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The moons were full tonight, brighter than they had been in months. It was a sign from the spirits; good fortune was coming, and as with every sign of good to come before, an offering had to be made to acknowledge and appease the spirits, lest fortune escape the gypsies. The chief rose his hand, calling for Ra'Sha, and the women answered.

They dove into their wagons, and reappeared minutes later adorned in fine silk, jewelry and medals. All were beautiful in their own right, but none caught as much attention as the pale traveler with the mysterious blue strands of hair. She had only been a part of the band for a few months, but already she was catching many eyes, and tonight, in a silken dress made for her by the Band Mother, she shimmered. Her hips swayed with a sensual rhythm that was impossible to ignore. She'd learned how to dance exceptionally quick despite her youth, and though it seemed like she was having fun, the sheer effort of motions and the expressions that crossed her face seemed to project a hint of sadness.

But that didn't matter, for she truly was happy. As the dance continued, the chief, a youthful canius, rose his hand once more, compelling the dancers to stop. He rose from his seat and approached Adela, his hands clenching her hips. He gently lapped the sweat off her neck. Adela trembled in his arms as he slowly slid her top off, exposing her breasts.

The crowd remained silent as they watched the chief lay the young woman down, all the while removing every garment she wore, until both were on the ground, their skin bare and staring into one another's eyes. The chief smiled and rubbed his throbbing shaft against Adela's moistened nethers, prompting a wanting moan from the woman. He readjusted himself and prepared to enter her. Oh yes, good fortune had indeed found them.

-Flanagan, creator of Tessera

A canius is a dog-person, by the way. 



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