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So uh... here's a thing that'll happen in the next release.

Btw, if you guys are trying to run it on Mac/Linux, or know someone who's attempting it, supposedly Wine (https://www.winehq.org/) or Virtual Box (https://www.virtualbox.org/) might work.



-Fixed green hair option not being green in UNA, plus 2 yellow eyes options

-Fixed exploration looping when meeting rare merchant

-Fixed bug where starting a new game+ keeps your old respawn point

-Fixed bug where starting a new game+ prevents you from entering sanctum until later

-Added Bondage Horse private dungeon equipment for Fawn and Rinny.

-New Game+ Resets: Machine chair

-Fixed bug where collapsing while with Linda in abandoned lab brings you out with her.

-Fixed priority issue when armless

-Fixed bg bugs in UNA

-Added a fancy clothes shop to UNA

-Fixed bug where fairies treat the player as having balls when they don't.

-Added clothes: Dark Black Bra and Panties to New Ark underground mall

-Added 2 post-route scene for Cassie in the safehouse.

-Changed so that you can't 'suicide' by harmful item use.

-Fixed bug where being in UNA can prevent going to Sanctum

-Adjusted so that you don't back out to main battle menu anymore after casting magic

-Changed electric shock's damage algorithm to be the same as what's used for attacking/teasing.

-Added a randomizer option when making a new character.

-Added a warning before Scythera fight.

-Fixed blue vibe panty colors

-Fixed bug where doing jobs for don resets you to wrong clothing.

-Added a Gallery party event

(To add: Rest of Rinny's route, and hopefully pillory stock scenes too, but I might be underestimating how much work that'll take...)




oh shit!! XD I thought that part it was only a bad ending, Now I'm excited to see what will happen XD

M. Broguy

I must say that I like the implications of the scenario shown in the picture! ^.^ Lust Doll being even more at the environment's mercy than usual is a welcome addition. ;) I'm eager to play that update, good Sir! ^-^ This game keeps getting more and more interesting! :D


Looking forward to it. The next week will be an unbearable wait.