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hey my favorite perverts!!! i'm uploading the link, so in the main time. PATREON SUGGESTIONS!!!!!
come on!!! if someone want to send me a pic i'm cool with it! (i'll copy the rules for anyone who doesn't know this month theme!)

I WANT TO HUMANIZE THINGS!!!!!! so next month we'll do something a little bit less "lineal" and the tier two Patreons will send images or messages telling me whatever they want and it'll be humanized and pornified hehe
RULES: your suggestion has to NOT be human, AND IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE SOMETHING LIKE A POKEMON OR A ZOMBIE EITHER!!! you have to say things like "a shoe" or "the Discord logo", or even a pic of your favorite food or comic or whatever, it doesn't have to be fictional, that's all
also if you don't want to do that, you can ask for "fictional objects" like Midoriya's shoes or Kratos swords hehe
also you can ask for little comics with that idea, like "my cat is now a girl" or my dog or my cumsock lmao

think about this like a Robaato (amazing artist) draw , but porn

i think those are the rules lol

i hope you like this idea because i'm exited!!!!


British Toe

A hotdog women with a huge cock as the hotdog 😂 and the bun as the body


Futa bowling pin