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This one!

Hey all, 

Finally done with the release! Apologies for the wait. The hold up this time was due to my having gotten very sick with a cold/fever, with comedic timing, a few days before the deadline. Granted, I was likely still underestimating how much work I had left, but my sickness definitely made it very difficult to work, and so, put me out for even more days than usual.

In any case, it's done and out. I'll be keeping Elf Jail going with this new engine, while also continuing to build the new base engine for Lust Doll's MV port. Will also be doing the tier reward revisions and poll stuff very soon! One thing I'll for sure be doing is writing a full guide for higher tiers, so expect that in the next few days!



Thank you! This is a vast improvement to the previous version. Buuut, there seem to be at least some bugs too again (I think). Should Nellie appear again before Allie after you defeat her and (SPOILERS to players!) lock her down? I also stole her hat (and her portrait doesn't have it as she appears before Allie again without any new dialogue to explain how she escaped, which is why I think it is a bug) and "knocked her out" after this, if those might effect this.


I enjoyed it, when will you add the slime scenes :P


Thanks~. And yeah, it's a bug XP. It's fixed for next version!


Thanks! There's a pretty high chance I'll do slime clinging to body/immerse in sentient slime stuff with this at some point~.