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While we wait for page 11 of Queen of Thieves to be completed, I figured it would be fun to have a little Q&A. Go ahead, Patrons. Ask me anything about my characters, life, how to draw, favorite food, the ethical implications in superhero blockbusters, whatever you like.


Jawara D. Pittman

What species are you most interested drawing?


A lot of my main characters are carry-overs from when I was young and inexperienced, so they're mostly mammals. I want to draw exotic animals with mythological themes more. Egyptian jackals, snakes, dragons, tigers, pretty much any species that you'd see in an ancient mythos.

Jawara D. Pittman

Ah okay, then maybe I can commission you on those then.

Jawara D. Pittman

Another question. What art medium and equipment do you least like to work with?


Watercolor. It's wet, hard to work with, and it creates a mess. I respect actual painters to a large extent, but the ratio of prep and cleanup versus the creative process is something I am not patient enough to put up with.

Jawara D. Pittman

Okay, what is THE MOST amount of characters you had drawn in one picture, commission and personal wise?


When it comes to finished and uploaded pictures, you can find the most characters I ever draw in my orgy YCHs. It's hard to juggle that many colors and compose the lighting to make everyone look good.

Jawara D. Pittman

Indeed, so I'll close off my questioning here.