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Hello everyone!

It is time again for the next release of The Northwood Lair! For this update, there has been a lot of  structural work to fix user interface scaling elements across multiple resolutions, as well as new H scene finishing animations added to the project! A lot of work has begun on the combat system for  the turn based strategy boss battles for RPG Mode, the player character model for Harlow Thorne has begun production, and a new area is under construction that you can visit in the Throne Room! Below are the details for your reading convenience~!

GUI scaling now works on 4:3, 5:4. 16:9, 16:10, 21:9, and custom resolutions!

From the last update, there were reports of some buttons and other user interface elements being covered by the edge of the screen, I am happy to announce that you should no longer have this issue no matter the resolution! While the recommended minimum resolution has not changed (1280x720), you are now free to select any resolution you wish, at or above 720p! (If you are using a resolution lower than this value, you will still be able to play, but please be warned that you will encounter some cut off user interface elements for the main menu title, the Summon Henchmen feature in Throne Room, all left panel sliding menus, and dialogue boxes.) This will also support resolutions on devices like the Windows Surface Pro! Also included in this update is a recolor of some user interface elements to help increase readability! Thank you very much for your feedback on these items! Please let me know if there is anything else not working properly and I will begin working to fix it immediately~! ^_^

VR Beta 1 coming this month!

Attention VR Beta testers! Coming this month, you will receive your very first VR Beta test for Daily Life With a Succubus! Currently, the date is to be determined, so please be sure to check your inbox for the download link! It will be a test of the basic fundamentals of VR movement and to make sure both the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift receive full  support! 

New Finish animations and a new Tentacle x Miku stage!

Also included in this update are the finishing animations which most H scenes were waiting for completion! This is a big step forward to enabling many new animations to be created since these finishing stages take the longest, please feel free to recommend any new animations you would like to see! The only remaining Finish stage awaiting completion is the H scene with Luka, Henchman and Miku. While we are awaiting voice and SFX audio to be completed for each new scene, you can enjoy the view as Miku pants in pleasure in the new 3P Lifted H scene! Watch as a small, erotic grin stretching across her lips in absolute bliss! Observe Rin as she turns her tightly bound body to gaze into her master's eyes, or twitches in pleasure overload atop your body! See the summoned tentacle monster relentlessly invade Miku as it travels all the way through her body and sliver out her widely stretched mouth! I am very happy this new tentacle animation is now ready for use! Thank you for waiting~!

Your very own private quarters now in production!

Very soon, you will be able to relax in your very own private room in the Lair! Luka, who is one of your favorite toys, eagerly waits for you in constant peak arousal to pleasure you as much as you wish! Talk with your succubus companion, Fiore, and summon Miku for one-on-one training! Since your training methods are much more refined than that of the Henchmen, you may see a very delighted Miku!

This new area will be the top menu item located on the Throne Room left menu, I am excited for you to see this feature coming in the near future~!

Town Square H animations now in queue for creation!

The Town Square just outside the door to Cabaret Hibiki (Tavern) will soon receive brand new public H animations, featuring Miku and any nearby paying bystander! Luka will loosely supervise as the rampant customers take turns on nearby Miku and occasionally also enter into the mix to bring Miku to explosive levels of arousal with vibrating toys, placing her on display for all to see! The customer is always right! ^_^

RPG Mode turn-based combat system almost ready for use!

I am happy to announce that the TBS elements for RPG Mode are almost complete! This will enable a new menu from the RPG Mode test menu to enter into a demo of the first battle scene vs Luka! I am also very thankful to user HVDisc for his excellent custom 3D spear hand crafted  for the succubus character Fiore! I am excited to show you his amazing 3D work!

Here are the release notes for The Northwood Lair ver. 1.13:

- Added new aspect ratio support: The Northwood Lair now has support for 4:3, 5:4, 16:9, 16:10, and 21:9 displays

- new H animations (all animations awaiting audio assignment)

- 1 new "Finish" H animation for Miku in 3P Lifted H scene in Prison Cell

- 1 new H animation stage for Tentacle Monster x Miku

- 2 new "Finish" H animations for Rin in Tavern for Cowgirl and Doggystyle

- GUI scaling elements corrected  in Tavern

- GUI scaling elements corrected in Prison Cell

- GUI scaling elements corrected in Throne Room

- GUI scaling elements corrected in RPG Mode

- Re-added 2 previously disabled H poses for Miku in Throne Room

- Fixed overlapping GUI elements for H poses in Throne Room

- Adjusted camera positions for Rin Cowgirl and Doggystyle H scenes in Tavern to better view "Finish" stage

- Recolored GUI H scene selection elements in Prison Cell for Skull Lord

- Recolored GUI H scene selection elements in Arcanium for Tentacle Monster

- Slightly reduced GPU footprint in Arcanium to improve performance by reducing total shadow casting light sources, will continue to tweak for performance
- Added Depth of Field polygon enhancements to Arcanium to improve framerate during H animations

- Disabled Luka x Miku H scene in Luka's Bondage Lounge to make way for new H content

- Renamed RPG Mode Stage 1 to Test Realm to continue work on the actual RPG Mode Stage 1 -1

- Added audio to Tentacle Monster x Miku H animation stage 1 

- Lowered audio volume for door slam upon entry in Prison Cell

- Slightly lowered audio volume for musical elements in Prison Cell

- Moderately lowered the GUI button SFX for the menu following sleeping at the Tavern

- Added slightly more digital corruption damage to the main menu camera

The Northwood Lair feedback and poll

Ah! Before this update is finished, I have a few feedback questions for everyone so I may gather feedback on what you would like to see in upcoming updates for The Northwood Lair. Here are some questions below, please feel free to provide feedback to voice your recommendations, please do not feel pressured to have to complete them. This will let me know what general items to prioritize for creation. Thank you very much!

1. - For the future updates when  Neru receives H animations in the Tavern stage, would you like to see the same animations adapted to her that Rin has, or would you like to see new animations?

2. - When it is Haku's turn to receive H animations, what kinds of situations/scenes would you like to see?

3. - Is there any H animation you would like to see for any specific character?

4. - What kinds of new H poses would you like for Miku to have for the Throne Room?

5. - Would you rather see new content for the Story Mode/Prologue or RPG Mode first?

6. - For the Game Over scene, would you like to see an H scene instead of the interactive scene currently in place?

7. - Lastly, is there anything not listed here that you would like to see in The Northwood Lair?

Thank you very much for your support!! I will continue to work hard on these projects to bring you even more to enjoy!




3、5:4 GUIのスケーリングは、現在4上で動作します。 16:9、16時10分、21:9、およびカスタム解像度!
前回の更新からは、画面の端に覆われ、いくつかのボタンやその他のユーザーインターフェイス要素の報告があった、私はあなたがもはや関係なく、解像度この問題を持つべきではないことを発表できて嬉しいです!推奨される最小解像度は(1280×720)変更されていませんが、あなたは720で、または上に、今あなたが望む任意の解像度を選択するのは自由です! (あなたは低く、この値よりも解像度を使用している場合、あなたはまだ再生できるようになりますが、あなたは、玉座の間で召喚子分機能、すべての左側のメインメニューのタイトルのためのいくつかのカットオフのユーザーインターフェイス要素に遭遇することが警告されてください。メニュー、ダイアログボックスをスライドパネル。)これはまた、WindowsサーフェスProのようなデバイス上の解像度をサポートします!また、読みやすさを高めるためにいくつかのユーザーインターフェイス要素の色の変更は、この更新プログラムに含まれます!これらの項目についてご意見をありがとうございました! 〜正常に動作していない何かがあるかどうか私に教えて、私はすぐにそれを修正する作業を開始しますしてください! ^ _ ^


ベータテスター!今月来て、あなたはサキュバスと日常生活のためのあなたの非常に最初のVRのベータテストを受け取ることになります!現在、日付が決定されるので、ダウンロードリンクのためのあなたの受信トレイを必ずご確認下さい!これは、VR運動の基本的なファンダメンタルズのテストとなり、HTC Viveのとオクルスリフトの両方がフルサポートを受けることを確認します!

また、このアップデートに含まれるほとんどのHシーンが完了するのを待っていた仕上げのアニメーションです!これは、これらの仕上げの段階は最長を取るので、作成するために多くの新しいアニメーションを有効にする大きな前進であり、あなたが見てみたい、新しいアニメーションをお勧めすること自由に感じなさい!完了を待っているだけで、残りの仕上げ段階はルカ、ヘンチマンとミクとのHシーンです。私たちはそれぞれの新しいシーンのために完了する音声やSFXオーディオを待っている間、あなたは新しい3PつりHシーンで喜びにミクパンツとしてビューを楽しむことができます!絶対的な至福の中で彼女の唇またがる小、エロニヤリとして見てください!彼女が強固に結合し、彼女のマスターの目を見つめるための身体、またはあなたの体の上の喜びの過負荷でけいれんを回すよう凛を守って!それは彼女の体を介してすべての道を移動するようにミクに侵入し、彼女の広く延伸口をスライバー執拗に召喚触手を参照してください!私は、この新しい触手アニメーションが使用できるようになりましたとても幸せです! 〜お待たせしました!


タウンスクエアはちょうどキャバレーひびき(居酒屋)へのドアの外にすぐにミクと任意の近く払っバイスタンダーを搭載し、ブランドの新しい公共のHアニメーションを受け取ることになります!横行顧客が近くのミクにターンを取り、時折も参照するには、すべての表示に彼女を置いて、おもちゃを振動させると覚醒の爆発的なレベルにミクをもたらすためにミックスに入るとルカが緩く監督ます!顧客は常に正しいです! ^ _ ^

私はRPGモードのTBS要素がほぼ完了していることを発表して嬉しいです!これは、ルカ対最初の戦闘シーンのデモに入るRPGモード・テスト・メニューから新しいメニューが有効になります!私はサキュバス文字フィオーレのために細工された彼の優れたカスタムの3D槍手のためにも、ユーザーHVDiscに非常に感謝しています! 〜ありがとうございました!

ここ版ノースウッドの隠れ家のリリースノートです。 1.13:
- 4新しいHアニメーション(オーディオの割り当てを待っているすべてのアニメーション)
- 刑務所の独房で3PつりHシーンでミクのための1の新しい "完了" Hアニメーション
- 初音ミクのx触手モンスター1新しいHアニメーションステージ
- カウガールと小犬スタイルのための居酒屋で凛のための2つの新しい "完了" Hアニメーション
- 居酒屋で修正GUIスケーリング要素
- GUIのスケーリング要素は刑務所の独房で修正します
- 玉座の間で修正GUIスケーリング要素
- RPGモードで修正GUIスケーリング要素
- 再追加された2以前に無効にHが玉座の間にミクのためにポーズ
- Hのための固定重複のGUI要素は、玉座の間にポーズ
- より良いビューに居酒屋で凛カウガールと小犬スタイルのHシーンのカメラ位置を調整し、「完了」ステージ
- スカル主のための刑務所の独房で再着色GUIのHシーン選択要素
- 触手モンスターのためArcaniumで再着色GUIのHシーン選択要素
- 総シャドウを投影する光源を減らすことによって、パフォーマンスを向上させるためにArcaniumでわずかに減少し、GPUのフットプリントは、パフォーマンスを微調整していきます
- Hアニメーション中にフレームレートを向上させるためにArcaniumするフィールドポリゴン機能拡張の追加された深さ
- 無効ルカは、新たなH含有量のための方法を作るためにルカのボンデージラウンジでミクHシーンをxは
- 実際のRPGモードのステージ1 -1での作業を継続するためのテストレルムにRPGモード、ステージ1に改名
- ミクHアニメーションステージ1×触手モンスターにオーディオを追加しました
- 刑務所の独房のエントリ時にドアスラムのために低めの音量
- 少し刑務所の独房で音楽的要素のために音量を下げます
- 中程度タバーンで寝て次のメニューのためのGUIボタンSFXを下げます
- メインメニューカメラに少しより多くのデジタル腐敗損傷を追加しました

1. - ねるは居酒屋段階でHアニメーションを受けて今後の更新のために、あなたは凛が持っている彼女に適合した同じアニメーションを見てみたい、または新しいアニメーションをご覧になりたいですか?
2. - それはHアニメーションを受信するハクのターンである場合には、どのような状況/シーンの種類あなたがご覧になりたいですか?
3. - あなたは、任意の特定の文字を見てみたい任意のHアニメーションはありますか?
4. - ミクは玉座のために持っているあなたは新しいHポーズにはどのようなものをご希望ですか?
5. - あなたではなく最初のストーリーモード/プロローグまたはRPGモードの新しいコンテンツを参照してくださいか?
6. - シーンゲームオーバーの場合は、代わりに現在の場所でインタラクティブなシーンのHシーンをご覧になりたいですか?
7. - 最後に、あなたはノースウッド隠れ家で見てみたいここに記載されていないものはありますか?


모두 안녕하세요!

IT는 노스우드 소굴의 다음 릴리스를 위해 다시 시간입니다! 이 업데이트를 들면, 여러 해상도에서 사용자 인터페이스 스케일링 요소를 해결하기 위해 구조 작업을 많이뿐만 아니라 새로운 H 장면 마무리 애니메이션이 있었다 프로젝트에 추가! 작업의 많은 RPG 모드의 턴 기반 전략 보스 전투의 전투 시스템에 시작했다, 할로우 쏜의 플레이어 캐릭터 모델은 생산을 시작했으며, 새로운 지역은 당신이 왕좌 룸에 방문 할 수 공사중입니다! 다음은 독서의 편의를 ~에 대한 세부 사항은!

GUI 스케일링은 이제 4:3, 5:4, 16 : 9, 16:10, 21 : 9 및 사용자 지정 해상도!
마지막 업데이트에서 화면의 가장자리에 포함되는 일부 버튼 및 기타 사용자 인터페이스 요소의 보고서가 있었다, 나는 더 이상 상관없이 해결이 문제가없는 것을 발표하게 된 것을 기쁘게 생각합니다! 최소 권장 해상도 (1280 * 720)을 변경되지 않았습니다 동안, 당신은 지금 당신이 또는 720 이상, 원하는 해상도를 선택 무료입니다! (당신이 낮은이 값보다 해상도를 사용하는 경우, 당신은 여전히

재생할 수 있습니다,하지만 당신은, 왕좌 룸에서 소환 졸개 기능, 모든 왼쪽 메인 메뉴 제목에 대한 몇 가지 잘라 사용자 인터페이스 요소가 발생할 것이라고 경고하시기 바랍니다 메뉴를 슬라이딩 패널 및 대화 상자를.) 이것은 또한 윈도우 서피스 프로와 같은 장치의 해상도를 지원합니다! 또한 가독성을 향상하는 데 도움이되는 몇 가지 사용자 인터페이스 요소의 칠이 업데이트에 포함! 이 항목에 대한 의견을 보내 주셔서 대단히 감사합니다! ~ 제대로 작동하지 않는 다른 어떤이 있으면 알려 주시면 즉시 문제를 해결하기 위해 노력하고 시작하세요! ^ _ ^

VR 베타 1이 달 온다!
주의 VR 베타 테스터! 이 달오고, 당신은 서큐버스와 생활에 대한 귀하의 첫 번째 VR 베타 테스트를 받게됩니다! 현재 날짜가 결정되는, 그래서 다운로드 링크에 대한 귀하의받은 편지함을 확인하시기 바랍니다! 그것은 VR 운동의 기본적인 기초의 테스트가 될 것이며, HTC 난중와 오큘 러스 리프트가 모두 완벽하게 지원을받을 수 있는지 확인!

새로운 마침 애니메이션과 미쿠의 스테이지 X 새로운 촉수!
또한이 업데이트에 포함 된 대부분의 H 장면이 완료 기다리고 있었다 마무리 애니메이션입니다! 이것은이 마무리 단계 당신이보고 싶습니다 가장 긴이, 새로운 애니메이션을 추천 해 주시기 바랍니다 가지고 있기 때문에 생성되는 많은 새로운 애니메이션을 가능하게하는 앞으로 큰 단계입니다! 완료를 기다리고있는 유일한 나머지 마침 단계는 루카, 앞 잡이와 미쿠와 H 장면입니다. 우리는 각각의 새로운 장면 완료 될 음성 및 SFX 오디오를 기다리고있는 동안, 당신은 새로운 3P 드러내 H 장면에 기쁨에 하츠네 미쿠 바지와 전망을 즐길 수 있습니다! 절대 행복에 그녀의 입술에 걸쳐 스트레칭 작은, 에로틱 한 미소로보세요! 그녀는 그녀가 단단히 그녀의 마스터의 눈을 바라 몸을 구속 회전, 또는 몸 꼭대기 즐거움 과부하에 경련으로 린을 준수! 그것은 그녀의 몸을 통해 모든 방법을 이동하고 그녀의 널리 연신 입을 은색으로 소환 촉수 괴물은 끊임없이 미쿠를 침공하세요! 나는이 새로운 촉수 애니메이션을 사용할 준비가 매우 기쁘게 생각합니다! ~를 기다리고 주셔서 감사합니다!

당신의 자신의 개인 분기 현재 생산!
곧, 당신은 둥지에서 자신의 개인 실에서 휴식을 취할 수있을 것입니다! 좋아하는 장난감 중 하나 인 루카는 열심히 당신이 원하는대로 많은 즐거움 일정 피크 각성에서 당신을 기다립니다! 당신의 서큐버스의 동반자, 피오레와 상담하고, 일대일 훈련 미쿠를 소환! 당신의 훈련 방법이 훨씬 더 세련 졸개보다이기 때문에, 당신은 매우 기뻐 미쿠를 볼 수 있습니다!
이 기능은 ~ 가까운 미래에 오는 볼 수 있도록이 새로운 지역, 나는 흥분 왕좌 룸 왼쪽 메뉴에있는 상단 메뉴 항목이 될 것이다!

타운 스퀘어 H 생성 이제 애니메이션 큐에!
바로 문 밖 광장은 곧 미쿠 및 인근 지불 방관자 갖춘 새로운 공공 H 애니메이션을 받게됩니다 히비키 (선술집) 카바레합니다! 루카는 느슨하게 만연 고객이 근처 미쿠에 교대로 때때로 또한 장난감을 진동 모두가 볼 수 있도록 화면에 그녀의 배치와 각성의 폭발적인 수준으로 하츠네 미쿠을 가지고 혼합으로 입력 할 감독 것이다! 고객은 항상 옳다! ^ _ ^

RPG 모드 턴 기반 전투 시스템 사용을위한 준비가 거의!
나는 RPG 모드의 TBS 요소가 거의 완료 발표 할 것을 기쁘게 생각합니다! 이 루카 대 최초의 전투 장면의 데모에 입력 RPG 모드의 테스트 메뉴에서 새로운 메뉴를 가능하게 할 것이다! 나는 또한 서큐버스 문자 피오레을 위해 제작 된 그의 뛰어난 사용자 정의 3D 스피어 손에 대한 사용자 HVDisc에 매우 감사 해요! ~ 대단히 감사합니다!

다음 버전 노스우드 소굴의 릴리스 정보입니다. 1.13 :
- 4 새로운 H 애니메이션 (오디오 할당을 기다리는 모든 애니메이션)
- 감옥에서 3P 드러내 H 장면 미쿠 1 새로운 "마침"H 애니메이션
- 촉수 괴물 1 새로운 H 애니메이션 단계는 미쿠 X
- 새로운 2 카우걸과 후배위를 위해 선술집에서 린에 대한 H 애니메이션 "마침"
- GUI 스케일링 요소는 선술집에서 수정
- GUI 스케일링 요소는 감옥에서 수정
- 왕좌 룸에서 수정 GUI 스케일링 요소
- RPG 모드에서 수정 GUI 스케일링 요소
- 2 이전에 장애인 H는 왕좌 룸에서 미쿠 포즈 다시 추가
- H에 대한 고정 중복 GUI 요소 왕좌 룸 포즈
- 더 나은보기에 선술집에서 린 카우걸과 후배위 H 장면 조정 카메라 위치가 "완료"단계
- 해골 주님 감옥에 칠한 GUI의 H 장면 선택 요소
- 촉수 괴물에 대한 Arcanium에 칠한 GUI의 H 장면 선택 요소
- Arcanium에서 약간 감소 GPU 풋 프린트는 성능을 조정할 계속, 총 그림자 캐스팅 광원을 줄여 성능을 향상시키기 위해
- 필드 다각형의 향상된 기능의 추가 깊이 H 애니메이션 중에 프레임 속도를 개선하기 위해 Arcanium하기
- 장애인 루카 새로운 H 콘텐츠에 대한 방법을 만들기 위해 루카의 구속 라운지에서 하츠네 미쿠 H 장면을 X
- 시험 영역으로 이름이 변경 RPG 모드 1 단계는 실제 RPG 모드 스테이지에서 작업을 계속하려면 1 -1
- 미쿠 H 애니메이션 단계 1 개 촉수 괴물에 오디오 추가
- 감옥에서 항목에 따라 문 슬램을위한 낮춘 오디오 볼륨
- 약간 감옥에 음악적 요소에 대한 오디오 볼륨을 감소
- 중간 선술집에서 자고 다음 메뉴의 GUI 버튼 SFX 인하
- 메인 메뉴 카메라에 약간 더 디지털 손상 피해를 추가

노스우드 레어 피드백과 설문 조사
아! 이 업데이트가 완료되기 전에 난 당신이 노스우드 소굴에 대한 향후 업데이트에서보고 싶은 무엇에 대한 피드백을 수집 할 수 있도록, 나는 모두에 대한 몇 가지 피드백 질문이 있습니다. 여기, 당신의 권장 사항을 음성 피드백을 제공 주시기 바랍니다 아래의 몇 가지 질문이 그들을 완료해야하는 압력을 생각하지 마십시오. 이 날 창조를 위해 우선 순위를 일반적으로 어떤 항목을 알려드립니다. 대단히 감사합니다!
- 1의 Neru는 선술집 단계에서 H 애니메이션을받는 향후 업데이트를 들어, 린이 그녀에 적응 같은 애니메이션을보고 싶다, 또는 새로운 애니메이션을보고 싶은데요?
- 2가 H 애니메이션을받을 하쿠의 차례가되면, 어떤 상황 / 장면의 종류 당신이보고 싶습니다?
3. - 당신이 특정 문자를보고 싶다 어떤 H 애니메이션이 있습니까?
4. - 미쿠가 왕좌 방을 가지고하는 새로운 H 포즈의 어떤 종류를 원하십니까?
5. - 당신이 오히려 먼저 스토리 모드 / 프롤로그 또는 RPG 모드에 대한 새로운 내용을 볼 것인가?
6. - 장면을 통해 게임의 경우는 H 장면 대신 대신에 현재 대화 장면을보고 싶다?
7 - 마지막으로, 당신은 노스우드 소굴에서보고 싶다 여기에 나열되지 않은 있나요?

당신의 지원을위한 대단히 감사합니다! 난 당신이 즐길 수있는 더 많은을 가지고이 프로젝트에 열심히 계속!

- Stratovarius




YES NEW FINISH ANIMATIONS! cant wait till downloads done


It is exciting day~! I am very excited for you to have these new animations~! Please enjoy~! ^_^


Nice, thanks for your work (^-^)/


Luka footjob! Faster scenes switching, a guide of locations of all animation. Consider theme custom input theme track!


Thank you for this feedback~! I especially like Luka footjob idea, I will add to animation queue for creating~! ^_^


1. - For the future updates when Neru receives H animations in the Tavern stage, would you like to see the same animations adapted to her that Rin has, or would you like to see new animations? Maybe both? I am not expert but i want to think it is easier to use the same animation so it would mean neru will get into action faster.. i am looking forward the both option, and maybe they can have the same animations individually. 2. - When it is Haku's turn to receive H animations, what kinds of situations/scenes would you like to see? Titjob and cowgirl would be the best for me. 3. - Is there any H animation you would like to see for any specific character? Breast feeding/sucking, dunno how hard it would be to animate. 4. - What kinds of new H poses would you like for Miku to have for the Throne Room? Legs wide open.. and posing with a tube like a stripper. 5. - Would you rather see new content for the Story Mode/Prologue or RPG Mode first? I thought these were the same lol! I would prefeer story mode over rpg. 6. - For the Game Over scene, would you like to see an H scene instead of the interactive scene currently in place? I like the interactive one, so maybe that for default and h scene for bosses maybe? 7. - Lastly, is there anything not listed here that you would like to see in The Northwood Lair? One to one first person view for some h scenes with miku, and to ask haku for drinks at the tavern so you can see her walking and what no...


1.I choose new animations 2.Machinery rape 3.Group Sex (4/5P) 4.Legs wide open 5.Story Mode first 6.Dislike 7.Touch Mode


Excellent content as always! I did have some suggestions for interface improvements, to help improve the game's overall feel. The first thing that I was hoping to a change when picking different positions in a scene. Currently you use the mouse to choose what animation you want to be viewing. The problem is that this also changes the camera angle at the same time, which I find to be a bit distracting. Possible solutions include adding (labeled) keyboard shortcuts to the positions (such as 1, 2, 3, a, b, c, etc). This would make changing the position without having to recenter the camera possible. Another option would be to lock the camera when using the mouse, but requiring a click-and-drag approach to change the camera angle; a fairly common control feature in many games. Having both would be ideal. Another thing that would be useful is to make your menu choices more consistent when moving between scene selections. With all of your nice scene introductions, which include fades and camera sweeps, getting around the game can be inconvenient. The most effective method would be to have each scene have the option to 'go up a level,' (Pick individual scene variations - I think the Prison Cell has this option currently,) 'return to the room,' eg, go back to choosing between henchmen or monster, the option to return to the room selection menu, and the option to return to the main game menu. This could also be applied to the tavern for scene selection. Regardless, I think the selections should be made similar for all locations, as it feels a bit disjointed getting around currently. Otherwise, keep up the good work! Thank you for all of your efforts.

Francisco Ramirez

I would like to see Miku and the Skull Lord with a more aggressive posision like this <a href="https://cs.sankakucomplex.com/data/f3/2f/f32f1ebb4f067c5b5b5574c8b25b21fa.webm?4871587" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://cs.sankakucomplex.com/data/f3/2f/f32f1ebb4f067c5b5b5574c8b25b21fa.webm?4871587</a>


Thank you for this recommendation~! I will begin plotting for this kind of Miku and Skull Lord animation~! ^_^


Thank you very much, it is excellent suggestions~! I am currently leaning better computer code for halting mouse during H scene (my ability is limited coding skill), I also look into making keyboard buttons assign for animation~. It is also good for having similar interface, Prison Cell interface highly accepted, so I can add similar interface for all scenes~. ^_^


All the new H animations are really great, and those are what I wanted for so long. To be frank, I dont really care about the RPG mode that much, like if we want some action games we would go and play 2D Megaman (yeah, 3D megaman is bullshit) or DMC instead. What we want (at least me) is more H scenes. BTW, that finishing scene of Rin's doggystyle in Tavern is so damn gooood, it almost seems like I can kiss her after cum. and one suggestion, can u make it skip the long intro scene of the teleport room by maybe clicking the left mouse button? its kinda long to wait for the map and you can do nothing, and its frustrating to see a sexy succubus sitting on the table and you also can do nothing ! lol (I really want to have some "action" with that succubus)


Are you able to add anal animations to Hatsune Miku please?


Thank you very much for you kindness~! I am so happy you enjoy new H animation with Rin~! For Teleport Room, I can learn way of skip to go faster (if I can finish save data system, it can be permanent skip for faster to map). Ah, for succubus character, she is very mysterious~! But I think you will be given your wish~! ^_^ Thank you also for RPG Mode feedback, there will be very many more H animations for The Northwood Lair~!


Certainly~! It is already planned for adding~. ^_^ Would you like special request for certain H animation for rear entry?


Yes please like a back view of missionary and cow girl positions.


Also can you add cumshots and creampies.


1. - For the future updates when Neru receives H animations in the Tavern stage, would you like to see the same animations adapted to her that Rin has, or would you like to see new animations? A little bit of both, perhaps a slight change here or there to show her personality. 2. - When it is Haku's turn to receive H animations, what kinds of situations/scenes would you like to see? Some bestial scenes. Would love to see her end up with a patrons dog! 3. - Is there any H animation you would like to see for any specific character? I am still really looking forward to something with that huge giant. Originally I had requested Miku, but if that has not started yet maybe an overager giant patron forces himself on petite Rin... 4. - What kinds of new H poses would you like for Miku to have for the Throne Room? Nothing I can think of right now. 5. - Would you rather see new content for the Story Mode/Prologue or RPG Mode first? Hmm, story mode more. 6. - For the Game Over scene, would you like to see an H scene instead of the interactive scene currently in place? Either works for me! 7. - Lastly, is there anything not listed here that you would like to see in The Northwood Lair? Other than my anove requests that is about it for now!


Good job and thank you for your hard work! I look forward for the next updates to come!


Not trying to be mean, but have the thought of the Bukkake dripping or shooting all over the place ever came across your mind? That would be a cool idea. Also, there should be a Finish out! or Finish in! sort of thing. The Succubus is everywhere. Is there a plan where she is going to have an H scene just for funs and giggles? What happened to Play with Miku option? Was that a failed project? I think Teto has a chance to be in the Tavern area as a... showgirl? or something like that. Let me know what you think about my feedback and suggestions. Thanks.


Hey Stratovarius, thanks for another great update. Here's my answers to your questions, and I'd love to help out with some of the ideas I mentioned, if you're ok with that. Let me know what you think. 1. - For the future updates when Neru receives H animations in the Tavern stage, would you like to see the same animations adapted to her that Rin has, or would you like to see new animations? New animations, so each character has something unique. 2. - When it is Haku's turn to receive H animations, what kinds of situations/scenes would you like to see? Not a big deal to me, I'd just prefer to have some new animations. A boob job would probably fit, since Haku's are bigger than Rin's and Neru's :p 3. - Is there any H animation you would like to see for any specific character? It'd be nice if you could request a threesome at the tavern, so you can have fun with Rin and Neru (or others) at the same time. 4. - What kinds of new H poses would you like for Miku to have for the Throne Room? Any submissive poses. Perhaps head down with her ass in the air, laying on her back with her legs up or spread... kneeling looking up at you... standing up while looking embarassed... those are all I can think of right now. 5. - Would you rather see new content for the Story Mode/Prologue or RPG Mode first? Story Mode/Prologue. It's nice to have some background. I'd love to help out, I like writing. 6. - For the Game Over scene, would you like to see an H scene instead of the interactive scene currently in place? Different H scenes depending on what you get finished by would fit best. (For example, if it's a man, she gets fucked by him, if it's a tentacle monster, she gets attacked, that kind of thing) However, if that's too much work, adding more to the interactive scene is fine. 7. - Lastly, is there anything not listed here that you would like to see in The Northwood Lair? Group sex/orgies, bukkake, model viewer, a romance system (possible similar to CM3D2, I can help you design this if you'd like)


Thank you very much for this feedback~! ^_^ For Neru, I am also thinking for creating unique animation for her, it will be good addition~. Ah, for Tavern threesome, it is planned feature for Private Services option Group Entertainment~. As skill for coding increase, I am able to create many new complicated features, like background romance system, but it will be some time~.


Ah, there are many feature for planning, but I do not yet have skill in coding for creating such things (bukkake effect), but it is excellent idea for adding Finish Out when this feature conpleted~. For succubus, it is very possible for H scene~! ^_^ For Play with Miku option, there is details above in update for change to go to new Private Quarters~. It is moved to new area for when this Private Quarters is finished~. Thank you always for your feedback~! ^_^


hello, Stratovarius I just paid 10 dollars. Is it possible to play this game now?


Hello~! Thank you for your support~! ^_^ I am sending download link for you now, please check you inbox shortly~!


thank you for sending!


Can I get a download link?


Magnificent work! And look at how much feedback and support you are getting. I'm so happy for you! Keep up the amazing work and the love of the Goddess flowing through your fingers as you continue developing this ^_^ Feedback time, first your questions: 1. - Definitely adapted, emphasis on adaptation. I think most aren't realizing they wouldn't necessarily be the same. You can add nuance (make it sligthly different) and it's technically a different animation but with a ton of work cut out. Of course that actual new animations are welcome, but this way, if in the future you made more animations for the "private services", both girls would gain extra animations in the process without starting from scratch for each addition. As an example: Rin doggy style looks like she has no support for that angle. She would, by common sense, lose balance and hit the floor with her face xD. Neru adaptation could have Mr.H.Thorne grab Neru's hair the said balance. Seeing as you already nailed a good amount of difference in personality for their facial expressions, it would be interesting for me personally as MR. Biggidy Boss, to see how each girl responds to similar stimuli. Speaking of expressions, try and make Neru seem a bit more either inconvenienced or naughty, it would contrast great with Rin's innocent expression and it goes hand in hand with Neru's origin as a trolloid and the bio fans made for her as not only being very cocky but aspiring to replace Miku xD 2. - It would be great if you could use references to add personality to these characters. Well, Haku is in essence also an original fan creation meant to be a parody of a certain type of fan, her item is a bottle of alchoolic beverage and she is supposed to be a depressed counter part of Miku. Use a bottle of wine or booze creatively xD. Or instead of the obvious phalic use, maybe since she was so happy and eager to see Harlow enter tavern rather than sad (this would give continuity to what the player sees entering tavern). They both have some fun getting reaaaaaally drunk and you add some ocasional blurs, camera wobbling and maybe something funny happens while you are both drunk as heck and laughing, make it fun for you and it's fun for all of us xD 3. - From me personally, you already know this one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) , It's similar in nature to what the patron "Haru Glory" requested, but allows for some bounce for Miku body or allows breats rubbing on surface/both interchangeably as she adjusts herself up or down to rest <a href="http://66.media.tumblr.com/6f86136936d34a2bb52e93f7fb7b48c5/tumblr_nv7cgzgWhH1revz5to1_250.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://66.media.tumblr.com/6f86136936d34a2bb52e93f7fb7b48c5/tumblr_nv7cgzgWhH1revz5to1_250.gif</a> <a href="http://guidetomakelove.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/58_best-sex-positions-30s-40s-50s-60s-7448.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://guidetomakelove.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/58_best-sex-positions-30s-40s-50s-60s-7448.jpg</a> 4. - With her hands tied this is rather limited (or maybe my imagination is) This area feels more like a warmup stage. Maybe allow her to be untied and order her to play with herself, make slow catwalk, a cat walk walking backwards. Order her to spread ass cheeks while bent, spread pussy lips etc. Call it "make throne room great again" operation if you want but don't make any walls! xD (trump joke) 5. - Which ever, if you are happy I am happy and hopefully other are happy. If focusing one or the other let's your creative juices flow better or relax from a hard day go for it. I say this because going by comments I do not think most care about this 2 features compared to the hentai scenes. Personally, I really like the posibilities of the RPG mode but there is indeed the risk you could feel overwhelmed by how much you want to add into it. But then again I recall a total conversion mod made for ut2004 years ago by a single person named Long Nguyen and it is the most impressive mod I have ever seen for a game. Having a smaller team in production can mean more work but also means less straying away from your project's original vision. So, to make a long answer short: follow your heart :P 6. - There is no need to discard good work you have done. If you feel something is missing you could add a scene for when you reach "X hits!" or maybe after an "orgasm" bar is full. 7. - Well, it would be great if the idea involving a few songs and stage types I gave you in the past was used. But ONLY if it HELPS YOU! Now that I think about it, if you do end up using the idea somehow, the "dream stages" could blend the new story elements you are adding with the RPG mode. The vocaloid songs would be great but could be problematic to get permission for a game that is linked to donations. But songs you added to the game so far are good quality, something similar could be added to replace the song in question while preserving the "vibe". I'll paste part of the old message bellow: " Luka - Virgo : This could be a dream in wich Miku is running away from something, the part from minute 1:00 is specially creepy us feel like something is coming for us Miku, Rin - Reverse Rainbow: This would a more serene dream, with green pastures and blue or golden skies. You could use the stuff from your "deep blue girl" project Miku - Meteor : This would be a dream where you risk falling. She would be high in the clouds, it would be nighttime and very peaceful. Since her life is going through a big change, this kind of dream where you feel like you are falling would make sense. These could be basic platform experiences -&gt; escaping on one dream, crushing puny enemies like super mario on another xD (or collecting something) and jumping from cloud to cloud to avoid death/waking up abruptly. " Since you aren't exactly 'selling the game' maybe it wouldn't be a problem to have them if credited in corner of screen during a stage and/or any credits. Extra: I love what you did for Miku in prison cell DP scene, the way she gently rests on henchman shoulder ^_^ Also love Rin looking back at you during finish, am I imagining this as new? xD Very important!!!!: Miku new tentacle scene needs urgent tweeking! Her new animation is killing her! Tentacle needs to either go into anal passage for new animation or both animations. From her vagina she's not just in horrible pain, she's dying T_T. Save Miku :3 Ending notes: Very good work, I'm so happy you're getting more feedback. I hope your days are figuratively looking bright. May the Goddess angelical synthetic voice bless you, soothe your soul and inspire you in all your daily endeavors. Thank you for all your dedication and passion in this project. Miku bless you. 39! <a href="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/32/3c/cd/323ccd0319b629bc608b0b0bbc6cb725.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/32/3c/cd/323ccd0319b629bc608b0b0bbc6cb725.jpg</a>


sorry for the typos, I started writing in note pad before putting here to avoid loss of information, then when pasting it needs further line formating and nearly 3 hours went by xP edit: Also sorry about it, but had to edit one more time around 9 minutes after postage because the message itself had a very serious problem at around point 7. Now It's fixed and ready to be read.

Francisco Ramirez

Haku you should be with Rin and Neru Haku was referring to a character who can make titjob in the tavern


:( no more luka x miku


It is only temporary, there will be many Luka x Miku that you will greatly enjoy~! ^_^


Good job on the update. Here are my answers for the poll. 1. It would be nice for each character to have their own animations. They could all have their own personalities and H animations that match their personality :D 2. I agree with previous posters about using Haku's "official" depressed and drunk personality and putting her large boobs to good use. A paizuri scene would be nice. Maybe also toss in a scene where she's drunk and knocked out and you have your way with her :P 3. It would be nice to see actual animations for all the placeholders right now. In particular, the Rin missionary position. I am also interested in seeing what group animations there would be with both Rin and Neru :D 4. No comments on this. I am a MMD user and already have tons of pose/dance motions so I just want more H animations rather than poses :P 5. I was never a fan of the RPG mode, so I definitely vote for the story mode. 6. Not a fan of the RPG mode, but an auto option for the current animation would be cool. A lot of H RPG games I have played in the past just show a looped animation for game over. It's also annoying to have to click when your hands could be "busy" with other things :P 7. Just add more H animations :D


Thank you very much for this feedback~! I am also wanting to give Rin and Neru separate H animations, it is good to see most others also agree~! I be sure to give all characters accurate personality, it would not be fun for only one personality~! ^_^


다운로드 어디?


I want download link. plz


May I have a download link?


I cant wait for VR :)


Hi, just recently became a small-time patreon for your project. Could you send me a link for the latest demo. I'd like to check it out a bit more before deciding to up my patronage. Thanks.


Hello~! Welcome to my Patreon~! I am happy to send latest version, any contribution will help each project to grow~ ^_^


uhm,this might sound dumb but I'm not too familiar with patreon but how do i get to the full game?


Good work and i just can't wait to see your new demo :)


Hello there. I've seen your work a couple of months ago, also to find you on Ecchi Iwara with your Miku POV, which is great quality. Keep up the good work, you're awesome. Also, I'm not well informed about the progress on your projects, so I'll have to read a lot to catch up, but could you please provide me the links of your projects on the current versions ? I'd be glad to try them all. Thank you very much Stratovarius, stay healthy.


Hello~! Thank you very much for your kindness~! I send you link to your inbox~ ^_^


Could you send me a link? The link in my inbox doesn't work.


I don't really know where to post this, but I think it may provide some ideas to other patrons if I put this here. So I've taken some time to dive into The Northwood Lair, and it's quite nice looking so far. I have come across some things during the experience that I would like to share, though you may have noticed them or someone told you already. Anyway, feel free to use or ignore any of the following points. - I think you should add more graphic qualities so slower PCs can play the game smoothly (mine is, for example :( ). Maximum performance may not be low quality enough, but I know nothing about the amount of work it requires. - It seems the startup logo displaying your name (Stratovarius) on launch is being processed. I have launched the game with a better PC and I still can't see the full animation before the screen fades out. You should probably record it on video and play it instead, as it is less resource consuming. - Between fields, since my PC is slow, the screen is black for about 10 seconds. Moreover, if I switch to another window, the game goes "No response" and freezes. I have to wait a bit before it's resumed. You could add a loading screen indicating how much the game has been loaded so far. - On the main screen, selecting Quit &gt; Back actually quits the game. - The eyes are following the mouse position, so they roll to the very back of the head at worst, which is not humanly possible xD Not really a "bug" in itself, but if you want to fix this, this is just a reminder ^^ - I don't have a VR device as of today, so maybe more camera modes or camera mobility during sex scenes would be appreciated. Since it's supposed to support VR equipment, that could be the reason the camera mode is limited, so don't mind this point if that's the case. - Go to the Throne room. Select Overworld from the left menu and select Wait when confirmation shows up. Bug : The Summon Henchmen bottom menu pops up out of nowhere. Click on Summon Henchmen now. The menu item on the left now reads Cancel Summons. Click on Overworld and cancel the choice again by clicking Wait. Bug : The Summon Henchmen/Cancel Summons menu item is now missing. Except from Inspect Miku menu item, make any choice on the screen which requires a confirmation. Bug : the confirmation text will have Open World Map overlapped on it, which becomes unreadable. Make a choice at the bottom of the screen to change scene (for example, Prison Cell, Horse Stable, etc). The game asks you for confirmation. Bug : Selecting Go will lead you to the Teleporter instead of the intended place you have clicked. When the game is in this buggy state, selecting Inspect Miku and then Return puts the state partially back to normal. The confirmation texts are still unreadable and clicking Go loads the Teleporter scene no matter what. - Go to the Tavern and select Menu then Special Services. Select Night Entertainment and select Neru. Her name is displayed as Neru on the top left corner. Bug : When on the recommended minimum resolution on Windowed Mode (1920x720), the UI is not entirely visible, as the name at the top left cannot be seen. Click on Return at the bottom left and cancel by clicking Wait. Bug : Her name is now displayed as Rin. Still in this state, select Bondage Options and choose anything from the next choices. Bug : Rin appears suddenly and synchronises your choice along with Neru (for example, Free + Choker give the appearance for both). Same strange behaviour can be obtained with Group Entertainment, but the state is different. - Go back to the menu before engaging sex with Rin at the Tavern. Select H Menu and hold your click on Doggystyle. Bug : The Cowgirl option is getting the "pressed" animation instead of Cowgirl. Select H Menu and hold your click on Sleep. Bug : The Doggystyle option is getting the "pressed" animation instead of Sleep. - Go back to the menu before engaging sex with Rin at the Tavern. Select H Menu and then Sleep to get to the Sleep scene. Bug : Clicking multiple times on Sleep at the bottom left plays the SFX as much as you clicked. - Go to Luka's Bondage Lounge. From the left menu, select Luka &gt; Luka/Henchmen x Miku (3P) to open a new menu with Forced Irrumatio as the only available choice. Bug : Clicking Go Back at the bottom left does not make the new menu with Forced Irrumatio disappear. Click on the Forced Irrumatio menu item from here on. You are now on the H scene with Miku being forced with Irrumatio. Bug : The first menu is still visible at this point, but you can navigate through the Forced Irrumatio menu item to make it disappear. However, reproducing the steps above will make the camera move, but the H scene is still taking place anyway. Bug : During the Forced Irrumatio, the Henchman's lower body is strangely following the movement. Let Slower mode active until Faster unlocks. Choose Faster and wait until Gag mode unlocks. Bug : Clicking multiple times on Gag repeats the sequence each time. Miku's head is warped at its initial point, but Luka's hands are not following correctly. Bug : Clicking Return to leave the Lounge plays the music at normal volume, which can be surprising. Headphone users will be sure to notice this. And here are my answers to the poll : 1. - For the future updates when Neru receives H animations in the Tavern stage, would you like to see the same animations adapted to her that Rin has, or would you like to see new animations? Since it's a different person, it should (or must) be different from Rin. If the only difference is the model, selecting Neru has no real point here. Why would I choose Neru over Rin ? Since I like the aggressive type, she's more suited for my current needs. Of course, that's an example. 2. - When it is Haku's turn to receive H animations, what kinds of situations/scenes would you like to see? I always pictured Haku as the big sister, and getting service from an experienced lady is sure to be interesting. Since she's got an eye for Harlow and they both are experienced, I think magic is about to happen. Maybe some acrobatic positions ? 3. - Is there any H animation you would like to see for any specific character? I'm more the fellatio type, so maybe some solo or group action, Lovematio, Irrumatio (forced or not), Deepthroat, slow and sensual licking... if that gives you some ideas. Since Miku is not used to her new Master yet, not only some scenes should be different based on how long she's been here, but some scenes should be locked, as the relationship between master and slave unfolds with time. For example, she starts licking shyly, then over time, she unlocks blowjob, and so on... 4. - What kinds of new H poses would you like for Miku to have for the Throne Room? A seductive pose. Sat down, the two hands on the floor, one leg laying on the floor and the other is bent, knee upward. I don't know if I'm clear enough xD 5. - Would you rather see new content for the Story Mode/Prologue or RPG Mode first? Story Mode/Prologue first. This is where you will start to build your own relationship with Miku and/or other girls, so I find this more interesting. 6. - For the Game Over scene, would you like to see an H scene instead of the interactive scene currently in place? H scene instead. The Game Over screen is when the game is finished, so no user interaction should be present. 7. - Lastly, is there anything not listed here that you would like to see in The Northwood Lair? Maybe a relationship system. The more intimate with a girl, the more you know. Learning the girl's past, her true self, her current feelings about you... would also affect your choices for the future. What do you think about it ?


Ah~! It is excellent feedback~! Thank you very much for very good detail~! I most love this kind of report~~! \^o^/ To fix now for next month update, it begins for using this information for finding error~. It was reported Rin and Neru error before in Tavern, but not understand how to find for solving~. It is most helpful~! Thank you also for feedback for questions~! For Neru, it is plan to make similar her character type in The Northwood Lair for tsundere personality, it is want to create new animation for Neru for her style, it is potential to be most happy with choice~. For romance and relationship, there is plan for corruption of Miku to become very happy with her treatment and stay forever in Lair~. Most romance animation will be for Harlow x Miku, when Miku become more closs to your character, she have more special care for performance~. This require great coding struggle for creating in game, it may not be finish for long time until it is help received from code expert~. Thank you again for very good feedback~! ^_^


An idea have popped up in my head. There should be a "Bedroom" selection in the "Summon Henchmen" choice. For the Bedroom idea, there should be H scenes of (mind my language): - Handjob - Titty fuck - (I know it's in the Valentine's Special) Blowjob - Footrub? - And freed body Miku H scenes That'd be cool. Just an idea and recommendation. Also, are you working on this alone?


Ah~! Thank you for this recommendations~! ^_^ For projects, it is solo working for creating animation and game, but it is fortunate my USA friend also translate for English interface, he help also create audio very quickly and write for Patreon update notes~.


Thanks a bunch sir! Please do your best in enhancing this masterpiece!


Thank you very much for supporting~! It is honor to grow The Northwood Lair~! ^_^


Eya just subscribed fro this masterpiece!


Can i get get a downlaod link :3 ?


Thank you for notification, I send you new link~! ^_^


안녕하세요! The Northwood Lair 의 링크를 주실 수 있나요?


how can i download this game..? can i get some download link?


i can get the link because i no see the link?


Thank you for notification~! I send you new link now~ ^_^

Jimmy Young

May I have the download link?


May I have the download link? pls


Welcome~! I send you link to your inbox now~ ^_^


download link pls

