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Took me a while to get over the $500 per month hump but after payments processed, a few were declined or backed out, and now I'm back to below $450. I'm very blessed to have what I do have, and I had a feeling this would happen periodically, but this still feels like a bit of a blow.

I'll have to do something to make up for this loss.



Patreon's processing has been weird this month. My bank initially declined the charges because Patreon decided to split the fees into two different transactions. Chin up, maybe it happened to some others too?


I hope so. I think something like this happened before, and my 'per month' fluctuated a bit at the end of July.


Can confirm Patreon is being weird. My card expires this month, yet Patreon is the only who who has taken issue with it so far.


Seems fine on my end. I hope everything squares up!


Apparently Patreon decided to update their payment processing systems this month. Also, they decided to do it again on the eve of payment processing, hence the declined charges. It seems my pledge went through though.


Yeah, it’s patreon. Mass complaints of declines everywhere.


Everyone I pledge to is pretty much NSFW, I only use PayPal to pay and, all my pledges went through. Seems they may have been bullshitting about the "no PayPal for NSFW" crap and, ended up screwing everyone over that switched to their cards since, Patreon moved to the UK...