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Dio squeezed the bridge of her muzzle as she took in the disappointment relayed to her over the phone. Her husband, Creed, had just dropped the worst possible bomb on her. She kicked up a stray pile of sand that had creeped into the phone booth.

"Dammit, babe, I went through the trouble of getting us tickets to this concert... I mean, it wasn't too much trouble, I know the jerk who runs this beach, but it's the thought that counts."

Creed was many things, but he was not good at apologizing. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I am so- Hold on." His voice grew distant. "Seriously, I did not pay to get my tires rotated! Just change the oil and fix the damn bike!"

"What am I supposed to do?" Dio asked. "I'm not mad, I'm just... let down, you know? What's the point in renting a beach house if we aren't going to wreck it?" She turned her sun-shape brooch over in her hand. "The sun's almost down, and I'm about to change. If you're not there..."

"I'll be there tomorrow, I promise," Creed said. Dio was inclined to believe him. His voice as solid and soothing as his promises. "Day Dio and I can spend all of tomorrow in bed together. In the meantime, I want Night Dio to find someone else to wreck the beach with. Not the beach house, the whole damn beach. Have a blast, for both our sakes."

Dio felt a little calmer. "Can I just say for the thousandth time I'm so glad I married you?"

"Well, someone had to," Creed joked. "Love ya, mama."

"Love you too, hot stuff."

Dio hung up the phone. She took a deep breath before stepping out of the booth. The soft rock music of Lovely Rose played in the distance, the soothing fuzz guitar rising and falling like the shimmering dunes of sand, and the gentle waves of the ocean against a long, tropical beach.

She followed the music, and as the soothing bass filled her ears, she felt a little less melancholy. She took comfort in knowing she’d see her beautiful bull soon. But she fully intended on going to bed with someone tonight, so that became her new focus. She silently thanked Creed for permission, and was thankful that the free-spirited youth of the city was bountiful and willing. This was open season.

“Honey, you’ve got this in the bag,” Dio told herself. She adjusted the cups and strings of her white bikini, and patted her breasts for good luck.

She whistled at the sight of the surfer lizards and the summer flings they had attached. A few of them were already being dragged away for some illicit mouthplay behind the board vendor. Dio caught a glimpse of the girls’ bikinis; underboob was apparently in season, and the way the fabric clung to their bodies, they seemed to have been enjoying the water a lot more than most.

As tempting as it was to crash their party, she was looking for something more intimate, which became harder to find as the crowds grew thicker and the music grew louder. As she drew close to the stage, she became surrounded by frisky couples playing with each other, kissing and laughing. From a distance, it was a regular crowd bouncing along to the music, but up close, the song was driving everyone to ecstasy.

The light of the sunset bathed everyone in a red-orange glow, making the concert seem more at place in a strip club than a wide beach. Everyone looked to be having the time of their lives; burly and curvy beauties dancing with lovers and strangers alike. They nuzzled and kissed as they swayed to the music. Even the lion bouncers near the stage had long lost their professional composure and joined in the dancing, even if it was just bobbing to the beat and shifting their weight from side to side.

Dio couldn't help but smile at the display. The youth of this city were a rowdy bunch, as usual, but even she considered a few social boundaries were being pushed, especially once she saw a bra or two fly into the air as raucous laughter and cheering burst out somewhere in the crowd. Still, all she managed was a shrug and chuckle before joining in the crowd, starting to weave through the numerous half-nude mammals, reptiles and avians as she made her way to the stage.

As the guitar sounded out and the vocals grew more intense, a pegasus mare scurried to the front of the pack. Nimble as the bouncers were, she weaved and swerved through their attempts to grab her and jumped up on the stage, spinning around with her wings spread wide as she touched down. The band didn’t have any complaints.

A wide grin sat on the pegasus’ face as her blonde mane splayed out. She danced to the music without a care in the world. Her brown coat shimmered with dots of sweat, breasts barely contained by her floral-patterned halter top. Swaying with her as she twirled and bounced to the beat was a purple silk skirt, translucent enough to reveal her thin purple bikini bottom.

Dio realized that the mare was wearing a swimsuit of her own creation. She smiled broadly at such boldness, and found herself blushing at the mare’s control over her body. She twisted and bent like water, arms gripping her body and flying through the air with effortless transitions. Before today, Dio thought it impossible to do anything other than mosh to high-octane electric guitar, but somehow, this stranger found a way. She caught her attention with a loud whistle, and for a moment saw interest in her eyes as she looked her way.

The crowd cheered the pegasus on as she dodged the grabbing hands of the security guards. She laughed with each hop, wings flapping to help her up. "Awww, boys! If you wanted a date, you just had to ask!”

One of the lions apparently considered it. He reached out again for her arm, only to snag the back of her halter. With a pull and a twirl, her bra flew off, soaring into the crowd. The mare's eyes widened slightly and her brow rose. The band didn't lose a step. In fact, only the bassist seemed to notice, laughing at the wardrobe malfunction.

With a single look over herself and a shrug, the pegasus went right back to dancing, her naked torso bared for all to see. Her larger-than-life antics matched her bust quite nicely. The guards gave up their chase as the singer motioned them away. Clearly he didn’t see the point in spoiling anyone’s good time.

The entire point of breaking conduct went with them. The pegasus did one last flourishing spin, bowed, and jumped off the stage, fluttering down to land adjacent to Dio. The stunned ram felt her heart flutter as those silky smooth hooves touched down on the sand.

During the whole dance, Dio had failed to notice that the pegasus' silky bikini top had actually landed on one of her horns. She turned towards her as she approached, and saw it swing in front of her eye. She gasped in surprise. "Oh!"

"Nice fashion statement, hun, but you’re supposed to wear them over your money makers." The mare turned to her, smiling as she folded her arms under her breasts and pushed them up. "Mind if I have it back?”

Dio lifted the cup from her eye. “Are you sure? Because I honestly approve of your unbridled enthusiasm. To contain it would be a crime.”

"A lot of people say that about me, sweetheart, but you know how prudish law enforcement is..." She sighed and shrugged, holding out a hand. "I'd love to show off this body of mine more, but preferably not from inside a cell."

Dio propped up a finger. "I'd like your name first, sweetheart."

The pegasus giggled at that. "My name for my bra... fair trade." She stepped up a little closer and leaned in towards Dio's face, smiling with a pair of half-lidded eyes gazing into Dio's. With a deft swipe of her hand, the bra flicked off her horn and was wrapped around the back of her neck, pulling her in close as the mare pressed up against her body. "River Clear." She ended that with a light smooch on the lips before slipping away, hand on her hip as she twirled her bra around her hand by the string.

Dio touched her finger to her lips, a coy smile on her face. "River Clear..." She stroked her long, curly hair, taking a heap of it in her hands and tying it up in an unkempt, nubile bun.

River turned around, putting her top back on and tying the string into a loose knot. Her blonde mane was like her namesake and her dancing, like flowing water in the form of hair. "Feel free to come with me, sweetie... I love the chase."

As Dio vowed to make the horse hers for the evening, the sun struck the horizon, and in that instant, her eyes shimmered and her brooch changed from a sun insignia to one of the moon. She followed after River as she walked towards the beach bar.

River leaned over the counter and hailed the bartender. Dio leaned over River to whisper into her ear. "What's your poison? I'll buy whatever will make you talk dirty."

River raised her brow at that, peeking at Dio. She hummed, reaching over and brushing a hand across Dio's cheek. She sat down on the stool beside her, giggling a little. "Well, I tend to go light on the alcohol, sweetheart... whatever's smooth, thick, and crawls down the throat." She flashed a little wink. "Got a favorite?"

"Yes, but it usually comes from a man's tap. I say a frosted margarita is a close second."

"Then I'll take a frosted margarita, as long as you're here to share it with me." River smiled at her new friend, turning and leaning back against the counter with a sigh. Her wings stretched out before folding back up against her, her eyes turned to the sky. "The beach is lovely at sunset, isn't it?"

Dio nodded. "They said that the view would wear itself out when I bought my summer home... It still hasn't. I remember when Creed and I first... Hold on. Hey, tall, dark and handsome!" she called out to the shirtless panther bartender. "Large strawberry margarita, two straws." She turned back to River. "Anyway, Creed and I spend the summer here. We watch the sunset for hours... well, we take turns watching it."

"Take turns, hm?" River smirked lightly. "Is that because someone keeps ending up below the window?" She raised her eyebrow inquisitively.

"That, or they're busy making the other happy with their mouth." Dio licked her lips, flashing a grin.

"Well, that kind of experience does make the sunset a little more... intense." River laid a hand in her lap, the other propped up her head as she leaned. She trailed a finger up her thigh lightly, half-lidding her eyes. "It's about the same for me and Sunny, but with the sunrise, and... well, Sunny watches it a little longer than me." She closed her eyes. "I've had so many drinks, and his is still the most intoxicating."

The bartender set the margarita down between them. "There you are."

"Thank you, darling," Dio said with a pantomimed kiss. Her eyes then fell upon River's wedding ring. It was merely an observation, as it didn't deter her in the slightest. She raised her hand and flashed her wedding rings. "Creed is as gentle as he is a monster in bed, and I was so looking forward to him coming by for the summer..."

River pouted lightly, leaning over to the drink and taking a sip from it. "Can't spend the summer with your love, hm? That's too bad..." Her frown soon curved into a smile. "I suppose you'll be wanting to share it with someone, won't you?"

Dio blushed, but maintained her composure. Inside, she was screaming with delight. Her fingers stroked River's ring as she brushed up her arm to grab her shoulder. "Your husband wouldn't gripe?"

River put her hand over Dio's, rubbing her finger with her thumb. "You think this is the first time I've walked the road less traveled? Sunny comes home all the time with new bedfellows." She leaned in towards Dio. "And I bring home lots of new people, too... they're always lots of fun."

"You like fun, huh?" Dio cooed, her other hand trailing down River's chest.

“I live for it, babe. You?" She looked down towards Dio's travelling hand, her wings flitting as her body tingled with excitement. She had a soft, smooth coat, like silk to the touch, felt as Dio's finger traced down her breast.

"Half of me is dedicated to pleasure through artistry and creation. The other half lives for only one thing." Dio tapped her lips to River's cheek. "Fucking."

River sighed. She shook her head before leaning in and giving Dio a full-on kiss on the lips. Her tongue forced its way past Dio’s defenses and violated her mouth, and left just before she was able to enjoy it. "That's it, you're mine. Let's empty this glass, then you can take me to this summer house of yours." She moved her spit-soaked lips over to the margarita between them, and licked the straw slowly. "I'm gonna blow your mind."



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