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I started a string of paid-in-advance commissions back in March so a friend could pay off some tweaked-out bitch who rammed his car. The commissions didn't stop coming and now I've got a list that never ends. I'm just going to do these at a steady pace. So long as they get done, and done well, it shouldn't be a problem.

This is taking way too long, but I know why. I've cut corners with previous YCHs, leaving out steps in my usual process. Not this time. Complete shading for five characters in a huge canvas. Now I know why I don't do YCHs as often as I should. How does Miles DF pull it off every month? Oh, right, he's a Russian demigod. Anyway, I'm on to the lighting phase and should have it done in due time. Then I'll be able to resume progress on...

Peeping Tom
My goal is a page every two to three days once I pick it up again. Hold me to that!

Here's a question: if I'm working so hard and doing so well, why do I still feel like entitled millennial cancer? Because fuck the media!



Keep up the good work.


Hang in there buddy.