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Commissioned by MiddaySolace

A little morning nookie before today's expedition.



CT-Dragon88 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-16 23:38:54 I love Yumi so much.... <3 You made a magical mama, Marik, literally and figuratively.
2021-08-11 21:20:00 I love Yumi so much.... <3 You made a magical mama, Marik, literally and figuratively.

I love Yumi so much.... <3 You made a magical mama, Marik, literally and figuratively.


That is a great pic. Love how one pic focus on the red girl pleasing her lover and brings attention to her lover’s sweat and fluids, but on the other version we get to see the magic caressing the red gal’s body and bringing attention to her features. Capital work, man.