.

Meanwhile, within her, the demon made his way to her abdomen.

"OK, Time to redecorate this vessel!" - the demon chanted, forcing all the nutrients meant for the babies back into Jess’s body, causing a new wave of hunger in her.  He needed her to give in to her hunger, making her body as enormous as his former self so he could possess her fully.

Jess was walking up to the door of her home when her belly rumbled once more.

"Soon, little ones, soon.." - Jess said, patting her belly.

But the noise of her belly won't stop. It was getting louder! As soon as Jess got inside, she made a b-line for the kitchen. Jess drops off the pregnancy books on the table.

"Please, my little ones, calm down. Food is on its way!" - The belly was rumbling so loud, and the kicking was no help. Jess just opened up some leftovers and began to eat without heating them. When the food finished, Jess put both hands on her belly, patting it.

"Are you two kids happy now?" - Jess said with a smile.

"GGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOL!" - roared her belly, demanding more!

"WHAT!?" - Jess said in shock, then the kicking returned.

"You guys want more food!?" - as soon as she finished that sentence, the symbol in the library reappeared on her hand, like a spell put on her.

Jess felt unwell, touching her head. The demon moved up to her mind, planting new ideas.

“You can fit more food, you need all the strength for the big day, you need more meat in your bones, girl.” - he whispered.

“I guess I could use it for fat in some areas,” Jess said while looking at her arms.

“Of course you do~ I can help you if you just let me be in charge!” - he told her.

Jess sat there for a moment, considering those intrusive thoughts.

“I think that’s alright.”

“Good girl~ Now, my dear, you got others to think about, your babies need all the nutrients they can get!” - the demon said in a hiss, her approval was the last thing that freed him from all limitations.

Jess looked back down at her belly with a smile.

“Yes, they need to grow big and strong.” - she cooed.

“That’s spirit, but come now, girl, you got to keep your energy up, so eat more for yourself too!” - Just as he finished his words, without a second thought, Jess started to eat anything she could get her hands on. Now that the demon has got Jess to keep eating, his work can begin!

Within Jess, the demon began to move all the food fats all over her body as he took their nutrients, never reaching her babies, leaving them hungry. As she stuffed herself, her belly was sloshing nonstop with all the food. The more food she ate, the more her belly grew.

"More!" - she said as her mind only thought about more food.

Now, the demon was taking more control of her, as she had an unbearable hunger. The demon’s influence on her grew evermore. Jess's mind now has begun to go numb, losing all other thoughts about her babies, her body, and only putting food in her. The mark on her hand began to glow light green as Jess ate more food.

Then Jess began to feel itchy on her soft fur chest, now, long dark green fur grew out. With her mind now numb, she didn't notice her size was increasing.

"Need more food!!" - was all that she could say, mindlessly looking around and going for the freezer.

RIP! was the sound made by her blue top and jeans. She was becoming too big for it. Now, she was too far gone. With no will of her own, this gave the rat demon his opening to take complete control of her body without resisting. The babies were trashing about in Jess's belly.

“LET ME EAT IN PEACE, YOU TWO" - the imposter shouted in a much deeper voice. Fat was now gaining on her arms and spilling.

Jess's belly was now spilling over her waist. She no longer looked pregnant, just very obese with no stop sloshing. Red horns sprouted out of her skull like a ram, and her eyes, once blue, turned an eerie red. As she bit into food, her teeth grew razor-sharp! Her cute doe tail snaked out into a rat's tail! Whiskers grew on her face that reformed of that of a rat. Now her hair turns long and jet-black!

"I NEED A DRINK!" - The imposter then noticed the milk spilling from their breast.

"YEAH, THAT WILL DO..... SORRY KIDS, BUT I NEED THIS NOW MORE THEN YOU DO BEFORE YOU’RE BORN!" - a fat hand grabbed her jiggling breast and drank. The more they drank, the fatter they got!

Even their breast was getting bigger, but they now looked like men's boobs. The dark green fur growing there has now spread down her belly!

"OOF!" - said the rat in an authentic deep voice as they put a hand on their jiggling obese belly.


They slap their hands, making the marks on their hands disappear. Then, a bigger mark glowed on the belly and all their body fat began to jiggle nonstop.

"HERE IT COMES"! The giant fat hog began to push out of her, now his lower area!


He said with a grin, slapping his belly while feeling the babies kick in protest.

"SORRY KIDS BUT THERES A NEW LANDLORD HERE AND HIS NAME IS AMODD!" - He began to rub his two hands together and made a chant.

"AND OFF YOU GO!!" - he slapped his obese pregnant belly one last time, it began to jiggle, then rumble nonstop, Jess's babies were kicking in pain, then as their bodies now digested in the womb. They were no more, as their belly got even more prominent.


Amodd said as he looked around one last time in the kitchen.



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