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Hey all, it was brought to my attention that android save files weren't transferring between updates. After much meticulous and arduous testing, I finally figured out the reason for it: changing the title of the game (which I do to add version numbers) apparently invalidates the save file integrity for android (but not windows, Mac, etc.)

From now on, I'll just keep the title as 'Lust Doll Plus', which is the most straightforward and non-time-consuming method of handling this. I've uploaded a new android build with this change. Unfortunately, I'll have to ask android players to start over one more time, but from now on, your save files should be transferable between updates. As a small bonus, the android version will have a few more bug fixes not yet in the other versions.

Sorry, and thanks for understanding!

 Edit: Because android studio likes to not transfer my files and not tell me this, I've uploaded a second new version. This one should hopefully have the missing files.


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