If you encounter anyone named 'Xaezuely' block and report them immediately. (Patreon)
They're a Latin-American individual with limited English-speaking ability. They take advantage of peoples' kindness, stealing their art, ideas, characters, and money.
They presented art to me claiming it to be theirs when in actuality it belonged to a talented artist named Xaenyth. Further, they solicited donations from me and my followers, claiming they would use the money to leave Venezuela and move to America. As it turns out, they've done this before, claiming to be from Argentina and other Latin-American countries, taking donations and running off with it.
After dropping Xaezuely from my life they have continued to pursue and harass me, calling me a racist (for not letting them get away with fraud and thievery? Okay) and using alternative accounts and pseudonyms to worm their way back into my life.
Xaezuely is a rotten thief and doesn't deserve the time of day. Do not engage with them, just block and report them.