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"Fuck me..." she whispered, when her voice finally allowed her to. She had tried to say it many times, but sick, desperate moans were all that came out of her mouth, aside from saliva and even a hint of steam. 

Forged Steel. His gladiatorial body fit the name perfectly. Karma couldn't comprehend how many years of work, how many long, sweaty, musty hours went into crafting such a figure. She fantasized at the idea of this beautiful hunk of muscle and masculinity lifting metal completely undressed. She would pay to see that.

These thoughts were spurred by the thrusting and turning of his finger within her. It alone was almost enough. It was like a cock all its own. A key to her vault. She was already open, sweating and dripping with want, slowly turning into need. The warmth growing within her lower nethers was punctuated by his forceful, rough grappling of her breast. 

Despite all of this pleasure, none of it would force her over the edge. She needed the phallus that knocked against her back with his every breath. She needed it to fill her.

"Please fuck me..." she whispered, even though she knew he wouldn't, not until he wanted to.
