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In a distant future, a young girl named Mable comes to deep inside Pillar, a multi-story megastructure encompassing the remnants of Earth. Without any recollection of how she got there, and very few allies, she must learn to adapt to the ways of this harsh, unforgiving world and survive, by any means necessary.


Inspirations: Mainly the manga series, BLAME, but also 90's sci-fi anime and games such as Iria, Shadowrun, Appleseed


Rainy Skies is an RPG set in a cyberpunk dystopian world. Similar to Lust Doll, you start the game with very little to your name, and do whatever you can to make something of yourself. The main story follows a girl named Mable, but as you meet and gain allies, you'll be able to branch off into the plotlines of other residents of the world of Rainy Skies.

The game takes place primarily inside the vertical megastructure known as Pillar. It's split into a number of different sectors, based around social class, with the lower levels being home to the dredges of society, and the top levels for the rich and those blessed with an easy life. Much of the game will be about hunting for ways to go up between sectors. There'll be more than one way to do so, but none of them will be easy or straightforward.

While it'll certainly have a balance of lighthearted and comedic moments, the tone of the game will be relatively bleaker. In it, I hope to explore themes of social inequality and unfairness, what happens when unworthy people are given power over those that deserve better, and the living conditions that could force someone to forsake their morals and do bad things.


For Rainy Skies, I've taken Fake Happy End's (an older game I finished a while back,) engine, and re-hauled it, as well as made the UI more snazzy and futuristic. If any of you have played FHE, Rainy Skies will have very similar gameplay elements. As an aside, if you want to give it a go, check it out here! http://store.steampowered.com/app/572640/Fake_Happy_End/ (Note: it's got some lewd elements, but isn't explicitly adult.)

In Rainy Skies, you start the game on foot, but will eventually pick up your own spaceship, which will become your primary means of navigating to different locations around Pillar. It'll be an open world game, with much of the gameplay revolving around taking odd jobs and finding ways to make money. As mentioned, the main objective is to go up between sectors. How you accomplish that will be up to you to figure out.

As you make more money, you'll be able to upgrade your ship to carry more passengers/cargo, as well as go out further distances. During travel, there may be random encounters that may prove beneficial, informative, or potentially deadly. One example scenario: you might come across a downed ship along the way to your destination. You might have the choice of hailing it, attempting to board, destroying it, or leaving it alone. Depending on whether the ship is a trap, a ship with civilian passengers, a ship with pirates, or really just abandoned, your choice will either benefit you, prove hazardous, or have no major effect.

You'll also pick up different allies to take with you on your adventures. Some will have combat use, while others will be useful for other reasons (or maybe not useful at all..?) Pillar is home to a variety of sentient lifeforms and species. You'll meet robots, alien species, exotic animals, energy lifeforms, etc., all with their own quirks, traits and skill sets. Who you bring along with you might determine whether you need to fight your way through an encounter, or if you can negotiate things peacefully, avoid contact with hostiles altogether, or..?

Sexual content:

I'll be drawing mainly and focusing more on dialogue in third person perspective, so that'll hopefully let me do more than what I'm able to in Lust Doll. One major addition will be more male NPC's/content, so that it's a little more balanced between sexes (will likely still be largely female though.)

Content wise, expect all sorts of filthy lewd weirdness. Some ideas I've got planned:

- Combat sex

- Being able to outfit your spaceship with lewd toys.

- BDSM master slave relationships. Build your own harem.

- Trainer/corruption content/humiliation

- Exotic/alien species, monster girls

- All sorts of Femdom, harsh, teasing and/or loving

- Fetish content (pretty much anything that was in Lust Doll is fair game)

- Potentially breeding offspring to join your ranks

This time around, I want to put more emphasis on the idea of social norms and sex/public indecency being taboo. Stuff like having your reputation and social status sullied by being degraded or publicly humiliated. People being driven to desperate states and doing things they wouldn't otherwise even dream of doing. The weight and consequence of your actions taking their tolls.

You'll be able to play as a morally sound puritan, a filthy sex craving maniac. You'll be able to make the choice of always doing the right thing, or being morally corrupt and risking running the ire of others to potential consequences. You can choose to sell your body, or build a pimping ring that does it for you, so on and so forth.

Similar to Lust Doll, you'll be able to set certain niche kinks on/off, preventing the ones you don't want to see from being shown.

I'm also going to be attempting to do partial animations, at least for important/popular scenes. I'm mostly a newbie when it comes to animating, so there'll be a bit of a learning curve involved. If this takes off, maybe I can hunt down a full-time animator down the road?

Another idea I'm going to be implementing: Passive sexual/kink related traits. Depending on what happens, characters can end up with certain traits that may influence things along the way (in both good and bad!) And chances are, once a character is inflicted with one or more of these traits, it won't be an easy task to get rid of them.

So that's the general idea! Thanks for reading, and I hope I have your interest in joining me to make Rainy Skies a reality! I'm going to keep the Patreon on Lust Doll for this month, carrying the poll results over to Rainy Skies, and continuing Lust Doll after that, to close off Island and pave the way for anyone interested in modding it.

Next month, once Lust Doll is completed, I'll make the switch-over and see what I can do about getting a demo out, as well as raising support for the project.


M. Broguy

This sounds very interesting indeed! As sad as I am, that LD comes to an end, rest assured that you have my full support for your new project as well. I remember my sister being a huge fan of the Blame mangas, back then and whilst I didn't read them, I kind of like the setting. And Shadow Run is awesome too, so the overall background of Rainy Skies sounds intruiging enough for me. ;) My main kinks are feet and tickling, so I hope those are included a lot in this project, but I'll give it a go in any case. Another kink I have, that I felt was kind of underrepresented in LD is monster girls (Sammie was my favourite ;D), so I am happy to read that I can expect more of that in RS. ^.^ Also the trait system sounds highly interesting to me. I would love to hear more about that soon. Visually, the game appears to look great, judging by the screenshots. I immediately fell in love with the simplistic map design in LD and I think it is a good idea to use the same tileset for RS. I am not a huge fan of adding more male stuff, but then again LD had pretty much zero male characters and scenes, so it only seems fair to add a few more of those. XD In conclusion I must say, that this is a game I really am looking forward to. LD was without any doubt my favourite erotic game ever, so I really trust in your capability to create a masterpiece with all the experience you gathered from LD. As I said, you can expect my full support on your new project. ;)


While I'm also sad that Lust Doll is ending I'm more excited for Rainy Skyies when its ready I'll be 100% on board. It takes a master to make a masterpiece and you are a master great job.


It looks pretty freaking cool. Though I'm a bit sad to hear LD is coming to an end.


interesting, i will look forward to the demo.


Cyberpunk? sing me the fuck in man! Hope there will be some machine enemies or scenes with mechanical devices like lab chair in LD.


I followed Lust Doll for AGES and loved every part of it, making it my favorite erotic game of all time, even when you took the hiatus from it! I'm sad to see it come to an end, but honestly, i'm more excited for this than i ever was for LD, im really looking forward to it! Keep up the great work Indivi, i'm following you to the end of this too!

william wofford

,Great concept, looking forward to the first installment


One of the main reasons I enjoyed playing Lust Doll was it gave me the opportunity to play something I've never gotten to play in any other game: a male character with feminine characteristics, ie, a trap. Will there be an opportunity to play Mable with male genitalia, either as a trap or a futa? If not, will there be the opportunity to play as a different character, who is either a trap or a futa? Thanks again for the amazing game that is Lust Doll and I'm looking forward to seeing what Rainy Skies has in store for us!


Awesome, glad to hear it :D. yeah, I'm crazy big into Blame's setting. The aesthetics and architecture just does it for me. No worries, there'll be feet and tickling ^^;. I know a lot of you peeps are supporting me for this stuff, so I promise I'll deliver (and everybody else can just keep those kinks deactivated and not have to see any of it.) Oh yeah, definitely more monster girls for sure. Though more likely alien girls than typical fantasy monster girls, but we'll see. I know a lot of people have been pining for more male content, and its easier for me to draw it than write, so lemme give that a shot. Thanks! I'll do my best to make it good :).


Thank you! Hopefully people'll be interested in modding LD and we can get some interesting side-stories


Cyberpunk! :D. Yeah, probably more machines than there was in LD. It was partially due to the setting, but I do get that there weren't that much in the way of machines in LD.


Wow, it's been a journey, huh? Thank you, will do my best to make it happen!


What I'll try to do, is make it so that you don't need to bring Mable everywhere in your party. Instead, you'll be able to form parties using whichever characters you want, including traps and futas. In certain cases, some characters might be required for plot reasons, but for the most part I'm trying to give the player free reign over their party choices. Awesome, I'll do my best!


I was wondering if you would maybe include optional tf content like you have in lust doll. It doesn't have to be a large focus but it is a nice feature for spicing things up in Lust Doll for sure. I like the looks of this new game. I didn't realize you were on another project already. I liked Fake Happy End from Steam though. I want to enjoy this one too because it looks fun.


There'll be tf content, though it's something I need to tread carefully around, since it introduces a lot of variances in things. Thanks for checking out FHE, and yeah, definitely hoping Rainy Skies does it for you all!