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Okay, just sent out r13.0. My brain is too fried right now to handle coding the player domme scenes for pillory stocks, so they'll have to come later this week in a patch. Special thanks to Neosuduno and AbyssalReClass for helping out with the player subbe scenes for pillory stocks.

And with that, Rinny's route is done! *applause*


-Fixed green hair option not being green in UNA, plus 2 yellow eyes options

-Fixed exploration looping when meeting rare merchant

-Fixed bug where starting a new game+ keeps your old respawn point

-Fixed bug where starting a new game+ prevents you from entering sanctum until later

-Added Bondage Horse private dungeon equipment for Fawn and Rinny.

-New Game+ Resets: Machine chair, harpy nest

-Fixed bug where collapsing while with Linda in abandoned lab brings you out with her.

-Fixed priority issue when armless

-Fixed bg bugs in UNA

-Added a fancy clothes shop to UNA

-Fixed bug where fairies treat the player as having balls when they don't.

-Added clothes: Dark Black Bra and Panties to New Ark underground mall

-Added 2 post-route scene for Cassie in the safehouse.

-Changed so that you can't 'suicide' by harmful item use.

-Fixed bug where being in UNA can prevent going to Sanctum

-Adjusted so that you don't back out to main battle menu anymore after casting magic

-Changed electric shock's damage algorithm to be the same as what's used for attacking/teasing.

-Added a randomizer option when making a new character.

-Added a warning before Scythera fight.

-Fixed blue vibe panty colors

-Fixed bug where doing jobs for don resets you to wrong clothing.

-Added a Gallery party event

-Fixed bug where respawning in Succubus Tower keeps old area name

-Implemented better clothes checking method

-Places in New Ark City will now display their building names under locations.

-Made small edits to Fawn's post-route scene

-Fixed bug where loading a game would cause equip parameters to not be displayed.

-Added new weapon: Dildo Gun to somewhere.

-Fixed bug where going to Harpy nest doesn't strip you properly.

-Finished Manor/Rinny's route. Moved desert map I to its proper place.

-Added Pillory Stocks private dungeon equipment. Added 3 guest scenes for it by Neosuduno and 1 by AbyssalReClass, who also helped with the player domme actions.



I have two questions. One, how do you get the gallery event and two Cassie Pillory Stocks scene don't have text on it. Is this a bug?

Erika Lan

I suspect I've found some unexpected behavior. When you complete the manor, you don't get random encounters anymore in the manor. Though, if you go to the basement and come back up, you start getting the encounters again (until you exit the manor). Small question as well. Are we supposed to be able to unlock the door with a chest behind in the manor?


1. Talk to the college professor in Upper New Ark, and 2. Yeah it's missing. I'll get it in within a few days and send out a patch.


Yes, I'll fix that. Thanks for the heads-up. The door with a chest, not yet. It's meant for something further down the line.


Brilliant work, as always! I simply adore this game and look forward to every new addition. It's like getting an expansion to one of my favorites games! The Gallery Event was definitely my favorite from this update. I won't spoil what I love about it, just in case people who haven't gotten it are browsing here. Cassie's new scenes were also super cute and I love the encounter you can get while you and Rinny are wandering the mansion. You know the one I mean. Three quick things: First, in the Gallery Event, there is the option to Thrust on the Guy, but its greyed out and there doesn't seem to be a way to activate it. Second, the Neosuduno scene for Fawn with the Pillory mentions my character having a clit... even though she doesn't. And lastly, can I get a suitably cryptic hint as to where the Dildo Gun is? Thanks for another amazing update and all your hard work on it. Hope it was as much fun making it as it was playing it!


Another thing. if u finished the manor bodypart scene and retry the scene again, there a bug where you will not required to get the body part and continue straight to the master bed room


Awesome, glad to hear it! And thanks for the bug reports, I'll take a look at all that. Dildo gun... tbh there isn't really much i can say that won't make it obvious, but someone on the discord's found it already, so it IS technically find-able.


I'm very new here I don't know how to access the new update. May I have a little help please?


Hey welcome! You technically need to have pledged before the beginning of this month to get the update. But if you want, I can send it to you anyways. Let me know!


Ah ok I did my pledge on the 1st but I think it was supposed to be before then. If it's no trouble may I have the download please so far lust doll is one of my favorites I must know what happens in the manor 😊


Oh ya the computer at the start in the ruined lab is the password something we get in later updates or am I just blind and walked right past it??


The password's in-game already, but it might not be obvious when you get it :P


Hey i changed my email around the time of release, wondering if i could get a download if it's alright