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Hello everyone!

Today, I am very happy to present to you a brand new content update in The Northwood Lair, version 1.09! In this exciting update, you will uncover a brand new H scene with a powerful new magical tome, awaiting for your use in the Arcanium! Command a powerful inter-dimensional tentacle monster! Rin has also officially joined the prisoners in RPG Mode and is bound and suspended from the ceiling! A new scripted camera system has been developed and implemented for use in RPG Mode to help you get a better view of distant H scenes, a decision is made from last month's vote on which Miku model to use, and more! A download link will appear in your mailbox very soon! More details on this new update are available below for your reading~! ^_^

Miku model voting is now complete! New Miku model is selected for The Northwood Lair!

In the last progress update, we discussed a vote for which Miku model you would like to see most in The Northwood Lair, and it has been decided to use the brand new Miku model with much more accurate bust and height size proportions! I am also happy to announce that the former (current) Miku model will also remain available to use for the entire program, just in case you wish to use the bustier/taller Miku! If you had missed the previous update and are unsure of what each model looks like, there is an attachment to this post on each body type for you to view. In the future, there will be several options made available to  extend this functionality even more with several new options! Expect to see the new Miku model in all new H scenes from now onward, as well as a model swap in the coming updates for all current H scenes. Please feel free to recommend any future model ideas you would like to see in The Northwood Lair! Thank you again for voting~!

Introducing the tentacle monster! The Arcanium magical tomes are yours to command!

In this update, a brand new H scene has been created featuring the first stage of your very own tentacle monster! Miku is helplessly ensnared in the powerful grip of several thick tentacles that will show no mercy as she is made to relentlessly pleasure them with her body! There are many additional exciting H scenes planned for this powerful creature coming in future updates!

Rin joins the prisoners in The Northwood Lair!

Starting today, you will find a brand new prisoner awaiting you in RPG Mode: Kagamine Rin! Rin has been a captive in The Northwood Lair for quite some time and is the subject of many prolonged experiments by your henchmen. This intense training regiment has successfully broken Rin into an obedient servant to your henchmen and monsters, she is ready and willing to do anything you wish! In today's update, you will find her bound and suspended upside down, neglected in a cage, awaiting her next intense training session to begin! Expect to see much more of her and Neru in the background as additional servants in the upcoming Tavern update!

An improved camera is now in use for RPG Mode!

A newly redesigned camera has been developed and implemented to follow along with Miku on her attempt to escape the Lair! This new contextual camera will recognize automatically which direction Miku is facing to adjust to a better viewing angle automatically, has smoothed movement for jumping, and will detect H scenes playing in the background and will zoom in on them! It will also reveal waypoint hints when approaching the end of a stage.

Story Mode prologue is now in development!

Ah, Story Mode! I am very excited to show you this coming feature~! In the next update this month, the story script will be revealed for the prologue to Story Mode! Story Mode will detail the events surrounding you (the leader of the Northwood Lair) and your interactions with your new captive, Miku! How did you and your henchmen collect Miku? Was Miku always a captive? What will you do with your new captive to train her? Find out these things and more on next update~!

Beware... enemies coming soon to RPG Mode!

Very soon, Miku will encounter patrolling enemy henchmen and monsters in her attempt to escape her prison cell! Miku is defenseless as she attempts to escape your ownership, she cannot resist your well trained henchmen if she is caught! If she becomes overwhelmed by your henchmen and monsters, she will be forced to pleasure them in any way they wish, other henchmen will join in if another already has grabbed Miku for intense, punishing gangbangs!  If Miku suffers too much from your henchmen and monsters, she will faint and the Game Over screen will display a special H scene screen! There will be very many H animations developed for RPG mode for when Miku is caught. Miku must be very careful to not get caught if she wishes to free herself, or her situation will become even worse. I will leave this henchmen update as a surprise feature in an update to add to the sense of looming danger, I am excited to see your reaction! ^_^

An exciting new audio partnership has been made!

I am very happy to announce that I have a new expert audio editor to create audio for The Northwood Lair and all other projects! This artist is also my English translator (the one translating currently... Hello all!)! This new partnership will give characters voices and sound effects for H scenes, as well as enhanced environment details! There will be audio updates for scenes currently without audio coming very soon, and original music composition with layered levels of detail!

Here are the patch notes for this month's new release of The Northwood Lair:

- New monster added: Tentacle Monster!

- New item added to Arcanium: Magic Tome!

- New H scene added to Arcanium: tentacles!

- A new scripted camera has been implemented in RPG Mode!

- Inspect Miku panel has been updated to greatly reduce user interface bugs when using the Accessories panel. Some button combinations may still cause bugs to appear.

- New character added to The Northwood Lair: Rin!

- Rin has been added to RPG Mode Prison Cell stage!

- Added GUI navigation elements to Arcanium

- Added Level of Detail (LOD) adjustments to Arcanium stage, please let me know if you experience improved performance in this environment due to these changes

- Added audio to Tentacle Monster H scene in Arcanium (currently no voice)

- Fixed an audio bug where the audio did not successfully fade out for 3P Lifted H scene in Prison Cell environment

Here is a new question for voting this month:

- Now that there are several new H animations, would you rather see rapid development of new animation stages for these, or improve and diversify all current animations?

Thank you very much for your continued support~! I am always humbled by your kindness and your warm feedback! I cannot wait to create even more of the things you like!


今日、私はあなたにノースウッド隠れ家、バージョン1.09でのブランドの新しいコンテンツ更新を提示することは非常に嬉しいです!このエキサイティングなアップデートでは、あなたはArcaniumでの使用のために待っている、強力な新しい魔法の書物で真新しいHシーンを明らかにします!強力な相互次元触手をコマンド!凛も正式RPGモードで捕虜に参加しているし、天井からバインドされ、中断されて!新しいスクリプトカメラシステムを開発し、あなたが遠くのHシーンのよりよい眺めを得るのを助けるためにRPGモードで使用するために実装されている、決定はミクのモデルは、使用する上で、先月の投票から作られ、そしてより多くのです!ダウンロードリンクは非常にすぐにあなたのメールボックスに表示されます!この新しいアップデートの詳細については、〜あなたの読書のために以下の利用可能です! ^ _ ^


最後の進捗の更新では、我々はあなたがノースウッド隠れ家で一番見たいミクモデルに投票を議論し、それをはるかに正確なバストと高さ寸法比率で真新しいミクモデルを使用することを決定しました!私はまた、元(現在の)ミクのモデルはまた、ビスチェ/背の高い初音ミクを使用したいだけの場合には、プログラム全体で使用するために利用可能なままであることをお知らせしています!あなたは以前の更新を逃し、各モデルがどのように見えるかわからないしていた場合は、表示するために各ボディタイプにこの投稿への愛着があります。将来的には、いくつかの新しいオプションを使用して、さらにこの機能を拡張するために利用できるようにいくつかのオプションがあるでしょう!今以降からのすべての新しいのHシーンで新しいミクモデルと同様に、現在のすべてのHシーンの今後のアップデートでモデルスワップを参照してくださいことを期待しています。あなたはノースウッド隠れ家で見たいのですが、将来のモデルのアイデアをお勧めすること自由に感じなさい! 〜投票のためにもう一度ありがとうございます!

触手をご紹介! Arcanium魔法トームズはあなたがコマンドになっています!







ああ、ストーリーモード!私は〜あなたにこの来る機能を表示することは非常に興奮しています!今月次のアップデートでは、物語のスクリプトは、ストーリーモードのプロローグのために明らかにされます!ストーリーモードでは、詳細あなたの新しいキャプティブ、ミクとあなた(ノースウッド隠れ家のリーダー)とのやり取りを取り巻くイベントのでしょう!どのようにあなたとあなたの取り巻きはミクを集めたのですか?ミクは常にキャプティブましたか?あなたは彼女を訓練するためにあなたの新しいキャプティブで何をしますか? 〜次回の更新時にこれらの事と詳細をご覧ください!


間もなく、ミクは彼女の刑務所の独房を脱出する彼女の試みで敵の手下とモンスターをパトロール遭遇します!ミクは、彼女があなたの所有権を脱出しようとしたとして、彼女がキャッチされた場合、彼女はあなたのよく訓練子分に抵抗することはできません無防備です!彼女はあなたの部下やモンスターによって圧倒さになると、彼女は他の取り巻きが激しく、処罰乱交ために別すでにつかんでいるミク場合で参加します、彼らが望むどのような方法で喜びにそれらを強制されます!ミクがあなたの部下やモンスターからあまりにも多くを被った場合、彼女は気絶し、ゲームオーバー画面は、特別なHシーン画面が表示されます!ミクがキャッチされたときのためのRPGモード用に開発された非常に多くのHアニメーションがあります。ミクは彼女が彼女自身を解放したい場合に巻き込まれ、または彼女の状況はさらに悪くなりますしないように非常に慎重でなければなりません。私は危険を迫り来るの感覚に追加するアップデートで驚きの機能としてこの取り巻き更新を残して、私はあなたの反応を見て興奮しています! ^ _ ^




- 新しいモンスターが追加されました:触手モンスターを!

- Arcaniumに追加された新しいアイテム:マジック登米!

- 新しいHシーンがArcaniumに追加:触手を!

- 新しいスクリプトカメラはRPGモードで実装されています!

- 点検ミクパネルは付属のパネルを使用する際に大幅にユーザーインターフェースのバグを削減するように更新されました。いくつかのボタンの組み合わせはまだバグが表示される場合があります。

凛: - 新キャラクターはノースウッド隠れ家に追加しました!

- 凛はRPGモード刑務所の独房のステージに追加されました!

- Arcaniumに追加しましたGUIナビゲーション要素

- 詳細を追加しましたレベル(LOD)Arcanium段への調整は、あなたがこれらの変更により、この環境でのパフォーマンスの向上が発生した場合、私に知らせてください

- Arcanium(現在は無音声)に触手モンスターHシーンにオーディオを追加しました

- オーディオが正常に刑務所の独房環境でつり3PためのHシーンをフェードアウトしなかったオーディオバグを修正 


- 今、いくつかの新しいHアニメーションがあることを、あなたはむしろこれらのための新しいアニメーションステージの急速な発展を参照するか、現在のすべてのアニメーションを向上させ、多様化のでしょうか?


모두 안녕하세요!

오늘, 나는 노스우드 소굴에서 당신에게 새로운 콘텐츠 업데이트를 제시 아주 행복, 버전 1.09! 이 흥미 진진한 업데이트에서는 Arcanium에 사용하기 위해 기다리고, 강력한 새로운 마법 메와 새로운 H 장면을 발견 할 것이다! 강력한 간 차원 촉수 괴물을 명령! 린은 공식적으로 RPG 모드에서 포로에 가입하고 천장에 묶여 일시 중단됩니다! 새로운 스크립트 카메라 시스템을 개발하고 먼 H 장면의 더 나은 전망을 얻을 수 있도록 RPG 모드에서 사용할 수 있도록 구현되었습니다, 결정은 미쿠 모델을 사용하는 지난 달의 투표로 만들어진, 그리고 더 많은합니다! 다운로드 링크는 곧 사서함에 나타납니다! 이 새로운 업데이트에 대한 자세한 내용은 독서 ~ 아래 사용할 수 있습니다! ^ _ ^

하츠네 미쿠 모델의 투표가 완료되었습니다! 새로운 미쿠 모델은 노스우드 소굴을위한 선택!

마지막으로 진행 업데이트에서는, 우리는 당신이 노스우드 소굴에서 가장보고 싶은 미쿠 모델에 대한 투표를 논의, 훨씬 더 정확한 가슴 높이의 크기 비율로 새로운 미쿠 모델을 사용하기로 결정되었습니다! 난 당신이 뷔스티에 / 키 미쿠를 사용하고자하는 경우에 대비, 전 (현재) 하츠네 미쿠 모델은 또한 전체 프로그램에 대해 사용 가능한 상태로 유지 것이라는 발표도 행복하다! 이전 업데이트를 놓 쳤고, 각 모델의 모습을 잘 모르는했다면, 당신이 보는 각 체형에이 게시물에 첨부 파일이 있습니다. 앞으로 몇 가지 새로운 옵션으로 더 많은이 기능을 확장하기 위해 사용할 몇 가지 옵션이있을 것이다! 지금 이후의 모든 새로운 H 장면의 새로운 미쿠 모델을 볼뿐만 아니라, 현재의 모든 H 장면에 대한 향후 업데이트에서 모델 스왑 할 전망이다. 당신은 노스우드 소굴에서보고 싶은 미래의 모델 아이디어를 추천 해 주시기 바랍니다! ~ 투표에 대해 다시 한번 감사드립니다!

촉수 괴물을 소개합니다! Arcanium 마법의 학술서는 당신의 명령을 할 수있다!

이번 업데이트에서는 새로운 H 장면은 자신의 촉수 괴물의 첫 번째 단계를 특징으로 만들었습니다! 미쿠는 어쩔 수없이 그녀가 그녀의 몸에 끊임없이 즐거움을 제작대로 자비를 표시되지 않습니다 그 몇 두꺼운 촉수의 강력한 그립에 유혹된다! 향후 업데이트에 오는이 강력한 생물 예정 많은 추가 흥미로운 H 장면이 있습니다!

린은 노스우드 소굴에서 포로 합류!

오늘부터, 당신은 RPG 모드에서 당신을 기다리고 새로운 죄수를 찾을 수 : 카가미 네 린! 린은 꽤 많은 시간 동안 노스우드 소굴에 포로되어 당신의 졸개로 많은 연장 실험의 대상이되었다. 이 강렬한 훈련 연대가 성공적으로 졸개 몬스터에 대한 순종의 종으로 린을 파괴했다, 그녀는 당신이 원하는 무엇이든 할 준비가 기꺼이입니다! 오늘의 업데이트에서는, 당신은 시작하는 그녀의 다음 강렬한 훈련을 기다리고, 그녀는 새장에 묶여 거꾸로 중단, 무시 발견 할 것이다! 곧 선술집 업데이트에서 추가 종으로 배경에서 그녀와의 Neru의 더 많은 것을 볼 것으로 예상!

개선 된 카메라는 RPG 모드에 대한 사용 지금입니다!

새로 디자인 된 카메라를 개발하고 소굴을 탈출 그녀의 시도에서 미쿠를 따라 구현되었습니다! 이 새로운 상황에 맞는 카메라는 미쿠가 자동으로 더 나은 시야각에 적응 직면, 점프 움직임을 부드럽게하고 있으며, 백그라운드에서 재생 H 장면을 감지하고이를 확대 할 방향을 자동으로 인식합니다! 무대의 끝을 접근 할 때 그것은 또한 웨이 포인트 힌트를 공개합니다.

스토리 모드의 프롤로그는 개발에 지금입니다!

아, 스토리 모드! 나는 ~ 당신에게 오는 기능을 보여 매우 흥분! 이 달의 다음 업데이트에서는 이야기 스크립트는 스토리 모드로 프롤로그를 위해 공개됩니다! 스토리 모드 것입니다 세부 당신에게 (상기 노스우드 소굴의 지도자)와 미쿠, 새 포로와의 상호 작용을 둘러싼 이벤트! 어떻게 당신과 당신의 졸개가 하츠네 미쿠를 수집 했습니까? 미쿠는 항상 고정이 되었습니까? 당신은 그녀를 훈련하는 새 포로로 무엇을 할 것인가? ~ 다음 업데이트에서 이러한 것들을 더 알아보세요!

조심 ... 원수 RPG 모드로 곧!

곧, 미쿠는 그녀의 감옥을 탈출하는 그녀의 시도 적의 졸개 몬스터를 순찰 발생합니다! 그녀가 소유권을 탈출 시도로 그녀가 적발되면 미쿠가 무방비 상태이며, 그녀는 잘 훈련 된 졸개를 저항 할 수 있습니다! 그녀는 당신의 졸개 몬스터에 의해 압도 될 경우, 그녀는 다른 졸개 강렬한, 처벌 윤간 또 다른 이미 잡고있다 미쿠 경우에 참여합니다, 그들이 원하는 방식으로 즐거움을 강요 당할 것이다! 미쿠는 당신의 졸개 몬스터에서 너무 많은 고통, 그녀는 기절하고 화면 이상 게임은 특별한 H 장면 화면이 표시됩니다! 미쿠가 발견 될 때를 위해 RPG 모드 용으로 개발 된 매우 많은 H 애니메이션이 될 것입니다. 미쿠는 그녀가 자신을 확보하고자하는 경우 잡히면, 또는 그녀의 상황이 더 악화 될 것입니다하지에 매우주의해야합니다. 나는 위험을 어렴풋의 의미에 추가 업데이트에 깜짝 기능으로이 졸개 업데이트를 떠나, 당신의 반응을보고 흥분! ^ _ ^

흥미로운 새로운 오디오 파트너십 만들어졌다!

나는 내가 노스우드 레어 다른 모든 프로젝트에 오디오를 제작하는 새로운 전문 오디오 편집기가 발표 매우 기쁘게 생각합니다! 이 작가는 (하나의 모든 안녕하세요 ... 현재 번역!) 또한 내 영어 번역기입니다! 이 새로운 파트너십은 캐릭터의 목소리와 H 장면에 대한 음향 효과뿐만 아니라 강화 된 환경 정보를 제공합니다! 세부의 계층 수준이 매우 곧 오디오없이 현재 장면 오디오 업데이트, 원래 음악 작곡있을 것입니다!

여기 노스우드 소굴이 달의 새로운 릴리스에 대한 패치 노트는 다음과 같습니다

- 새로운 몬스터가 추가 : 촉수 괴물을!

- 새로운 항목 Arcanium에 추가 : 매직 메!

- 새로운 H 장면 Arcanium에 추가 : 촉수를!

- 새로운 스크립트 카메라 RPG 모드에서 구현되었습니다!

- 미쿠 패널은 액세서리 패널을 사용할 때 크게 사용자 인터페이스 버그를 줄이기 위해 업데이트되었습니다 검사합니다. 일부 버튼의 조합은 여전히

버그가 나타날 수 있습니다.

- 새로운 문자는 노스우드 소굴에 추가 : 린!

- 린 모드 감옥 단계를 RPG에 추가되었습니다!

- Arcanium에 추가 GUI 이동 요소

- 세부의 추가 레벨 (LOD) Arcanium 단계 조정은, 내가 당신 때문에 이러한 변경이 환경에서 향상된 성능을 경험할 경우 알려 주시기 바랍니다

- Arcanium (현재 없음 음성)에 촉수 괴물 H 장면에 오디오 추가

- 오디오 가 성공적으로 감옥 환경에서 드러내 3P 에 대한 H 장면 을 퇴색하지 않았다 오디오 버그를 수정 

다음은이 달 투표에 대한 새로운 질문은 :

- 지금 여러 가지 새로운 H 애니메이션은 오히려 이러한 새로운 애니메이션 단계의 신속한 개발을 참조하거나 개선하고 현재의 모든 애니메이션을 다양 것이다 있다는 것을?

지속적인 지원 ~ 주셔서 대단히 감사합니다! 나는 항상 친절하고 따뜻한 피드백에 의해 겸손하고! 나는 당신이 좋아하는 것들을 더를 만들 수 기다릴 수 없어!

- Stratovarius




Great updates. The only issue I noticed was that the purple flames around the tentacles get in the way of the camera if you try to move the camera below Miku, so I think it would be nice to make those much smaller. I also cast my vote for more new animations; I don't really care whether it is for the new stages or the old stages :). Oh, and it would also be nice to have a manual camera zoom ability for RPG mode since all the animations are still far away. Keep up the good work :)


Very nice update. I also agree that the purple flames need to be toned down a bit, Miku almost looks too tanned (Unless someone requested that xD). As for updating old animations VS new animations, I'll like it if you made new animations more; the more the better! I hope you can implement the model swap option soon! It would be great in the non-RPG or story mode to see other characters go through the same treatment Miku did (For ex, Rin and Neru, as they are also locked inside the Northwood Lair somewhere). Keep it up!


Ah! This is very good feedback, thank you for this ~! I will make adjustments to special effects from purple flame to see below Miku better! I will add effect for zoom on RPG Mode H animation, thank you also for your voting! ^_^


Thank you very much, and also for your voting~! I will be happy to tweak this lighting~! ^_^ For new model change, it will also provide good estimate for timeline with new body. I can use this data for potential adaption for other characters for future use~!


Oh man, I just finished my workout routine and see that screenshot and news. My heart x´D. Gonna try this right away! I'm inclined to vote for ->new animations<- as well. But tweaks and improvements on old ones are also welcome, and noticeable! I'm still impressed by the added passion on that tweak you made on the skull lord finish.


Thank you very much~! I am very happy you are enjoying new Skull Lord ending animation! Perhaps I should create even more Skull Lord animations very soon ~! ^_^


Very nice! That tentacle fest looks very promising ^^ ---Bugs/glitches--- Nothing much to add about bug reports than you are already aware of and others mentioned but here goes: --> Minor thing, nearly inconsequential: On low settings, blindfold takes a while to load. Doesn't happen in balanced and high settings. --> Prison Cell: the "invisible shorts" and the different color on head persists on the "Extra" spitroast scene. The hip area and head are darker than the rest of the body on low and medium settings and lighter on the highest settings. This is heightened depending on lighting used on the scene, as it's not noticeable on the small camera angle squares to the sides. This color difference is even more apparent when we use "change" from the double penetration scene and go to spitroad, since the lightning in the room is different when changing than it is initially (alot darker and the skin color also becomes alot darker on mentioned areas). I think you can work around this if you make the lighting the same as the one used in the camera angles squares we see to the sides. --> The minor camera going bonkers and aiming at her foot/somewhere else unsual when finishing inspecting Miku ocasionally. ---Feedback/suggestions--- To your question: Yes, the load to arcanium is indeed faster, on all settings! I'm very happy you're getting extra help on your project, best wishes on your new partnership! --> I know I already voted for more animations, but your polishing is great (skull lord animation/Luka hair not clipping Miku), so I wish to remain neutral concerning this. Just want you to enjoy whatever you decide to do. It's lovely! Maybe apply the smart zoom on H scenes in RPG mode as well. --> Luka's Lounge could use some love. The "Change" button makes sense in this Lair section since it's got 2 scenes and we can only "Return" to throne room right now. I thought I was imagining it but Miku's vagina looks more... inviting. Comparing it to Luka's simpler older model made it more apparent. So I had to compare it with the Valentine's project just to be sure xD. Looks like a beautiful flower for all the bees in the lair to taste ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) --> The lightinig and shadows in RPG mode might become a problem. Namely in front of Neru's cell and when exiting to the corridor with stairs and full of torches. I suggest either using less torches like at the start of the dungeon or using different ones, like the ones in the throne room and adding the light manually. Toning down the dynamic lights can help. Or using prerendered lights and shadows might be worth the small extra load time for the perfomance and stability gain. -->I do not think the lighintg on Miku's skin is a problem on the tentacle scene. But as others mentioned the lights on the tentacle scene get in the way. I'll put some ideas here: 1 - You could try scalling the effect up, this way increasing the radius and avoiding it blocking the way, altough there is a risk this might cause perfomance problems. 2 - Using a "skybox" trick and place the effect there so it becomes the horizon to the viewer rather than an effect present in the room 3 - Simply lowering the effect's Zenith and putting it slightly bellow ground, we get the effect's pretty purple spheres that do not obscruct the view. This would only be placed like this right after activating the book ofc. 4 - After this is fixed, I would also recommend doing something so we get some better visibility on Miku's private parts on this scene, it's quite dark :< . Maybe some lower light, maybe make her only be affected by ambient light/ignore shadows. It's great to see you intend to make the lair a very costumized experience for the user, good choice! Keeping different models and characters as options is a great step in this direction. They say "different strokes for different folks" but with options you make it feel appealing and personalized for a broader audience. Despite that, this should be an added benefit from polish rather than a focus in my opinion. ------------ Now let us pray xD. Dear Miku who art in our hearts, Blessed be the mortals by your lovely synthetic voice; Thy songs be heard, from composing fans fingers and through your voice. Bring our hearts together and lead us not into hateful bickering, but deliver us from soulless music. 39. And keep Stratovarius' heart full of song and may his work give him as much joy and fulfillment as it gives us boners/extended nipples! 39. Sorry for the wall but I love your work so much <3. Best wishes from your number "39" fan xD


The tome is a neat idea, but the particle effects are way too strong. I can barely see Miku with all the magical effects floating around :)


Thank you for your feedback~! I am already plotting for fix to her FX lighting~ ^_^


The animations and graphics for the tome are a little bit too intense, even for the Maximum settings that I have on my very good computer. Try lowering them down a bit so I/we don't get any choppy frame rate.


Great update :D I noticed everyone else is already reporting the arcanium effects issue, and that is the only issue I could find. I'd like to cast my vote for more animations. I would love to see some new bondage lounge animations. Maybe some luka X player femdom animations? That would be great. Anyways keep up the good work!


Thank you for your feedback~! Ah, bondage lounge will certainly become very popular soon! ^_^


Hey, do I need to wait the next month so I can receive a copy of it ?


I never received my copy.

Graham Newland

I just pledged but am extremely excited/impatient, may I get one as well?


Hello, first time I pledged for somebody on Patreon, can I get a download link, think the payment will process tomorrow


are they all the same cuz i want this to