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July was an incredible month for me, which meant a burnout was inevitable. Well, this is it. Can barely pick up my pen without getting a cramp and a headache. The stress is hurtin' my social life too. But, this is the job I signed on for, so I do what I can.

In any case, once these next two pieces go live, that's when I'm gonna stop for a while. Just a week oughta do it, so don't you go anywhere.

But, the good news is that those pieces will introduce a new character! I've teased this one to a small crowd of my fans before, and now she's gonna be unveiled to the world. Yay? Yee.

I just hope I can introduce her on Wednesday, my dudes...

Also, upon my return, I'll start posting previews of my comic projects so the long gaps between pages don't feel as agonizing.



hope u get a great rest