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*Content warning: possession, incest, inwombpenetration, birthing
File stats:
6 pages long, 2 images, 11 bonuses

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We hope you enjoy the story!
Mary, a petite lamb cop with black wool, captivating emerald eyes, and a cascade of untamed black locks, found herself in a peculiar predicament during her eighth month of pregnancy. Reluctantly pulled from her usual field duties, she was assigned the mundane paperwork task. Her burgeoning belly hindered her once nimble movements, forcing her to trade in her thrilling pursuits for a desk-bound existence.

Mary wearily approached her car as the sun descended, casting long shadows across the city streets. After opening the door, she settled into her seat and tuned in the radio, as was her habit. News of a nefarious wolf criminal caught her attention. This cunning predator specifically targeted women, subjecting them to unspeakable acts of malice. Mary's heart yearned to join the relentless pursuit of this vile miscreant, but the safety of her unborn child came first. Just this once, she had to relinquish her desire for justice. As she was about to insert her keys into the car’s ignition, a low, menacing growl reverberated from the depths of the backseat. Her eyes shifted to the rearview mirror, only to be met with the chilling sight of a shadowy figure, its piercing yellow eyes locked onto hers.

Before she could utter a word, a grotesque clawed hand forcefully clamped over her mouth, silencing any cries for help that may have escaped her lips. The sheer terror coursing through her veins rendered her immobile—her body frozen in fear as the menacing wolf tightened his grip on her. With his free hand, he callously caressed her trembling belly, his touch sending shivers down her spine.

“Mmm, so full of life, little lamb, I have a thing for moms, you know."

A sickening grin spread across his face as he shamelessly invaded her personal space, his hand slithering beneath her police uniform, targeting her vulnerable breast. The sound of his sinister laughter filled the air, mocking her helplessness as he continued to violate her.

Desperate for any means of defense, Mary's eyes darted around, searching for anything that could aid her in this nightmarish ordeal. Then, her gaze fell upon a simple pen resting innocently on the dashboard of her car. Acting instinctually, she seized the pen and thrust it with all her might into the wolf's arm. A guttural howl of agony erupted from his throat as he recoiled, momentarily distracted by the searing pain. Seizing this fleeting opportunity, Mary swiftly retrieved her gun and aimed it directly at his chest.

After a few gunshots rang, he lay motionless in the backseat. As Mary thought everything was over, a radiant light suddenly emanated from the wolf’s lifeless body. Upon closer inspection, the glow emanated from the peculiar necklace around his neck. The pulsating purple light mirrored the rhythm of a heartbeat, inexplicably synchronizing with her racing pulse. An orb emerged from the wolf's body, almost invisible to the naked eye, and flew into her belly!  Mary's survival instincts kicked in, leaving her both fearful and disturbed, propelling her out of the car in an agitated state. While looking for aid, her heart still wrenching at the thought of her child's safety.

One week later, Mary found herself on maternity leave, eagerly awaiting the arrival of her baby. Unfortunately, her officer husband has been on an important task and couldn’t be there with her. As the days passed, she couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling that something was amiss. Sometimes at night, she caught the same nightmare over and over again, where she saw glimpses of a shadowy figure lurking in the corner of a dimly lit room, causing her heart to race with fear. The unease grew stronger each day, and Mary couldn't help but feel like being watched.

To make matters worse, her once gentle baby seemed to have transformed into a restless little creature within her womb. The kicks became more frequent and forceful, leaving Mary sleep-deprived and exhausted. Every time she tried to relax, the movement inside deliberately disrupted her peace; she feared this would continue forever.

One night, the kicks persisted far beyond their usual duration, causing her growing concern. Fear and pain mingled as she hissed, demanding answers from her unborn child. As if in response to her distress, the kicks suddenly ceased. Mary's relief was short-lived as a strange sensation washed over her. It was as if the baby had gained awareness and was now exploring the confines of her womb. A mixture of awe and discomfort filled her as she felt the tiny hands or feet gently caressing her from the inside. The sensation was both alien and intimate, leaving Mary gasping in surprise and placing her hands protectively over her belly. It was a moment that defied explanation, and Mary couldn't help but wonder what was happening within her.

"Whoa, the necklace, I can't believe it worked!”

A strange voice came from nowhere, making Mary startled; it sound like it was coming from a sealed, air-tight box.

“W-who's there??” - Mary responded in fear, her eyes looking around the room to find the source of the voice.

“This brat is pretty persistent, you know? But I finally got his body, hehe."

There is no mistake; the voice she heard was coming from within herself, within her belly, to be precise. As her brain could not fully process everything she had just heard, she instinctively clutched her stomach like a mother about to be.

“W-who are you? What’s going on??”

"The artifact I raided from a voodoo store—they called it the Necklace of Rebirth or something like that. Initially, I thought it was a hoax, but it wouldn't hurt to try, right? Now, thanks to you, little lamb, I've had the chance to witness such unbelievable power!"

“Th-that voice… Y-you? The guy in the car…No way! That’s impossible!!” - Memories of what happened a week ago suddenly came flooding back, her voice grew more frantic.

“Pretty close, I guess? But you’re not wrong. How does it feel when the guy you killed on that day is your firstborn now?”

“What do you mean…? !!! What happened to my child?? What did you do??”

“Whoa, whoa, easy, girl. Was it that hard to understand? It is I, your one and only child. Heheheh.”

“No… it’s not true, this is not happening!!!”

“I know, right?~ Voodoo magic is truly terrifying. The fact that I can still talk here is totally beyond my understanding. I guess I should be more careful messing with them next time… Anyway, it is still a little hard to breathe, though. Would you kindly lend me a hand to get out of here?” - The baby, taken over by the wolf, said in a playful tone. If not counting the current situation, he is chatting casually.

Looking around, he could hear the pulse loud and clear in the tight room made of flesh. Suddenly, a depraved thought crossed his mind, giving him the most evil smile ever.

"But before that... why don't we first have some little fun here?"

The wolf examined his own body while still going.

“Besides being reincarnated, it seems I have some power to let me do whatever I want with this body. Would you mind if I give it a try?”

The wolf put all the concentration on his thought; strangely, his penis kept on growing bigger and bigger till it was that of an ultimately grown male! His balls looked hard and round, ready to sow the seed of new life. With a grin on his face, the wolf started to rub his new tool onto the walls of the womb.

“Wait! Wh-what are you doing?” Mary let out an uncontrollable moan, and she was now hit with new pleasure she had never felt.

As the wolf thrust his penis around, Mary could see a long bugle sticking out of her belly. Suddenly, Mary felt something pop inside, and then the wet sensation flushed all over her crotch as she looked down.

“M-my water broke..!”

“Ahhh, it’s more comfortable in here now. How was it, little lamb? Does it feel nice to get fucked from the inside… oh? What do we have here?”

They couldn’t endure this any longer. Mary tried to get up, but the new wave of overwhelming pleasure was more potent than the last time. As she felt the baby now violated her birth canal, Mary moaned out loud with a hand grabbing her womanhood, collapsing back onto the bed.

“You feel it too, don’t you? Finally, I found the right hole to stick in. As I told you before, I have a thing for moms. Now be a good girl and lay still; let the fun begin.”

Her eyes were wide open as she was pent-up now; her baby started to repeat the actions fucking his mother from within! Lust filled Mary as she began to cope with a feel on her breast and thrust her lower half into the air, humping nothing.

"Do you like that little lamb? Being fucked by your child~ oh wait, looks like I'm the little one this time. Should I call you mother from now? BWAHAHAHA!" - while the baby kept going like a wild animal, Mary moaned nonstop as her belly bounced around even faster.

“No!! Please st—” - Before she could finish her sentence, the baby did the final thrust, his penis went all the way through, sticking right out of her womanhood, and a thick line stream of semen could be seen down her crotch. At the same time, Mary screamed in pleasure as she could feel his penis throbbing inside her birth canal!


Her eyes roll back as her lust now gives way to a sobering terror, looking back at what she just experienced.

“Please let this be a nightmare!”.

“That was truly a blast… but it’s not over yet! The air is running out, so it is time to give birth to me, Mother ~”

Using the power he possessed, the baby started to grow, not just the penis this time; his whole body now also joined with the process!

“NO! I need to get some help!”

As the kicking had returned, there was no time for rest. Mary shouted in horror as she sat up, but a new growth within her womb pinned her down on the bed, giving her significant pain in her lower area.


She pleaded to her child. But the baby grew even more now and was forcing its way out of her womb!  Mary spread her legs and pushed as much as she could. Fearing her baby would now be too big to push out, she cried out in pain. But the head can now be seen coming out; once the arms were free, he grabbed onto Mary's legs and pulled himself out!


Mary is in too much pain to see what's going below her. Now that the child was free, he crawled down the bed, still growing at an astonishing rate.

“My baby…” - Mary looked at her baby by the edge of the bed, faintly hoping that all this was just a nightmare.

Unfortunately, with the cruel reality, he just sat there, smiling at her. As did his little horns, the lamb child’s wool began to fall off his body. Mary watched in horror as her child changed before her! He grew bigger, long black hair sported from his head, his cute little hands became deadly claws, and his snout grew longer like a wolf filled with sharp teeth! Mary knew who was now standing before her. There was no mistake; it was the wolf in her car.

“Thanks for the new body, Mom; thanks to you, everyone now thinks I am dead!”  - the wolf grinned at her

“Say, Mom, I think I owe you for this body, no?”

As the wolf moved closer, Mary had no energy to stop him, and tears rolled down her eyes. Knowing the worst is yet to come.

“So how about I pay back by giving you another child, eh? Hope you don't mind with my seed, hehe.”

As he began to thrust his dick into her womanhood, Mary just lay there as the entire world came crashing down on her.



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