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I feel like I'm doing myself and my non-Patron fans a disservice by denying them Peeping Tom for so long, especially since it's taking longer than I thought it would. 

I think I would gain more long-term viewership and have a load lifted off my shoulders if I released it to the public from now on. This art community is about having fun and expressing one's self but it's also a numbers game, and I don't really have the numbers to warrant hiding it behind a paywall.

What do you guys think?


Jawara D. Pittman

It may not see much in numbers. But for us patrons. I say release it the next month after. As in, release it in July. It's not a paywall, because you're letting the public see it anyway.


Good call. I'll let the Kadath art trade breathe for a bit (it's getting a lot of buzz on Tumblr), work on another page or two, then release it to the public come July.


You could always publish a page a week, and do early releases for pages here...


I think something like this would be the ideal. The public gets to see the pages, but there is an incentive to support you here as well.