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Ki Ko used to be a hunter when she ran with her biker gang. I feel this image sums up Death's Metal pretty well, whenever it is that I get to it. Hopefully soon!

Wow. I made it. I did 31 pieces. I might have had to make up for a missed day or two, maybe a fair few pieces were uploaded after their date, but you know what? It's the principle! I did 31 pieces across 31 days, and I am ecstatic. Happy Halloween, my children!



Jawara D. Pittman

Congrats to you, I'll see ya back in December.


Swords and guns. A lady after my own heart. And yeah, you really killed it this month with everything!

Kombatant Champion

*applauds* You’ve done well with all of them.


Great job m8! You did it! Also this piece is great, i presume her beauty is part of said arsenal, right?