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As you can see on the poll, people seem pretty split down the middle when it comes to whether I should or should not reduce my $5 tier to $3, with 'should not' having a small edge. One's reason for voting 'should' likely varies, but the general consensus I get from written responses is that many people think the price is fair, but believe a price drop would bring in more patrons.

I received suggestions about reevaluating all of my prices, not just the $5 tier. That one is my most important, so it was the only one I was concerned about. However, considering the virus-induced economy, the dropoff I've had in Karma Has Spoken questions, and my fan/patron ratio, maybe that would be for the best.

So, I'm seriously considering at least a trial run of reduced tier costs. I will make my decision known on 4/20. Marijuana joke.


Once Bitten Twice Shy

Like I said in the comments of the poll itself, adding a $3 and making Karma Has Spoken a $5 bonus would only be a good thing for everybody, including yourself. Especially since you’ve mentioned KHS questions have slowed down - a lower price for entry would help give you more decent prompts to work from.

Once Bitten Twice Shy

I also suggest making the commissions more than one-time deals since that makes it so that people pay you $15 one month and then cancel for the next for a cheaper work than paying outright. Making it a bi-yearly or seasonal/every-3-months thing or something would probably encourage people to stay on the $15 tier for as long as they can afford it.