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Hey all, next release will include Forest Park and New ark slums, and it'll be the one where things start to clearly deviate from the original LD. Expect surprises~.

Also important, I had to change the way the player portrait system works, which unfortunately broke too many things in older savefiles to make them transferable. Meaning for next release, I'll have to ask you guys to restart from the beginning (shouldn't be too hard to catch up, since it's still quite early. You can use the stat mods tool to rebuild your stats.)

This should only be a one-time thing. After this version, savefiles can be transferred, letting you keep your progress between releases. Thanks for your consideration and support!



Noice. Cant wait to see how this progresses.


Since you're not including clothing options in the next update yet, this might be the last chance to ask: do you have any plans to add a muscular body shape or would that be too much work? Not sure if there's an actual demand for it, but it'd be nice to see some musclegirls either as a character creation option or as one of the heroines you interact with. Just a passing thought.


Don't be afraid to break saves if it makes the game better


The amount of times I restart games in development to see changes, test things, etc., I'm hardly worried about restarting some progress.


Doesn't bother me. I make so many new characters anyway that it won't matter. XD


So. Does Lust Doll+ have all the content as the original just updated? Or are you building from scratch?


Main chara muscles is too much graphics work, yeah (requires too much clothing variation.) I can def do muscular npc's though.


It's built from scratch. I'm transferring stuff from old LD, but it'll def take a while.