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100% follow-through on payments. That hasn't happened since I first signed up with Patreon. Let me tell ya, whenever a patron jumped ship, it was really discouraging. I know I should be doing this for fun, not just for money, but when someone says  they'll pay to see your work and then jumps ship, it can feel like you don't matter enough to be committed to.

Anyway, this also benefits you guys, because you don't have to wait as long for your rewards. I'll get on those hi-res PNGs and process pics as soon as I can; Peeping Tom isn't done yet, so you'll get those later.

Anyone who has a $15 pledge or more can request their free color commission whenever they want, via message. You only get the one (lest I spend all my time on those every month instead of my own projects) so make it count.


Jawara D. Pittman

Best thing to do. Make sure the payments go through.