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I am extremely sorry about this. Here are my reasons why I'm freezing this system for a while:

  • I let commissions pile up and I got overwhelmed. I need to completely clear this list so I can focus on comics and regular commissions.
  • I'm displeased with it taking me so long to get to people who pledged months ago, to the point where by the time I finish their commission, they have another one ready to go. It's starting to become a chore.
  • I'm actually not making any more money now than I did when I didn't have this Patreon commission system in place. This is because time I could spend on paid commissions is spent working on a bunch of Patreon commissions. That's a problem.

I'm going to consider what I should do going forward. I'm thinking that I should shift Patreon commissions to the $20 tier so I don't get overloaded while still making a decent profit from Patreon

If you wish to abandon your patronage because of this, I totally understand. If you have months of patronage built up towards a Patreon commission and haven't redeemed it yet, I'll find a way to compensate you. I'm open to ideas on how to go about that.



I was really looking forward to getting a Patreon commission done. I'll still be supporting you though. Would lower my pledge, but Patreon straight up will not let me.

Darkmune Silver

I for one love your art, Marik. So I am willing to wait for you to take the time you need to catch up. So no worries and do what you need to do.

Robbie Ierubino

So, you are going to take a break for four months? If not, how long?

D Smith

You need to take care of yourself first, else nothing else gets done anyway. And Patreon needs to be a money-maker for you, otherwise it loses a lot of its value to you. I'm not in a "commissioner" tier, but I fully support whatever it takes to make your Patreon support you rather than the other way around.


You'll still have my patronage either way. I hope you can keep making good work and that you'll be able to find a way around this in the future. So, get some rest and have a good rest of the day!


Take some time to relax and enjoy working on your art. We’re still going to support you no matter what, my guy.