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The waves of pleasure began to subside as Kay's vision finally came unblurred. He found that his legs had buckled from his sudden orgasm, and he had fallen into the embrace of two gorgeous lizards. 

Though they had shed their leather and colors and stripped down to bare scales, one could tell on sight that they were fierce bikers; one wore a fierce faux-half and had a toned, glistening, muscular body, and her hard-as-rock legs supported Kay's torso. The other lizard was bulky and broad, her lipstick-painted lips forming a mother's warm smile. Her gigantic breasts hung close to Kay's muzzle. He noticed a single bead of sweat drip from her nipple. She dipped her hand into a bowl of fruit, plucking a single strawberry and offering it to Kay.

Kay ate, and the large lizard kept the berries coming. He felt his libido returning to him with every bite, and this didn't go unnoticed by a svelte fox with a long, braided ebony mane. She kneeled before Kay, his quickly reswelling erection meeting her lips. After a long breath, she consumed his cock, and all of the fresh semen that coated it.

Melting into the embrace of these confident, captivatingly gorgeous women, Kay's hand fell into the warmth of a feathered breast. A chubby avian lady rested aside the lizards. She flashed a smile at Kay, which he took as a go-ahead to squeeze her breast tightly. She let out a soft, sweet moan to his every squeeze. She was clearly appetized by his touch, and wanted more than Kay could give at the moment, so she beckoned to a bystanding male, a wolf. On command, he began stripping out of slacks, unsheathing his cock. No question where it would be within the minute.

Nearby the newcomer was the unbridled street nymph responsible for enabling all of this depravity. Ki Ko. It would be of little shock of anyone to walk in on the orgy now that she was between three men. Two more lizards stood to either side, one fully erect, the other fresh off an orgasm judging by what he had left dripping down Ki Ko's chest. The third, a penguin boy, sat beneath Ki Ko, his cock well-inside her.

Ki Ko herself was as happy as she could be. She rocked her body back and forth, then paused, switching to a slow, sensual gyration that made the penguin grit his teeth.  "Estás disfrutando tu primera vez dentro de mí?" she asked the boy in Batovian. He could not answer, so she turned her attention elsewhere; she unleashed her tongue, coiling it around the erect man beside her.

Kay could only watch for so long before the tongue and mouth of the raven-haired beauty beneath him grabbed his attention again. He wondered how long he would last; it was only a matter of time before he blacked out again. As if reading his mind, or perhaps simply noticing his expression, the large lizard offered him more fruit.

She stroked Kay's mane and whispered to him, "You can suckle on my breasts if you wish, sweetie."

Kay was surprised Ki Ko had wrapped him up in this orgy, but he couldn't be happier she had the unshackled charisma to make it so. Her gang was a wild ride, and he never wanted to get off.
