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Hello everyone!

Welcome to another exciting discussion update! I hope everyone is in good health and excited to have lots of new H content to enjoy! The 5th anniversary of The Northwood Lair is nearly upon us! As with each anniversary year, it is my top priority to make a very large amount of new H content in a very short amount of time! To celebrate five years of development, I would like to thank each one of you for your support along these past five years, and to say that it is my genuine honor and pleasure to continue to make even more for you to enjoy! With this in mind, let's have a short update from me to prepare the next big anniversary updates! \^o^/

The Northwood Lair celebrates 5 years of development! What would you love to see added in the rapid anniversary updates?

Beginning next update until the last update in the end of September, I would love to create a very large amount of new H content with your favorite ideas for The Northwood Lair! In addition to your amazing ideas, I also have some special H surprises as well that I cannot wait to reveal for everyone! 

Would you like to see a special new Vocaloid added to your Lair to play with? Perhaps you would love to see a special H scene together with your favorite character? Would you like a new area to play in together with your favorite girls? If you have an exciting idea that you would love to see, this is the perfect place to be! In the comments section below, please be free to share with me your favorite ideas in as much detail as possible, and I will begin to create them as quickly as possible! Or, if you would like, please also be free to send me a private message with your idea any time! 

This upcoming anniversary is not only a celebration of the past five years, but also a way for me to celebrate together with all of you, the most amazing community I could ever dream of! It will be my sincerest honor to give a very special thank you in a way that everyone loves: with lots of brand new, rapid H content! All of your beloved Vocaloids are waiting for you eagerly with anticipation! Which ones will you choose? What will you to with them? I am very excited to see what you would love to see, and I am excited always to create even more for you to enjoy!  Here is to another five more years and beyond! \^o^/


エキサイティングな別のディスカッションアップデートへようこそ!みなさんが元気で、たくさんの新しいHコンテンツをお楽しみいただけることを期待しています。ノースウッドレアの5周年が間近に迫っています。毎年のように、非常に短時間で大量の新しいH含有量を作ることが私の最優先事項です! 5年間の発展を祝うために、過去5年間にわたる皆様のご支援に心より感謝申し上げます。さらに多くの皆様に楽しんでいただけるよう、これからも努力を続けていくことが私の名誉であり、喜びです。これを念頭に置いて、次の大きな記念日の更新を準備するために私からの短い更新をしましょう! \ ^ o ^ /


次のアップデートから始まり、9月末の最後のアップデートまで、The Northwood Lairのお気に入りのアイデアで、非常に大量の新しいHコンテンツを作成したいと思います。あなたの素晴らしいアイデアに加えて、私はいくつかの特別なHのサプライズも持っています。


この記念日は過去5年間のお祝いであるだけでなく、皆さんと一緒にお祝いする方法でもあります。たくさんの真新しい、急速なHコンテンツで、誰もが愛する方法で非常に特別な感謝を与えることは私の心からの名誉です!あなたの最愛のボーカロイドのすべてが期待して熱心にあなたを待っています!どれを選びますか?彼らと一緒に何をしますか?私はあなたが見たいと思うものを見ることに非常に興奮しています、そしてあなたが楽しむためにさらにもっと創造することにいつも興奮しています!ここからさらに5年、そしてそれ以上です! \ ^ o ^ /

여러분 안녕하세요!

또 다른 흥미로운 토론 업데이트에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 모두가 건강하고 건강하고 새로운 H 함량을 많이 즐기기를 바랍니다. 노스우드 레어 5 주년이 다가 왔습니다! 매 해마다, 매우 짧은 시간 안에 많은 양의 새로운 H 함량을 만드는 것이 최우선 과제입니다! 5 년간의 발전을 축하하기 위해 지난 5 년간 여러분의 성원에 감사 드리며 앞으로도 더 많은 즐거움을 누리게되어 정말 영광입니다. 이것을 염두에두고, 다음 큰 기념일 업데이트를 준비하기 위해 저에게서 짧은 업데이트를 드리겠습니다! \ ^ o ^ /

노스우드 레어 는 5 년간의 개발을 축하합니다! 빠른 기념일 업데이트에 무엇이 추가 되길 원하십니까?

9 월 말에 마지막 업데이트가있을 때까지 다음 업데이트를 시작하면서 The Northwood Lair에 대해 여러분이 가장 좋아하는 아이디어로 매우 많은 양의 새로운 H 콘텐츠를 만들고 싶습니다! 나는 당신의 놀라운 아이디어 외에도 특별한 H 놀라움을 가지고 있습니다.

Lair에 새로운 보컬 로이드가 추가되어 함께 플레이하고 싶습니까? 아마도 당신은 당신이 좋아하는 캐릭터와 함께 특별한 H 장면을보고 싶습니까? 좋아하는 여자 애들과 함께 할 새로운 지역을 원하십니까? 보고 싶은 흥미 진진한 아이디어가 있다면 이곳은 완벽한 곳입니다! 아래의 의견 섹션에서, 여러분이 좋아하는 아이디어를 가능한 한 상세하게 공유해주세요. 최대한 빨리 아이디어를 만들어 낼 것입니다! 또는 원하는 경우 언제든지 아이디어가있는 개인 메시지를 자유롭게 보내 주시기 바랍니다.

이 다가오는 기념일은 지난 5 년간의 축하 일뿐 아니라 제가 꿈꿔 왔던 가장 놀라운 커뮤니티 인 여러분과 함께 축하 할 수있는 방법이기도합니다! 모든 사람들이 좋아하는 방식으로 매우 새롭고 빠른 H 함량으로 매우 특별한 감사를 표하는 것이 진심으로 영광입니다. 당신의 사랑하는 보컬 로이드 모두가 당신을 간절히 기다리고 있습니다! 어떤 것을 선택 하시겠습니까? 그들과 함께 무엇을 하시겠습니까? 나는 당신이보고 싶은 것을 보게되어 매우 기쁩니다. 그리고 당신이 즐길 수있는 더 많은 것을 만들어내는 것에 항상 흥분합니다! 또 다른 5 년 이상이 있습니다! ^ ^ 


(Special thank you to A_Simple_salmon for translation!)



从下一个更新开始到9月底的最后一个更新,我想根据你们的点子为诺斯伍德巢穴做更多H内容。除了你们的奇妙想法外,我还有一些特别的H惊喜,我迫不及待想向大家揭晓! 你想看到一个新的Vocaloid加入到你的巢穴吗?或许你想看你最喜欢的角色做一些特别的H内容吗?你想有一个新的可以和喜欢的角色一起玩耍的地方吗? 如果你有想看到场景,请在评论区里留言,能描述的越详细越好。我会尽快按照你的点子来实现新的场景。当然你也可以随时通过私信来告诉我你的想法。 这个即将到来的周年纪念不只是为了庆祝过去的五年,同时也是我们一起的一个共同的庆典。你们给了我梦寐以求的社区,我将为大家带来更多崭新的H内容来表达我的感谢。您所有心爱的Vocaloids都期待着您的光临!您会选择哪一个?您将如何对待他们?我期望能知道你们想看到的内容并实现它们。让我们开启下一个五年吧!\^o^/ 

- Stratovarius




More Gumi scenes? Maybe more scenes in the arcanium? Only things that really come to mind.

Fert Lackin

gangbang scene with two girls! doesnt matter which ones as long as theyre tied up with dick in their mouths!!


Thank you very much~! I will begin to make this plan for very first update~! \^o^/


Of course I want more Tianyi and other Vocaloid China girls tied up.


From suggested before, all the way through penetration with skull lord x miku doll would be nice


Completing the finishing/climax scenes for most if not all the animations would be nice. Some personal sex position suggestions for Rin (prison cell or anywhere): Stand and Deliver, the Seashell, Butter Churner, Pinball Wizard, Valedictorian, Seated Wheelbarrow, and Upstanding Citizen. Please google them or refer to link (https://www.womenshealthmag.com/sex-and-love/a19943165/sex-positions-guide/)! Any of them that you can make would be great! A close-up masturbation of scene of Rin by herself would also be nice, with or without dildos.


Looking forward to it! 5 years already huh? Guess I joined the party slightly late. xD


more haku and luka, more ahegao, climax, finish


Many exciting choices~! I will begin to make plans, there is special plan for finish we will continue developing~ ^_^


im looking forward to more gumi and teto =D


1. Some action with the succubus girl in the card room. Something with nippelclamps or titbondage would be nice.


Ah! Thank you very much~~! It is planned for Fiore (succubus) H when we have Story Mode, but maybe more early? ^o^


2. In the tavern, Vip area, before you go to luka, Kaat says enjoy your stay. It would be nice if you could take her on the table or the chair. Also it would be nice if you can disturb Neru who is "working" in the background there for a 3 or 4 some with Haku. And Haku desperately needs some bondage gear =)


3. In red light district, It would be great if you could sent Alice on Stage too. even better with attached vibrators in her, and at the best for a sexcompetition with Miku ( whoever comes first loses and gets a "punishment")


Orgy or gangbang with Miku and Luka in the prison cell plzzzzzzzzz


I would like to see either more animations in the summoning circle or already in the stable they are empty and the animation for the anniversary as for me will look very good


Completely out-of-topic question: is it possible to include some vocaloid songs during scenes from circus-p? Insanity or his remix of Katy Perrys E.T. , but i guess there would be copyright issues :p Beside that, it would be great to see more action in the summoning circle - maybe with a cute little futa-fairy in the style of flower (フラワ)? Keep up the good work and greetings!


Thank you very much~! It is planned for adding OkameP for introduction cinematic for after completing Prologue, and also for many different endings for favorite Vocaloid choice~! (It is still very far for future contents at end of Story Mode) I will begin to research for futa fairy~! ^_^