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In December I temporarily halted Patreon commissions because they were taking too much of my time and I wanted to figure out a new system. And now I have.

Let's break down what will be changing. Please read these changes thoroughly 

  • I am simplifying my tiers down to four kinds: Commoner ($1), Spectator ($3), Performer ($5), and Mistress ($20).
  • Process Pics are no longer an available reward. They take too long to put together and aren't really worth it, nor do I know anyone who has a use for them.
  • Karma Has Spoken and the $10 tier are discontinued. I will be finishing whatever entries remain and uploading them, and then that'll be it. Even though I find Karma Has Spoken fun to work on, it takes too long to make and if I'm going to spend time fleshing out my characters, I'd rather be working on Death's Metal.
  • Patreon Commissions have been moved to the $20 Tier. I've also put a 20 patron cap on this slot so I do not get overwhelmed. The first time bonus has also been removed; I'd rather save that for a promotion or sale.

    To explain the price hike: Currently I am selling color commissions for $100. If you pledge to the $20 tier, you save $20 for each commission you redeem.

    By extension, the $15 tier is discontinued.

    You can still redeem any $15 tier Patreon Commissions I owe you, if you wish.

The purpose of these changes is to simplify things for me and give me more time to work on big projects and commissions while still making a decent profit. Hopefully this pans out. I apologize for any inconvenience this might cause for your current patronage, and humbly ask for your understanding. Please message me if you have any questions.



It’s perfectly fine, dude. It’s been an honor contributing to the Ask Karma bit, but all good things come to an end. I look forward to what future projects from you may look like!