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  • Tentacle Monster x Miku Stage 2.mp4



Hello everyone!

Today I am very excited to bring you a rather large update for The Northwood Lair! The dialogue system is finally complete and ready for use! Haku joins the Lair! New Rin H animations! A preview for Neru at the Tavern, and another preview for Rin + Neru, plus much more! Below are the details of this new update for reading, please enjoy! Download links will be sent shortly~!

Dialogue system is complete and included in this update!

This was a major source of excitement for me! Once the dialogue system was finished and tested, it nearly caused a celebration~! Oh, but this is not a typical dialogue system! This system can read a story script to allow dialogue between you and other characters, while also reading voice files and animating the speaker with lip sync technology! And it becomes even more exciting! Characters will change expressions based on the content and tone of the speaker's voice! I am very excited for you to try this new feature!

This new effect has been applied to the Tavern owner, Hibiki, who you may now talk to for a glimpse of this technology in action! The Tavern is another giant step closer to enabling a background transaction manager to allow Miku, Rin, and Neru earn you money at the Tavern for buying new items in game! I have already begun creating topics to add very soon for the Tavern, as well as many other locations!

Rin H animations now available at the Tavern!

Also included in this update are 2 new H scenes, 1 new sleeping scene, and 4 new H animations! Lie in bed and watch Rin climb on top of you for a wild ride! I am certain she will give you a delightful show! Or, if you are in the mood to be rough, tie her and take her from behind! Listen to her muffled voice as she moans in pleasure behind her gag! Hear the clap of your bodies as she thrusts herself deeper onto your manhood! Or, if you just wanted someone to share body heat with throughout the cold night, Rin will cling to you as you are serenaded the crackling fireplace and the crickets, sending you fast to sleep! It is also fun to snuggle up for a deep slumber after each H scene!

Neru and Rin + Neru previews now available!

Just as Rin received a preview for last update, now it is Neru's turn! You can now select Neru to view her main menu when choosing which girl to entertain you for the night! Also available in this update is the Group Entertainment button, which will give a preview of the Rin + Neru menu for when Rin and Neru both are selected!

Haku now waits on customers at the Tavern!

The silver-haired Haku  is a huge attraction at the Tavern as the ditzy waitress becomes increasingly distracted by the tavern customers, her barely-clothed body on full display as she attempts to process their lewd requests! Rumor around the tavern is she has taken quite a liking to you!

Tentacle Monster stage 2 video preview available for download!

Sadly, a critical import error has prevented this animation from being added to version 1.12, however, the cause of error has been successfully identified and a remedy is already in progress! To see what this brand new animation stage will look like in game very soon, please see the video attached to this post~!

RPG Mode Game Over scene receives an update!

There is now a new Game Over scene version ready for viewing in RPG Mode! The new Game Over scene now features custom music provided by a professional musician, and a dark message sure to add to Miku's peril! There is also plans to change the H animation to an H scene, rather than an interactive background H scene. Please feel free to tell me your thoughts on whether we should keep the current interactive H animation or change to a new H scene.

Here are the release notes for The Northwood Lair ver. 1.12:

- Added 4 new H animations for Rin in Tavern

- Added 2 new H scenes for Rin in Tavern, both with a Slower and Faster animation

- Added 1 new sleep scene for Rin in Tavern

- Added 4 new Rin H voice audio files

- Added new Rin breathing audio file

- Added new H SFX

- Created new user interface for Rin Cowgirl H scene in Tavern

- Created new user interface for Rin Bondage Doggystyle H scene in Tavern

- Created Neru GUI in Tavern

- Created Rin + Neru GUI in Tavern

- Created transition to choose to return to Lair or stay in Tavern after sleeping at the Tavern

- Added Haku to Tavern

- Added 2 new animations for Haku in Tavern

- Dialogue system fully finished and deployed

- Added Game Over scene music

- Added Game Over scene dark message

- Added Game Over "Game Over" banner

- Added camera tracking POI for suspended Rin in RPG Mode

- Added dialogue between Harlow (player character) and Hibiki in Tavern

- Added voice audio to Hibiki

- Added lip sync and facial automation to Hibiki for voice audio in Tavern

- Added lip sync and facial automation to Luka for voice audio in Bondage Lounge

Apart from a new Tentacle Monster x Miku animation stage, new Miku animations are also coming soon! These new Miku animations will feature a new Skull Lord x Miku H animation, a Minotaur x Miku H scene, and an untied Miku to serve the player character! One such untied animation will be the highly requested "flatiron" position~! 

I am also happy to announce that a very powerful physics engine is being added to The Northwood Lair soon! This physics engine enables tearing clothing, as well as environment destruction! A new character model eye tracking system is also being added soon for increased realism for character expressions!

 As always, please feel free to leave a comment below or send me a message on what you would like to see in a future update for The Northwood Lair! Thank you always for your support!!









ここ版ノースウッドの隠れ家のリリースノートです。 1.12:
- 居酒屋で凛のための4つの新しいHアニメーションを追加しました
- 遅くと高速なアニメーションとの両方、居酒屋で凛のために2つの新しいHシーンを追加しました
- 居酒屋で凛のための1の新しいスリープシーンを追加しました
- 4新しい凛Hボイスオーディオファイルを追加しました
- 新たに追加された凛呼吸オーディオファイル
- 新たに追加されたH SFX
- 居酒屋で凛カウガールHシーン用に作成した新しいユーザーインターフェイス
- 居酒屋で凛ボンデージ小犬スタイルHシーン用に作成した新しいユーザーインターフェイス
- 居酒屋でねるGUIを作成
- 居酒屋で作成した凛+ねるGUI
- 居酒屋で寝た後に巣に戻るか、居酒屋に滞在することを選択するために作成した移行
- 居酒屋に追加しましハク
- 居酒屋でハクのための2つの新しいアニメーションを追加しました
- 対話システムが完全に終了し、展開します
- シーンの音楽かけて添加ゲーム
- シーンダークメッセージかけて添加ゲーム
- 追加されたゲームオーバーバナー「ゲームオーバー」
- RPGモードに懸濁凛のためのカメラトラッキングPOIを追加しました
- 居酒屋でハーロウ(プレイヤーキャラクター)と響との間に追加された対話
- 響への追加された音声オーディオ
- 居酒屋での音声オーディオのひびきに追加されたリップシンクおよび顔の自動化
- ボンデージラウンジでの音声オーディオのルカに追加されたリップシンクおよび顔の自動化


모두 안녕하세요!

오늘은 노스우드 소굴 당신에게 오히려 큰 업데이트를 가져 매우 흥분! 대화 시스템은 마침내 완전하고 사용할 준비가 된 것입니다! 하쿠는 소굴에 합류! 새로운 린 H 애니메이션! 선술집에서의 Neru에 대한 미리보기 및 린 +의 Neru 또 다른 미리보기, 플러스 훨씬 더! 다음은 독서에 대한 새로운 업데이트의 세부 사항은, 즐기세요! 다운로드 링크는 곧 발송됩니다 ~!

대화 시스템은 완전하고이 업데이트에 포함입니다!
이것은 나를 위해 흥분의 주요 원인이었다! 대화 시스템이 완료되고 테스트 된 후에는 거의 ~ 축하의 원인! 아,하지만이 아닌 일반적인 대화 시스템입니다! 이 시스템은 또한 음성 파일을 읽고 립싱크 기술로 스피커를 애니메이션하는 동안, 당신과 다른 문자 사이의 대화를 허용하는 이야기 스크립트를 읽을 수 있습니다! 그리고 그것은 훨씬 더 흥미로운된다! 문자는 스피커의 음성의 내용과 톤을 기준으로 식을 변경됩니다! 난 당신이 새로운 기능을 시도하기에 매우 흥분!
이 새로운 효과는 지금 행동이 기술을 엿볼에 대해 이야기 할 수있다 선술집 주인, 히비키에 적용되었습니다! 선술집은 또 다른 거대한 걸음 더 가까이 미쿠, 린을 허용하는 배경 트랜잭션 관리를 가능하게하는, 그리고의 Neru 게임에 새로운 아이템을 구매하기위한 선술집에서 돈을 적립! 난 이미 선술집뿐만 아니라 많은 다른 위치는 곧 추가 할 항목을 작성하기 시작했다!

선술집에서 사용할 린 H 애니메이션!
또한이 업데이트에 2 개의 새로운 H 장면, 한 새로운 잠자는 장면, 그리고 4 개의 새로운 H 애니메이션을하는 포함! 침대에 누워 린 야생 타고 당신의 정상에 올라 시계! 나는 그녀가 당신에게 즐거운 쇼를 줄 것이다 확신합니다! 또는, 당신은 거친로 기분이 경우, 그녀를 묶고 뒤에서 그녀를 데리고! 그녀는 그녀의 개그 뒤에 기쁨에 신음 그녀의 숨막히는 목소리를 듣고! 그녀는 당신의 청춘에 더 깊이 자신을 민다로 몸의 박수를 듣고! 그냥 추운 밤에 걸쳐으로 체온을 공유하는 사람을 원한다면 당신이 지직 벽난로와 귀뚜라미를 세레나데대로 또는, 린은 잠이 빨리 보내기, 당신에 집착합니다! 각 H 장면 후 깊은 잠에 대한 동행하는 것도 재미있다!

의 Neru와 린 +의 Neru는 사용할 미리!
린은 지난 업데이트 미리보기를받은 것처럼, 지금은의 Neru의 차례입니다! 이제 밤 당신을 즐겁게 할 소녀 선택할 때 그녀의 주 메뉴를 볼 수의 Neru를 선택할 수 있습니다! 또한이 업데이트에서 구매 가능 린과의 Neru 모두 선택하는 경우에 대한 린 +의 Neru 메뉴의 미리보기를 제공합니다 그룹 엔터테인먼트 버튼입니다!

하쿠 이제 선술집에서 고객을 기다립니다!
은색 머리 하쿠는 ditzy 웨이트리스가 점점 술집 고객이 산만대로 선술집에서 큰 매력이며, 전체 디스플레이에 그녀의 거의-옷을 몸 그녀는 자신의 음란 요청을 처리하기 위해 시도로! 선술집 주위에 소문 그녀는 당신에게 아주 좋아을 얻었습니다입니다!

다운로드 할 수 있습니다 촉수 괴물 2 단계 비디오 미리보기!
슬프게도, 중요한 가져 오기 오류가 버전 1.12에 추가되는이 애니메이션을 방지하고있다, 그러나, 오류의 원인이 성공적으로 확인되었습니다 및 치료는 이미 진행 중입니다! 이 새로운 애니메이션의 무대가 곧 게임에서 어떻게 표시되는지 확인하려면이 게시물에 첨부 된 동영상을 볼 ~ 제발!

장면을 통해 RPG 모드 게임 업데이 트를 수신!
RPG 모드에서 볼 준비 장면 버전 이상 새로운 게임은 이제 있습니다! 장면을 통해 새로운 게임은 이제 사용자 지정 전문 음악가가 제공하는 음악, 하츠네 미쿠의 위험에 추가해야합니다 어두운 메시지를 제공합니다! 이 또한 오히려 대화 형 배경 H 장면보다가 H 장면에 H 애니메이션을 변경할 계획이다. 나에게 우리가 현재 대화 형 H 애니메이션을 유지하거나 새로운 H 장면으로 변경해야하는지 여부에 대한 의견을 알려 주시기 바랍니다.

다음 버전 노스우드 소굴의 릴리스 정보입니다. 1.12 :
- 선술집에서 린 4 새로운 H 애니메이션을 추가
- 느린 및 빠른 애니메이션을 모두 선술집에서 린을위한 2 개의 새로운 H 장면 추가
- 선술집에서 린 1 새로운 절전 장면 추가
- 4 개의 새로운 린 H 음성 오디오 파일을 추가
- 추가 된 새로운 린은 오디오 파일을 호흡
- 추가 된 새로운 H SFX
- 선술집에서 린 카우걸 H 장면 만든 새로운 사용자 인터페이스
- 선술집에서 린 반디 후배위 H 장면 만든 새로운 사용자 인터페이스
- 선술집에서의 Neru GUI를 생성
- 선술집에서 만든 린 +의 Neru GUI
- 만든 전환은 선술집에서 자고 후 소굴로 돌아가거나 선술집에 머물 선택할 수
- 추가 하쿠는 선술집하기
- 선술집에서 하쿠을위한 2 개의 새로운 애니메이션 추가
- 대화 시스템이 완전히 완료 및 배포
- 현장 음악을 통해 추가 게임
- 현장 어두운 메시지를 통해 추가 된 게임
- 추가 된 게임 오버 배너 "이상 게임"
- RPG 모드에서 정지 린을위한 카메라 추적 POI를 추가
- 선술집에서 할로우 (플레이어 캐릭터)와 히비키 사이에 추가 대화
- 히비키에 추가 된 음성 오디오
- 선술집에서 음성 오디오 히비키에 추가 립싱크 및 얼굴 자동화
- 반디 라운지에서 음성 오디오 루카에 추가 립싱크 및 얼굴 자동화

나는 매우 강력한 물리 엔진이 곧 노스우드 소굴에 추가되고 있다는 발표도 행복하다! 이 물리 엔진은 환경 파괴뿐만 아니라, 옷을 찢어 수 있습니다! 새로운 캐릭터 모델 안구 추적 시스템은 캐릭터 표현을 위해 증가 된 리얼리즘 곧 추가 될!
 언제나처럼, 아래에 댓글을 남기거나 노스우드 소굴에 대한 향후 업데이트에서보고 싶은 무엇을 나에게 메시지를 보내 주시기 바랍니다! 귀하의 지원에 항상 감사드립니다!

- Stratovarius




Nice update(*•̀ㅂ•́)و

Francisco Ramirez

This excites me maybe in the future you can aacceder Haku at the tavern


I'm surprised you don't have many supporters, maybe you should try advertising more in a couple of months (wait for a couple more updates)? Maybe make a quick gameplay teaser and put it up somehwere? \(^_^)/ I feel like you're getting underpaid compared to other people :l


I feel like this is geared more vocaloids... but adding in doa characters wouldn't be bad. I wonder if future updates will have a little of everything. :o


Nice update. Just wondering how the inflation option is coming along?


Thank you very much~! Inflation option is almost ready, there should be preview coming this month~! ^_^


Thanks for the update. The new tentacle animation looks like it's gonna be great when it gets fixed up for the game! I love Miku's expression in the preview.


Where do I download it? Sorry for the noob question.


Ohh I still need to send you some of the vids that I found around, I'll do that sometime this week !


It's already too hot without this...this... delicious update =W= ... Think I'm going to need 2 cold showers, one now while it's downloading and one after... testing it :P Thank you for trying to kill me with sexyness Stratovarius ^^ Goddess be with you :3 <a href="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/0c/a6/c2/0ca6c2098a9de363c3cab18b6345ff7d.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/0c/a6/c2/0ca6c2098a9de363c3cab18b6345ff7d.jpg</a>


wow! thank you ^_^


Top notch additions, love music and new animations, when I saw the message on game over I was like "oh nooooo Miku!" xD. Really makes me want to try to win, even if I wasn't actually facing adversity a moment before :P wow, Harlow Thorne really needs to build some stamina, he doesn't even finish and straight to sleep? No going back to tavern? :P (I know I said this, but navigation in prison cell is so good now that it's pretty much a staple of how it ought to be on every scene) lol at Haku pretending she didn't notice the big boss man entering tavern and wiggling her rear at you x´D Such passionate and tender sex with Rin... I want to watch Miku sleep too :P As always, I'm enthralled by your beautiful work. May the Goddess lovely synthetic voice keep you inspired in all your endeavors and gently wake you everyday. You rock!


Is Northwood Lair VR only?


Great update. For the new tavern scenes, there really needs to be options for finishing, and a back option so you can go back and do more scenes in one night. It gets tedious having to sleep, wake up, go back up to the menu, and pick a girl again... just to view another animation.


Thank you for this feedback~! I can create this new user interface, it is excellent suggestion! There will be many H animation receiving Finish stage very soon (this animation stage take much longer to complete)~. ^_^


do i need to wait for dl link msg or is it in posts?


Thanks :)


Northwood Lairのダウンロードリンクはどこにありますか?


私はあなたのリンクを送信する必要があり、すぐにあなたの受信トレイを表示してください~ ^_^


hello, just joined your patreon (my first) and I would like to know when the email content arrives, I would like to try the games soon =)


I don't want to be a bother but could I get a link sent to me as well Stato? (´・ω・`)


Hi! I just joined and was wondering if I could get a download link?


Hello Stratovarius! It's an honor to meet you , and it's great to see you have a Patreon! I only pledged just now, but can I have the download link to the game? I've been seeing your videos online for a while, and I'd like to show a bit support :D


Hello~! It is very nice to meet you~! Thank you for supporting~! ^_^ Download link will be available for your inbox shortly~!


In the future... will there be an option for free camera? I feel like that would make most of the old scenes more enjoyable since we can view from any angle. What do you think? :o


It is possibility, some scene meant for 1st person view, but I am open to all ideas~. ^_^


Hello! just saw the post, can I get a link please? Thanks!


Hello,I just pledged you yesterday,do I have to wait to 26th or 8th next month to get the download link?


Hello~! Download link for newest version is sent on 8th day each month, 26th day for discussion for new features. I send you link for this month version, you do not have to wait~! ^_^


Hello can I get link dl please ? Thank you and good luck for the future on this project (^-^)/


sleeping with Rin while Rin and Neru watch the door :^) <a href="http://i.imgur.com/aQVI3uD.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/aQVI3uD.jpg</a>


Hi, can I get a dl link please? Thanks ^^


Hi, can i get link to the dl please? thank you :)


Hi, can I get a dl link please? Thank you


こんにちは!The Northwood Lair!のDLリンクを教えてもらえますか?


こんにちは!私はリンクをダウンロードあなたをお送りします~! ^_^


Hi, can I get a dl link please?


Hi, I have just joined. How can I get my download link?


Yo, can you send me the DL link please? :)


Hello! I've just joined, do you mind sending a download link? Thanks!


Heyo, I just joined as well, would you mind if I got a downlod link as well? tyty


Hello, like the above, I just joined too. I would like to have a look at these links also 8P Keep up the hard work!


Can't I get a link, plz~


こんにちは!The Northwood Lair!のDLリンクを教えてもらえますか?


ようこそ〜! 受信トレイにリンクが待っています。お楽しみください~! ^ _ ^