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Been very hard at work on the monster girl femdom game, which is starting to come together! As mentioned, I'm gonna move out of coloured square graphics territory, and into proper sprites:

On Elf Jail, after thinking on it more, I absolutely do need to redesign it if I want to continue it. There's way too many issues with it that need to be addressed. Though, that also means that if/once I do redesign it, I'll likely make it a proper full-length game.

Mockup wise, this'll likely be how I rearrange things: bigger walkable map area with proper sprite graphics, and a smaller text box. I'll likely keep just the one health bar, and consolidate lust and normal damage into one. Likely will have more of an emphasis on running and hiding from enemies. That should address most of the issues with the game.



I really like Elf Jail this far, and really REALLY like the idea of it being made into a redesigned full-length game.


So the bubblebut slime which game is it in? Will it be able to 'merge' with or cover the MC's body? im still hanging for a game that does this properly...the closest is COC1 but the slime does not stay on you(even though it states the mc is unsure what the long term effects would be by keeping her on you), it does its female smut scene and then leaves.


Is Elf Jail going to be the third full project alongside the monster girl RPG and the side scroller or is one of the two projects taking a back seat? It seems like a lot of workload or are you just trying to get demos out for all three and then see which one's the most popular? Also on a completely random note, are we ever going to get wormhole / portal limb detachment again? Might be fun to see more of that.


Glad to hear! I've been brainstorming some possibilities for how it should be redesigned, and tbh, am looking forward to getting it underway!


It's in the monster girl game. The concept could definitely fit in Elf Jail though. I assume you mean something like living slime bondage, where the victim can't quite get rid of it (or maybe doesn't want to?)


Yer something along those lines sounds great. Mabe make it difficult to remove and it consistently raises lust or something. There are alot of games that come close but nothing actually nails it on the head. TITS is possibly the best one as you get the slime/goo suit but other than knowing it is on you it does not do much more. If you want some more ideas on it let me know as i went into a bit of detail of this on a discord and i can go and find it.


Right now, the side scroller is taking a back seat. So far, I've mainly just been working on the monster girl RPG, but I'll likely be putting time into getting the new Elf Jail ready, as it's definitely closer to what you guys are looking for in terms of weird kinky BDSM content (like wormhole limb removal.) I'll focus on the monster girl RPG for now though, as most of its systems are complete, and it's designed to (hopefully) not take too long to finish.


Awesome! Yeah, can come up with a slime bondage scenario for elf jail~.


Now that we are talking about different scenarios, what about some chastity belt content? Not sure how that would work mechanically in-game, I have to admit...


I'll likely save chastity belt content for Elf Jail I think. It'll be a better fit there