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Hey all, still plugging away at the new Elf Jail's demo. Should be out within the next 1-2 days (after which, I'll do the tier revision stuff.)



So, will it be ready today or do you require that one more day?


One more day. I'm nursing a cold right now which is affecting my focus, so that's why it's taking longer.


Welp, another late update.


sorry dude, i'm basically coughing and sneezing my lungs out here while trying to finish up what's left.


Don't worry, just work at the pace that you are capable of, or just relax and try to recover. You health comes first, and I've supported things like this on Patreon even when the promised updates were wayyy longer than even a few weeks late from their promised dates. As long as being considerably late from the promised schedule doesn't come a chronic habit, I'll continue my support.

Samuel J

I agree with Ren. Focus on yourself first; you've got a great track record for being on time so missing a few days or a week or longer isn't a bad thing. Take it easy and focus on recovering. Hope, you get well soon.


Thanks Ren. It's something that I and probably most devs struggle with.