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Hello everyone!

It is finally October! The weather has thankfully begun to cool where I live, although it seems everyone is falling ill to the seasonal changes! While my country does not celebrate Halloween very much, I have begun to follow my friends from USA and decorate! ^_^

Happy 1 Year Patreon anniversary!

I have made a stunning realization this month: this past July was our one year anniversary working together on Patreon! Wee!! August 8th of last year was also the first time The Northwood Lair (version 1.01) was made available, it has grown so much since then with only 1 H scene! Thank goodness! 

Since we have not yet done anything to celebrate, I am going to dedicate this month to 2 very large updates to celebrate together! After all, you are the reason this project has become so grand! What better to celebrate our journey than to have a burst of new content!

Happy anniversary to The Northwood Lair!

One year on and 24+ new releases later, The Northwood Lair has bloomed! What began as a proof of concept experiment between myself and my friend that is my USA translator (the one writing this, hello all!), it has gained over 15 H scenes, 5 new stages, 50 H animations, 200+ pieces of computer code, 2 (almost 3) game modes, added 8 new characters, and much more to come! I am always very excited when I am able to release the newest version and smile when I see your happy feedback! It is also very heartwarming when I check my inbox to discover I have received a thank you message or other encouragement and kindness! It truly makes me work even harder to bring you more of what you enjoy~! Thank you all so much!!

Let's now continue on to the update!

The Northwood Lair ver. 1.14 update 1 of 2 is live!

Welcome to the newest update for The Northwood Lair! For this particular update, I have decided to work very hard on fixing up any remaining bugs in the many intertwined strings of computer code, adjusting the user interface, breaking ground to start preparing to launch Story Mode, and adding audio to scenes that were waiting for audio implementation. There is also 1 new H scene and 1 new H animation with Skull Lord and Miku! A special thank you to everyone who reported bugs, and an extra special thank you to Yamakurada and my dear friend Total Mikutard!

The Northwood Lair update 2 release date: October 26th!

Update 2 for The Northwood Lair will be here very soon with lots of new H animations! Whereas Update 1 is mostly a inner-workings update, this update will bring lots of new H scenes! Luka and Miku have an amazing H animation coming soon to Luka's Bondage Lounge, where Luka will force Miku to pleasure her with her mouth! But that's not all coming to the Bondage Lounge: Luka will suspend Miku upside down with her legs spread far apart, her head at just the right height for a Henchman to thrust his manhood down the upside down throat of Miku! The Spitroast animation from the Prison Cell is being upgraded to the new Miku model, complete with all rope bindings and Miku's skilled vacuum fellatio mouth!  Apart from the already planned H scenes, please feel free to request an H animation below! Don't forget: Town Square is wide open for many new suggestions! There is also 2 new areas in production: Back alley and Courtyard! I hope to have both of these new areas available by the time next update is here, I promise to keep my main focus on many new H animations!

Harlow Thorne has come home to The Northwood Lair!

Your player character and master of all in the Northwood Lair, Harlow Thorne, has returned to the Lair! Now that you have arrived, you will see your character converse with your Henchmen and monsters, as well as with Miku and other characters in town using the dialogue system! Harlow will send Miku away when you summon your Henchmen to play with her in a particular stage and will soon have a stage of your very own!

The mysterious succubus, receives an upgrade soon!

Fiore, the mysterious succubus who has granted you your power and resides in your lair, will soon receive an upgrade! This upgrade will improve her hair, body design, wings, and tail. A very special thank you to Mrjinsenpai, Onigirikingu, and J&J for blessing me with this amazing character! ^_^

Skull Lord now ravishes Miku on the floor in Prison Cell!

The ever powerful Skull Lord bends Miku to his will once more in Prison Cell! For this new H scene, Miku is forced to the floor and pinned under his powerful hand, pressing her vulnerable rear into the air! Watch as Skull Lord stretches her pulsing loins beyond their normal limits with each powerful thrust, see her belly bulge and retract to fit his monstrous girth! Skull Lord's insatiable appetite for Miku will throw her over the edge in endless quivering climax!

Here are the release notes for The Northwood Lair Ver. 1.14a Update 1:

- Fixed all User Interface elements to fit inside 1280x720 minimum resolution in Throne Room, Prison Cell, Luka's Bondage Lounge, Arcanium, and Tavern

- Fixed Overworld code string to prevent other UI elements from vanishing

- Fixed Throne Room UI elements overlapping one another in text

- Fixed World Map link from Throne Room overriding Summon Henchman choices

- Fixed Rin UI elements in Tavern

- Fixed Neru UI elements in Tavern

- Fixed Bedroom code in Tavern to prevent erroneous character loading

- Fixed Bedroom code in Tavern to prevent erroneous character UI from replacing the current character's UI

- Fixed Sleep button in Bedroom code for Tavern to prevent repeat button presses, causing audio to trigger many times

- Fixed Luka's Bondage Lounge UI elements to prevent components from vanishing

- Fixed Gag button for Miku in Forced Irrumatio for Luka's Bondage Lounge to no longer play an animation more than once if the animation stage is already playing

- Fixed audio becoming much louder on exit in Luka's Bondage Lounge

- Added comical R18 content warning screen after Stratovarius logo to ward off young viewers who may find the project and attempt to run it (skip at any time by clicking anywhere on screen)

- Added new Play menu to Title Screen

- Added new camera transition to new Play menu at Title Screen

- Added Story Mode to new Play menu (inactive)

- Added Freemode to Play menu (choose this option to play the game as usual)

- Aded new character: Armored Henchman

- Added 7 new non-H animations

- Added bound idle for Miku in Throne Room

- Added dialogue idle for Harlow Thorne in Throne Room

- Added idle animation for Armored Henchman 1 in Throne Room

- Added salute animation for Armored Henchman 1 in Throne Room

- Added idle animation for Armored Henchman 2 in Throne Room

- Added dialogue nod animation for Armored Henchman 2 in Throne Room

- Added 1 dialogue conversation in Throne Room

- Added 1 new H animation (1 additional animation added but is broken and disabled)

- Added 1 new H scene in Prison Cell for Skull Lord x Miku

- Added audio to Miku in Tentacle Monster x Miku H scene in Arcanium

A few lingering bugs for this update:

- Pressing Back button on main menu Quit button still closes application

- Skull Lord has strange animation telemetry for his manhood (it also caused the other portion of this new animation to become disabled for incorrectly exiting Miku's body)

Thank you very much for your support! This will be an exciting month! ^_^


いよいよ10月です!誰もが季節の変化に病気に落ちているようだが、天気はありがたいことに、私が住んでいる場所を冷却するために始めています!私の国は非常にハロウィーンを祝うわけではありませんが、私は米国からの私の友人に従うと飾るために始めています! ^ _ ^
私は今月見事実現してきた:この過去の7月にはPatreonに協力し、当社の1年記念日でした!ウィー!!昨年の8月8日にも初めてだったノースウッドの巣窟(バージョン1.01)は、それが唯一の1 Hシーンでそれ以来あまり成長している、利用できるようになりました!よかった!

新しいリリースにと24+一年後、ノースウッド隠れ家が咲いています!何が私のアメリカの翻訳者である私と私の友人の間でコンセプト実験の証明として始まった(これを書い1、こんにちはすべて!)、それが15以上のHシーン、5つの新しいステージ、50 Hアニメーション、コンピュータの200+ピースを得ていますコード、2(ほぼ3)ゲームモードは、8新キャラクターを追加した、と来てはるかに!私は、最新バージョンをリリースし、私はあなたの幸せなフィードバックを見たときに笑顔することができるようになりましたときに、私はいつも非常に興奮しています!私は私がお礼のメッセージまたは他の励ましと優しさを受けている発見するために私の受信トレイを確認するときにも非常に心温まるです!それは本当に私はあなたが〜を楽しむものの多くをもたらすことさえ難しい仕事になります!そんなにありがとうございました!!

ノースウッド隠れ家版1.14アップデート1 2のライブです!
ノースウッドの隠れ家のための最新の更新へようこそ!この特定の更新のために、私はストーリーモードを起動する準備を開始するために地面を壊し、そして待っていたシーンにオーディオを追加して、ユーザー・インターフェースを調整し、コンピュータコードの多くの絡み合った文字列に残っているバグを修正に非常に懸命に働くことにしましたオーディオ実装のため。 1新しいHシーンやスカル主とミクと1新しいHアニメーションもあります!特別なバグを報告したすべての人にあなたに感謝し、余分な特別はYamakuradaと私の親愛なる友人の合計Mikutardにありがとうございました!



フィオーレ、あなたの力を付与し、あなたの隠れ家に常駐している神秘的なサキュバスは、すぐにアップグレードを受け取ることになります!このアップグレードは、彼女の髪、ボディデザイン、翼、尾が向上します。非常に特別なこの驚くべき文字で私を祝福するためにMrjinsenpai、Onigirikingu、およびJ&Jにありがとうございました! ^ _ ^

ここではノースウッド隠れ家版のリリースノートです。 1.14aのアップデート1:
- 玉座の間、刑務所の独房、ルカのボンデージラウンジ、Arcanium、そして居酒屋で1280×720以上の解像度の内部に収まるように、すべてのユーザーインターフェイス要素を修正しました
- 消失から他のUI要素を防ぐために固定された上流社会の符号列
- 固定玉座のUI要素がテキストで互いに重複します
- 召喚ヘンチマンの選択肢をオーバーライド玉座の間から固定世界地図のリンク
- 居酒屋で修正された凛のUI

- 居酒屋で固定ねるUI要素
- 誤った文字の読み込みを防止するために、居酒屋で修正されたベッドルームコード
- 現在の文字のUIを置き換えるから誤った文字のUIを防止するために、居酒屋で修正されたベッドルームコード
- 居酒屋を何度もトリガするために、オーディオ引き起こし、リピートボタンを押すのを防止するためのベッドルームコードで修正されたスリープボタン
- 消失からコンポーネントを防止するために、ルカのボンデージラウンジのUI要素を修正しました
- アニメーションステージが既に再生されている場合はルカのボンデージラウンジがもはや複数回アニメーションを再生するための強制イラマチオでミク用固定ギャグボタン
- 固定音声はルカのボンデージラウンジで、終了時にずっと大きくなってきて
- プロジェクトを見つけ、それを実行しようとする場合があり、若い視聴者を追い払うためにStratovariusのロゴの後に追加されたコミカルなR18のコンテンツの警告画面(画面上の任意の場所をクリックすると、いつでもスキップ)
- タイトル画面に追加された新しいプレイメニュー
- タイトル画面での新たなプレイメニューに追加された新しいカメラ遷移
- 新しいプレイメニューに追加ストーリーモード(非アクティブ)
- メニューを再生するために追加自由モード(いつものようにゲームをプレイするには、このオプションを選択します)
- Aded新しい文字:アーマード・ヘンチマン
- 7新しい非Hアニメーションを追加しました
- 玉座の間でミクを追加しましたバインドされたアイドル
- 玉座の間でハーロウ・ソーンのための追加された対話のアイドル
- 玉座の間に装甲ヘンチマン1のアイドルアニメーションを追加しました
- 玉座の間で装甲ヘンチマン1を追加しました敬礼アニメーション
- 玉座の間に装甲ヘンチマン2のアイドルアニメーションを追加しました
- 玉座の間でアーマード・ヘンチマン2のための追加された対話うなずくアニメーション
- 玉座の間に1対話の会話を追加しました
- 1新しいHアニメーション(1追加のアニメーションが追加されたが、壊れたと無効になっています)を追加しました
- スカル主のために刑務所の独房で1新しいHシーンを追加しましたミクをxは
- 触手モンスターにミクにオーディオを追加しましたArcaniumにミクHシーンをxは

ご支援ありがとうございました!これはエキサイティングな月になります! ^ _ ^

모두 안녕하세요!

드디어 10 월에! 내가 살고있는 곳은 모두가 계절 변화에 병이 떨어지는 것 같다 비록 날씨는 다행히도, 냉각하기 시작했다! 우리 나라 할로윈 아주 많이 축하하지 않는 동안, 나는 미국에서 내 친구를 따라 장식하기 시작했다! ^ _ ^
행복한 1 년 Patreon 주년!
나는 멋진 실현 이달 만든이 지난 7 월 Patreon 함께하는 우리의 일년 기념일이었다! 쉬!! 지난 해 8 월 8 일에만 1 H 장면과 그 이후 너무 많이 성장했다, 또한 노스우드 레어 (버전 1.01)를 이용할 수있게했다 처음이었다! 고맙게도!
우리가 아직 축하하기 위해 아무 짓도하지 않았으므로, 나는 함께 축하하기 위해이 매우 큰 업데이트를이 달을 바치고 갈거야! 결국,이 프로젝트가 너무 그랜드되었다 이유입니다! 무엇보다 것은 새로운 콘텐츠의 버스트를하는 것보다 우리의 여행을 축하합니다!

노스우드 소굴 행복한 기념일!
에 1 년 24+ 새 릴리스 후, 노스우드 소굴이 피어 있습니다! 어떻게 내 미국 번역가 인 자신과 친구 사이의 개념 실험의 증거로 시작했다 (이 글을 쓰는 사람, 안녕하세요 모두!), 그것은 15 H 장면, 5 새로운 단계, 50 H 애니메이션, 컴퓨터의 200 개 이상의 조각을 얻고있다 코드 2 (거의 3) 게임 모드, 8 새로운 캐릭터, 그리고 올 더 추가! 나는 최신 버전을 출시하고 난 당신의 행복 피드백을 볼 때 미소 수 있어요 때 나는 항상 매우 흥분! 나는 감사의 메시지 나 다른 격려와 친절을받은 발견받은 편지함을 검사 할 때 그것은 또한 매우 흐뭇한입니다! 그것은 진정으로 내가 당신에게 당신이 ~ 즐기는 것을 더 많이 가져도 더 열심히하게! 정말 모두 감사합니다!

의 지금 업데이트에 계속하자!
버전 노스우드 소굴. 1.14 업데이트 1 2의 라이브입니다!
노스우드 소굴에 대한 최신 업데이트에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 이 특정 업데이트를 위해, 나는 스토리 모드를 시작하기 위해 준비를 시작하기를 개척하고 기다리고 있었다 장면에 오디오를 추가, 사용자 인터페이스를 조정, 컴퓨터 코드의 많은 얽혀 문자열에 남아있는 버그를 해결에 매우 열심히 일하기로 결정했습니다 오디오 구현. (1) 새로운 H 장면과 두개골 주님과 미쿠 1 새로운 H 애니메이션도 있습니다! 특수 버그를보고 모든 사람에게 감사하고, 별도의 특별는 Yamakurada 나의 친애하는 친구 전체 Mikutard에 감사합니다!

노스우드 레어 업데이트 2 릴리스 날짜 : 2016 년 10 월 26 일!
노스우드 레어 업데이트 2는 새로운 H 애니메이션의 많은 곧 여기에있을 것입니다! 업데이트 1은 주로 내부 - 동작 업데이트 반면,이 업데이트는 새로운 H 장면을 많이 가져올 것이다! 루카과 미쿠는 놀라운 H 애니메이션 루카 그녀의 입과 기쁨에 그녀를 미쿠 강제 루카의 구속 라운지, 곧오고있다! 하지만 그 모든 속박 라운지에 오는 아니다 : 루카는 거꾸로 그녀의 다리가 멀리 떨어져 확산과 미쿠를 일시 중단합니다, 추력 자신의 청춘 아래에 앞 잡이에 딱 맞는 높이에서 그녀의 머리 하츠네 미쿠의 목 아래로 거꾸로! 교도소 셀에서 무료 모드애니메이션은 새로운 미쿠 모델에 모든 로프 바인딩과 미쿠의 숙련 된 진공 구강 성교 입으로 전체 업그레이드되는! 외에도 이미 계획 H 장면에서, 아래의 H 애니메이션을 요청 해 주시기 바랍니다! 잊지 마세요 : 타운 광장은 많은 새로운 제안을 활짝 열려 있습니다! 위로 골목과 마당 : 생산 또한이 새로운 영역이 있습니다! 나는 내가 많은 새로운 H 애니메이션 내 주요 초점을 유지하기 위해 약속 다음 업데이트는 여기 시간으로 사용할 수 이러한 새로운 영역을 모두하도록 노력하겠습니다!

할로우 쏜은 노스우드 소굴에 집에왔다!
노스우드 소굴에있는 모든 귀하의 플레이어 캐릭터와 마스터, 할로우 쏜는 둥지로 돌아왔다! 지금 당신이 도착했는지, 당신은 당신의 캐릭터가 미쿠와 마을에서 다른 문자 대화 시스템을 사용하여 함께뿐만 아니라, 당신의 졸개 몬스터와 대화를 볼 것이다! 특정 단계에서 그녀와 함께 플레이 귀하의 졸개를 소환 곧 자신의 당신의 단계를 때 할로우 멀리 미쿠 보내드립니다!

신비한 서큐버스는 곧 업그레이드를 수신!
피오레, 당신에게 당신의 힘을 부여하고 은신처에있는 한 신비한 서큐버스는 곧 업그레이드를 받게됩니다! 이 업그레이드는 그녀의 머리, 바디 디자인, 날개, 꼬리 향상됩니다. 아주 특별한이 놀라운 문자로 저를 축복 Mrjinsenpai, Onigirikingu, 그리고 J & J에 감사합니다! ^ _ ^

여기 노스우드 레어 버전의 릴리스 정보입니다. 1.14 업데이트 1 :
- 왕좌 룸, 감옥, 루카의 구속 라운지, Arcanium 및 선술집에서 내부 1280 * 720 최소 해상도에 맞게 모든 사용자 인터페이스 요소를 수정
- 고정 세계부호 열은 소실점에서 다른 UI 요소 방지
- 고정 왕좌 룸 UI 요소는 텍스트에 서로 중첩
- 소환 앞 잡이 선택을 무시 왕좌 룸에서 해결 된 세계지도 링크
- 선술집에서 고정 린 UI 요소
- 선술집에서 고정의 Neru UI 요소
- 선술집에서 고정 침실 코드는 잘못된 문자 로딩을 방지하기 위해
- 선술집에서 고정 침실 코드는 현재 캐릭터의 UI를 교체에서 잘못된 문자 UI를 방지하기 위해
- 선술집 여러 번 트리거 오디오 원인이 반복 버튼 누름을 방지하기 위해 침실 코드 수정 절전 버튼
- 사라지는에서 구성 요소를 방지하기 위해 루카의 속박 라운지 UI 요소를 수정
- 애니메이션의 무대가 이미 재생 된 경우 루카의 구속 라운지에 대한 강제 이루마 티오에 하츠네 미쿠에 대한 고정 개그 버튼은 더 이상 한 번 이상 애니메이션을 재생 없습니다
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- 왕좌 룸 할로우 쏜에 대한 추가 대화 유휴
- 왕좌 룸에서 기갑 앞 잡이 1 유휴 애니메이션을 추가
- 왕좌 룸에서 기갑 앞 잡이 1 추가 경례 애니메이션
- 왕좌 룸에서 기갑 앞 잡이 2 유휴 애니메이션을 추가
- 왕좌 룸에서 기갑 앞 잡이 2에 대한 추가 대화 고개를 끄덕 애니메이션
- 왕좌 룸 1 대화 대화를 추가
- 한 새로운 H 애니메이션 (1 추가 애니메이션이 추가했지만 깨진 비활성화) 추가
- 해골 주님을 위해 감옥에서 1 새로운 H 장면을 추가 미쿠을 X
- 촉수 괴물에 미쿠에 오디오를 추가는 Arcanium에 하츠네 미쿠 H 장면을 X

당신의 지원을 주셔서 대단히 감사합니다! 이 흥미로운 달이 될 것이다! ^ _ ^

- Stratovarius




Congratulations for the anniversary! You work has always inspired me :)


Happy anniversary and thanks to listening to my feedback . It's great to see how far this project has come! Heres some animations I liked to see.


<a href="https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/5609129" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/5609129</a>


<a href="https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/5577622" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/5577622</a>


<a href="https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/5273426" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/5273426</a>


<a href="https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/4453918" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/4453918</a>


<a href="https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/5597350" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/5597350</a>


Also are you able to add the option to toggle internal view?


Congratz for the anniversary, I had no idea! \0/ Downloading now... and another update incoming soon!? <a href="https://youtu.be/8cE4gtlqluI?t=5" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/8cE4gtlqluI?t=5</a> Miku bless these soon to be ravaged genitals! x´D <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCr-RAVozAM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCr-RAVozAM</a>


Magnificent! Wonderful update! Thank you so much for adding the new Skull Lord scene (and also for the shoutout, it warms my vain narcissistic heart). The armored henchmen look really fitting (not to mention kind of cool), even more so with the accompanying background music ^^ Important suggestion reminder: Miku all through animation in arcanium needs a change. It's going all through from her vagina! Has unrealistic as it a normal all-through, at least it's more believable than perforating all of the girls insides to reach the mouth :P. Normal penetration : vagina = ok | Deep penetration (all through) : vagina = not ok , save Miku! ^_^ Deep penetration (all through) : butt = ok (change it to this eventually) other suggestions: 1 - A transparency on henchman as a toggle or reacting to camera proximity. Or maybe even make them become invisible when camera is really close. Examples where it would look nice if available: Luka bondage (there's a nice angle where you can see Miku's face doing the blowjob, Luka's beeeewbs and Luka face when she's looking at the henchman, all at the same time. But Luka's face, is sadly, partially blocked by his head. The double penetration in prison cell, especially when changing speed or reaching finish. 2- Speaking of transparency, when the henchmen are replying to Thorne before taking Miku, her hips and thighs look devine and the look on her face adorable. If it doesn't interfere much with font readability consider adding a little bit more transparency to the text box so we can see her delicious body at the same time we read: "We will put her to REAL good use boss!" xD . Instead of the transparency, a slightly slower fading screen instead after the dialogue would let us apreciate this particular scene better as well. 3- the R-18 warning screen auto skips particularly fast, especially if we consider it's meant to shoo the kids away from whatever they weren't supposed to be clicking. I blame the parents for not using a Microsoft Excel shortcut for the game or something else boring as misdirection xD 4- Loved the new Skull Lord scene, consider giving the penis entry minor adjustments or make it work more independently from the Skull Lord's body for added smoothness, right now it's very adventurous and trying to escape Miku's delicious insides xD Also if you decide to add steps in this scene I have this idea: As he thrusts faster or deeper in next step, Miku loses strength in her legs and her body goes closer to the ground. At this point the monster takes his arm away from her neck and holds her waist to keep her butt slightly bent up to allow a better insertion. Miku could drift from an exhausted face with tears to something ahegao. Like so: <a href="http://static.pulse.ng/img/incoming/origs4009523/952253574-w1280-h960/The-Flatiron-Sex-Position.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://static.pulse.ng/img/incoming/origs4009523/952253574-w1280-h960/The-Flatiron-Sex-Position.jpg</a>(the "pillow" would be the skull lord hand pulling and bending her hip flexor slightly, and her legs would be nearly, or totally flat on the ground of course, she is getting tired after all) If a finish got added it could feature her completly flat on the ground shaking her head trying to look behind her or nodding "no" both ways with a final squirm looking upwards and bending back before resting head again in exhaustion. What you did in the 'finish' of the table rape is pretty much like this already, except shes standing ^_^ 5- The additional cameras in the Prison Cells Spit-roast scene are great and that reminded me of the camera system you used on the valentine project. It would work great here! Those cameras all got delicious angles and shading, navigating between all of them with the push of a button (1 2 3 4 etc) could greatly enrich this scenes experience and free up screen scape, as well as one of your hands for.... stroking your beard *cough cough*, or your hair in case you're a girl or don't have a beard x´D Miku bless you and keep you inspired in all your daily endeavors. May her angelical synthetic voice wake you softly every day and keep your spirit high! Thank you for your continued and dedicated passion to this project. 0/ <a href="http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7ty31pa8w1qe0s4u.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7ty31pa8w1qe0s4u.jpg</a>


Thanks for the update. I'm looking forward to the new H-animations/scenes :D I also found a random bug where after you click finish for the Rin cowgirl scene, you can click finish again and the guy's penis will be sticking straight up and outside of Rin.


Apparently the boss' penis is the most "adventurous" of them all x´D Would look great if instead of a bug it was a deliberate animation. Some white bullets fired with no warning at Rin's belly and perky tits, maybe an "adventurous" squirt reaching her eye lol ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Ah, internal view is most difficult for creating~. I must discover good method for implementing~ ^_^


Thank you very much~! I am hoping for quite energetic new H animations for your liking~! ^_^


Jesus that long comment lol


Thank you always for excellent feedback and encouragement~! I had forgotten for Tentacle Monster all through Miku front entry not work for female anatomy~! I fix this very soon~! ^o^ Transparency is very good goal, it is hope to learn code for switching from normal mesh to transparency mesh with press of button, and also perhaps slider for changing depth~. For Skull Lord animations, all will be rough and self serve to Skull Lord, it is excellent idea for finishing~! For his finishing, he can continue for very long time, which is very good for pleasuring Miku many times~. For true finish animation, it will be very big~. ^_^


7 non-h animations? What is that?


In the Prison Cell, when choosing Henchmen there is a "Change" button to change between the scenes with the Henchmen, but when choosing the Skull Lord there is no way to change between the two scenes with the Skull Lord


Thank you for feedback, it is developing for release once animation is fixed for new H animation~ ^_^


Hello there Stratovarius. Thank you for the shoutout, I'm surprised to see I'm actually helping you out there, and I'll continue to do so if you think it's useful. I tried to spare some time to move around this version, and I'd like to share my experience so far. Though it's mainly bug report, please don't think of it as a negative feedback. I'm pretty sharp on little details, that's what a programmer is like after all :P Please follow the steps, even triggering the bugs, as it may affect the rest of the scenario. 1) Typo : On the R-18 warning for children, the last word "choices" is written "choicecs". 2) - On the main menu, click Start Game and Freeplay to enter the Throne room. - On the left menu, choose Inspect Miku &gt; Change Pose &gt; Bend Over. - Select Back and Return. - Again, choose Inspect Miku &gt; Change Pose. Minor bug : Bend Over seems to have the mouse over state, as the text is larger than Kneeling and Legs Spread. Minor bug (?) : Click on Bend Over changes text to Bend Over Extra, while it should display Bend Over Extra. If it's intended, ignore this. - Select Kneeling and Back &gt; Return to return to the main menu of the Throne room. Minor bug : Inspect Miku also has the mouse over state, the font is larger. - Select Inspect Miku and select Legs Spread pose. - Select Back and Return again. Bug : The Quit button at the bottom left is no longer available from here. Select Inspect Miku &gt; Change Pose &gt; Bend Over &gt; Bend Over Extra &gt; Back &gt; Return. Bug : The Inspect Miku choice has two texts overlapped, one being smaller, the other being larger. - Select Inspect Miku. Bug : The camera angle seems inappropriate for the current pose. (There may be other glitches here on the Throne room, but it's quite time consuming checking every choice and behaviour. I'll probably give more feedback on this on the next release. There are other things I'd like to check out on this one :P) 3) - Go to the Teleporter (Overworld) and travel to the Tavern. - Select Menu then Private Services. - Select Night Entertainment and select Rin as your partner. - On the left menu, choose H Menu and Cowgirl. - During the sex scene, fill the Slower option bar to unlock the Faster option. - Select the Faster option and let the bar fill to unlock the Finish option. - Choose the Finish option and let Rin feel good for a while (enjoy). - Wait for a while until her breathing looks constant (about 8 seconds). - Once her animation has ended, click on the Finish option again to restart the climax animation. Bug : Harlow's penis is out of place and is not following Rin's movements. Bug : The same behaviour can be observed with the Doggystyle scene. You have to wait longer on this one to click Finish again. Fixing one of the two bugs may fix the other, as it seems to be the same problem. - Click on Rest to exit the H scene. Bug : Before the Sleep scene is fully loaded, it is possible to click Sleep and move on faster to the next scene. Maybe you should hide the button and wait for the screen to fade in completely before showing it. 4) - Go to the Throne room. - On the left menu, select Summon Henchmen and go to the Prison Cell. Bug : On the dialog, when Henchman 1 is speaking, the name "Harlow" first prints out of the dialog box before getting a line break and move below. - On the left menu, select Monster &gt; Skull Lord &gt; Table Rape. - Just click on Return to leave the H scene. Bug : The music is louder before exiting the scene. This bug has already been fixed in the Bondage Lounge. 5) - Go to the Throne room. - On the left menu, select Summon Henchmen and go to the Prison Cell. - On the left menu, select Henchman &gt; Gangbang (3P) &gt; Spitroast. - Take note of the current brightness. Take a screenshot if necessary. - Also take note of the current music being played. - Let the Slower bar fill to unlock the Faster option. - Select the Faster option and let the bar fill to unlock the Finish option. - Click the Finish option and wait for the animation to end. The Extra option unlocks. - Click on the Extra option to switch to a new scene. - On the bottom left, click on Change to open the scene menu and select Double Penetration. - Select the Faster option and let the bar fill to unlock the Finish option. - Click the Finish option and wait for the animation to end. - On the bottom left, click on Change to open the scene menu and select Spitroast. Bug : The music is still the same, therefore it's not the music that was played the first time we selected Spitroast. Bug : The bar below the Slower and Faster options is entirely visible, though the colour is turning more green as it should be. Bug : There is a floating bar, slowly sliding to the right before going off screen. Switching to Double Penetration and/or Spitroast will trigger the same issue again. Bug : From here, on the Spitroast scene, the brightness is lower than the first time we selected Spitroast.


Thank you very much for excellent feedback~! It is very good for knowing such good detail, it is very helpful~! ^o^ For music change in Prison Cell 3P H animations, it was plan to keep music change for 3P lifted (it becomes odd when music change so frequently if changing H scene)~. I hunt down these bugs for fixing, thank you very much for your hard work~!


Hi Stratovarius.i am a new user in this community.I come from taiwan.i see you works on a forum.These works are great!so i found your homepage here.i wanna give you some help so i go use paypal.but i dont have credit card.so I am sorry i just can give you $1 a month.but I'm going to think of ways to increase the amount of sponsorship~where can i find your works download link?I can't wait to experience it!


We support you! Good luck in the future!






May I have a download linkʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧?


how do I download it?


wow can i see link?


How can I download the game?


Welcome~! New download link is sent to inbox every 8th day of month, but I send you this month version now~. This month also special month for 2 updates, there will be new version on 26th~ ^_^


plz give me link!


how can I download the game?


For downloading game, latest version is sent to inbox on 8th day each month, but I send you link for this month version so you not have to wait~ ^_^


since playstation vr works on pc. will this game support psvr in the future?


Hello Stratovarius can i get a download link? Thank you.


I was happy to support you can i get a download link?


Hi, can I link to download please? Thanks.


Hi! i'm patron now, how can i download it? i love your work! : )


Welcome~! Thank you very much for supporting~! I send you download link to your inbox~ ^_^


I need download link!


May I have the download link?


can i get the link?


May I ask your game link?


and congratulations for your 1st Anniversary.


Hello! May I ask your game link??


Hello could i please get a link to the game. Thank you. keep up the awesome work.


Same here, can you send me the link please, i want to play it so hardly with my vive :)


Could you please send me the link please


link plz? :D


Can I get the Link?