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2019 was quite the upswing for me. My art continues to improve and my profits grow. I love that I'm getting paid to pursue my passion, and it warms my heart to know that so many people out there have enough confidence in me to invest in my future. With every completed work of art, I come closer to living my dream.

I can't do much more for you all than stay the course, but I do have two big additions to my current setup in 2020:

  • I'm going to expand the $5 pledge bonuses to include WIPs. Not just of my comics, but my main work as well. It will be rough and unpolished, but I'm sure many of you would like to get an early look at what I'm working on.
  • MERCHANDISING! I've been putting it off for a while because I sincerely did not know how to sell merch that would be worth owning and using on the regular, but I finally have concepts for designs based on my roster of characters. Look forward to that fairly soon.

Finally, some things of note: 

  • January will mostly be spent working on comics and planning out what to do in the coming months.
  • I'll be moving out of my current living space soon, so that may cause some turbulence along the way. Any monetary support thrown my way through Patreon would be greatly appreciated and rewarded.


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