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On Sunday I came down with an illness, not really sure what it was. It left me barely able to put a sketch together (a page of Death's Metal; took me 2.5 days, normally takes about an hour). I was unable to do much of anything.

I'm better now but the medicine I took today to clear my head has left me loopy, so that's another day dragged to a snail's pace.

I plan on going back to regular images, possibly a few commissions, for April. For that month, I'll be introducing some new male characters. They won't have a role in Death's Metal, I just want some more dudes to share around my cast, possibly reach out to a new audience.

No stream Friday, I'm having dinner with my mom.


Kombatant Champion

Fuck, man. I’m sorry you got sick. Feel better.

William Gafford

Dude, no offense but you NEED to see a doctor. I know medicine is expensive but anything that hits you that hard is too serious to just "work through".