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hey friends! remember when i said that i will start doing animations when i reached the 150 followers? well guess what! DOING ANIMATIONS IS FUCKING HARD at least with my usual rate of post, so, i have an idea!! well two things actually

  • first of all, next month i'm gonna do just animations! that's right, i'll start with the project with all my power AND WITH A PARTNER!! i asked a friend for a little help AND SHE ACCEPTED! so if you guys like the idea, she will keep working with us! at least if everythig goes good. and of course i'll follow my animations too! i'm just saying she'll do some animations too! like more more content!!!

  • and the second idea is that i know that animations take long time and more if you want to make more than one SO i come up with SKETCHES. yes, sketches! like a month of Patreon Suggestions! what do you think?



It's great so there will be more content


Sounds awesome looking forward to it


I think it's a great idea!

DHC Jones

Sounds great!


The cocks will move!!! 😛