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Hello everyone!

Welcome to another exciting content update day! Today, I am very excited to introduce to you version 1.24 of The Northwood Lair! In this update, Mun has joined the cast in new cinematic and R18 fashion, we talk about plans to upgrade to Unity 2017, some upcoming new content, and more! Below are each item for your reading delight, please enjoy~! ^_^

The Lady of the Forest, Mun, has been located!

Headlining in this new update is an all-new character, Mun! Styled as the legendary Lady of the Forest, KaniPantsu's Mun has seemingly allowed her power to become discovered deep in the Forest of the Overworld! Take advantage of this anomalous opportunity to travel directly to her and attempt to make her yours! Nothing bad can happen! (Translators note: Strato definitely writes [scary laughter] after saying nothing bad can happen. :0)

Extra user interface polish and debugging is now complete!

Apart from the addition of Mun, the other main focus of this update was to begin to fine tune elements that have begun to show some wear in the computer code. As I learn more about writing code, I am discovering that if you fix one element, it can have negative effects on another element, or even many elements. For example, creating a movement script that uses W,A,S,D controls and also <,^,> arrow controls often fought over precedence for the user, despite being separate controls altogether. There will be more interface improvements and debug builds to come as the project continues to grow and more time is allotted. Another somewhat humorous bug that has been fixed is the attacking Henchmen in RPG Mode who, when needing to attack Miku, decided to vanish! We have no shy Henchmen in our Lair! ^_^

Because there were so many items, please see the list below for each item that has been changed.

Unity version 2017.1 is now in testing for a permanent upgrade!

Currently, The Northwood Lair and all other projects are created using an early version of Unity Engine 5.0. While it is very stable, larger projects like The Northwood Lair begin to bog it down in performance and animation quality can be drastically reduced when importing into the engine. Enter Unity ver. 2017.1. Previously, attempting to upgrade to a newer version of Unity Engine has catastrophically broken a project entirely, which is not any fun for any of us. Because of this, Unity ver. 2017.1 is now in a testing capacity on a separate computer, and so far it is quite successful! Introduced into this new version are many tools made available to make creating projects much easier, including support for cinematics (finally!). However, I am currently able to use most of these features in the longer way of doing them, as you will soon see in the newly included Mun scene. If there is a decision to move to this new version, I will be sure to update everyone and showcase some of the new features. Stay tuned!

Fiore mascot is receiving character details by her inventor, Baru!

Over the last few weeks, I have had the pleasure of communicating with Baru, the highly skilled R18 artist who has created the Fiore character illustration used in both the Stratovarius logo and as a 3D character! Because my Japanese writing ability is limited, Baru has been very kind to demonstrate several important qualities of Fiore for when we create content for her in projects! For example, here is a hand drawing of a demonstration he has created to help better understand who Fiore prefers to sleep with, who she avoids, and her tendency to enjoy the same person repeatedly if they are good! Check it out! ^_^

This will greatly benefit the second Beta version of upcoming VR game Daily Life With a Succubus, and the new contents are being rewritten for VR fans to enjoy! Additionally, Baru now has an Enty account for supporters to support him! If you enjoy the original Fiore and his many other excellent creations, please be free to visit his Enty page and consider subscribing! ^_^

Here are the release notes for The Northwood Lair ver. 1.24:

- Corrected HDR lighting on all scenes

- Added 2 new H animations

- Added 3 new non-H animations

- Added 1 new H scene

- Added 2 new BGM to Forest in Overworld

- Added 3 new SFX to Forest in Overworld

- Added 1 new stage: Forest, to Overworld (can be found on Teleporter menu)

- Added 1 new character: Mun

- Fixed first person controls for Overworld

- Fixed footsteps sound from solid surface to grass in Overworld

- Fixed vanishing Henchmen in RPG Mode

- Fixed bright light flares on all torches in Prison Cell

- Added Pose Mode to Throne Room (replaces Inspect Miku menu)

- Added photo background to Kneeling pose in Pose Mode

- Added photo background to Bend Over pose in Pose Mode

- Added photo background to Bend Over + pose in Pose Mode

- Added photo background to Spread Legs in Pose Mode

- Added Help menu to Pose Mode (disabled until built with information and tutorials)

- Added Change Focal Point menu to Pose Mode (disabled to prepare for the ability to change views in Pose Mode)

- Added "Escape!" text to RPG Mode on being captured by Henchmen

- Escape meter now actively decreases to reflect Miku's arousal state and not wanting to be freed when nearing climax

- Added line flares to interface elements in Main Menu

- Added line flares to interface elements in Prison Cell

- Added red hover text that changes to acknowledge the presence of a mouse hovering over an exit choice to Prison Cell (example: "Hover" -> "Hover?")

- Fixed instance in which Forced Irrumatio H scene in Luka's Bondage Lounge spawned a copy of Miku and futanari Luka on the bed beside Luka, Miku, and the Henchmen (this was a funny and enjoyable bug! ^_^)

- Added 1 missing warp SFX on exit for Overworld

- Added slight turbulence to lake water in Overworld, causing a small rise and fall to waves

- Decreased grass height for all outdoors areas

- Added HTML hotlink to return to this page at bottom left near version information on Main Menu (it will open in your chosen default browser)

As always, thank you very much for your support! If you find any new bugs or would like to see a new feature or H scene, please be free to notify me below, or also be free to send a message! Thank you very much! ^_^


別のエキサイティングなコンテンツアップデートの日へようこそ!今日、私はあなたにノースウッドレアのバージョン1.24を紹介することに非常に興奮しています!今回のアップデートでは、ムーンは新しい映画とR18のファッションでキャストに参加しました。Unity 2017へのアップグレード計画、今後の新しいコンテンツなどについてお話します。以下はあなたの読書の喜びのための各項目です、お楽しみください〜! ^ _ ^


この新しいアップデートの登場は、まったく新しいキャラクター、Mun!伝説のレディ・オブ・ザ・フォレストのスタイルで、カニ・パンツのムーンは、外界の森で深く発見された彼女の力を一見許しました!この異常な機会を利用して、彼女に直接行くことができます。何も悪いことは起こりません! (翻訳者のメモ:ストラトバリウスは何も悪いことが起こらないと言って、間違いなく[恐ろしい笑い]を書いています。


Munの追加は別として、このアップデートのもう一つの主な焦点は、コンピュータコードに若干の摩耗を見せ始めた要素を微調整することでした。コードを書くことについてもっと学ぶと、ある要素を修正すると、別の要素や多くの要素に悪影響を及ぼす可能性があることがわかります。たとえば、W、A、S、Dコントロールを使用する移動スクリプトを作成し、別々のコントロールになっているにもかかわらず、<、^、>矢印コントロールをユーザーに優先させることがよくあります。プロジェクトが成長し続け、より多くの時間が割り当てられるように、より多くのインターフェースの改善とデバッグのビルドが行われます。もう少しユーモラスなバグは、RPGモードで攻撃している幕屋が、ミクを攻撃する必要があるときに、消滅することを決めました!私たちには恥ずかしがり屋がいません! ^ _ ^



現在、ノースウッドレアとその他のプロジェクトは、初期バージョンのUnity Engine 5.0を使用して作成されています。それは非常に安定していますが、ノースウッドレアのような大規模なプロジェクトではパフォーマンスが低下し始め、エンジンにインポートするときにアニメーションの品質が大幅に低下する可能性があります。 Unityバージョンを入力してください。 2017.1。これまでUnity Engineの新しいバージョンにアップグレードしようとすると、プロジェクト全体が壊滅的に壊れてしまいました。このため、Unity ver。 2017.1は現在別のコンピュータ上でテストを行っていますが、これまでのところ大変成功しています!この新しいバージョンには、映画のサポート(最終的に!)など、プロジェクトの作成をより簡単にするためのツールが多数用意されています。しかし、私は現在、あなたがすぐに新しく含まれているMunのシーンに表示されるように、これらの機能のほとんどを、より長いやり方で使用することができます。この新しいバージョンに移行する決断がある場合、私は誰もが更新して、新機能のいくつかを紹介します。乞うご期待!


ここ数週間、ストラトバリウスのロゴと3Dキャラクターの両方で使用されているフィオーレのキャラクターのイラストレーションを作った、高度に熟練したR18アーティストばるとのコミュニケーションが楽しくなりました!私の日本語の作文能力は限られているので、ばるはプロジェクトで彼女のコンテンツを作成するときにフィオーレのいくつかの重要な特質を証明するのに非常に親切でした!たとえば、フィオーレが誰と寝るのを好み、誰が避けているのか、同じ人を何度も楽しむ傾向をよく理解できるようにするために作成したデモンストレーションの手描きです。見てみな! ^ _ ^

これは、来るべきVRゲーム「サッカーブとの日常生活」の2番目のベータ版に大きな利益をもたらし、新しいコンテンツがVRファンが楽しむために書き直されています!さらに、ばるさん は今サポートするEntyアカウントを持っています。元のフィオーレと彼の他の多くの優れた作品を楽しんでいる場合は、自由にEntyのページにアクセスして、登録を検討してください! ^ _ ^

ノースウッドレアverのリリースノートはこちらです。 1.24:

- すべてのシーンでHDR照明を修正

- 2つの新しいHアニメーションを追加

- 3つの新しい非Hアニメーションを追加

- 1つの新しいHシーンが追加されました

- オーバーワールドの森林に2つの新しいBGMを追加

- オーバーワールドの森林に3つの新しいSFXを追加

- 1つの新しいステージが追加されました:森、オーバーワールドへ(テレポータメニューにあります)

- 新しい1文字を追加しました:Mun

- オーバーワールドのための一人称コントロールの修正


- RPGモードでの邪悪な邪魔者の修正

- 刑務所のすべてのトーチで明るい光のフレアが修正されました。

- ポーズモードを王座室に追加(ミク検査するのメニューに置き換わる)

- ポーズモードで膝を引くポーズに写真の背景を追加しました

- ポーズモードで曲げオーバーポーズに写真の背景を追加

- ポーズモードで曲がる+ポーズに写真の背景を追加しました

- ポーズモードでスプレッドレッグに写真の背景を追加しました

- ポーズモードにヘルプメニューを追加しました(情報とチュートリアルで構築されるまで無効になりました)

- ポーズモードに焦点を変えるメニューを追加しました(ポーズモードでビューを変更する機能を準備するために無効になっています)

- "エスケープ!"を追加しました。 幕屋によって捕捉されたときのテキストをRPGモードに変換する

- エスケープメーターは、ミクの覚醒状態を反映するために積極的に減少し、クライマックスに近づくと解放されたくない

- メインメニューのインターフェイス要素にラインフレアを追加

- 刑務所のインタフェース要素にラインフレアを追加

- マウスの存在が刑務所に退出することを確認するために変更された赤いホバーテキストを追加(例:「ホバー」→「ホバー?」)

- ルカのボンデージラウンジの イマラチオ  Hシーンが、ルカ、ミク、幕屋の横にあるベッドに、ミクとふたなりルカのコピーを誕生させる問題を修正(これは面白くて楽しいバグだった^ _ ^)

- オーバーワールドの出口にワープSFXが1つ追加されました

- オーバーワールドの湖の水にわずかな乱気流を加え、波の上昇と低下

- すべての屋外エリアでの芝の高さの減少

いつものように、どうもありがとうございました!新しいバグを発見した場合や、新しい機能やHシーンを見たい場合は、下に通知するか、メッセージを無料で送信してください!どうもありがとうございました! ^ _ ^

안녕 여러분!

다른 흥미 진진한 콘텐츠 업데이트 날에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 오늘 저는 노스 우드 레어 버전 1.24 버전을 소개하게되어 매우 기쁩니다! 이 업데이트에서 Mun은 새로운 영화와 R18 패션으로 캐스팅에 참여했으며, Unity 2017로 업그레이드 할 계획과 앞으로 출시 될 새로운 컨텐츠 등에 대해 이야기합니다! 아래는 각 항목에 대한 귀하의 독서 기쁨, ~ 즐기십시오! ^ _ ^

숲의 여인, 문 (Mun)이 있습니다!

이 새로운 업데이 트에서 완전히 새로운 캐릭터, 문입니다! 포레스트의 전설적인 레이디 (숲의 여인) 스타일의 카니 판츠 먼 (KaniPantsu)의 문 (Mun)은 외계인의 숲에서 그녀의 힘을 깊이 발견하게되었습니다. 이 변칙적 인 기회를 이용하여 그녀에게 직접 여행하고 그녀를 당신의 것으로 만들려고 시도하십시오! 나쁜 일은 일어나지 않을 것입니다! (번역가주의 : 스트라토 바리우스는 나쁜 일은 아무 것도 할 수 없다고 말한 후 [무서운 웃음]을 분명히 씁니다 : 0)

추가 사용자 인터페이스 연마 및 디버깅이 이제 완료되었습니다!

Mun의 추가 외에도이 업데이트의 또 다른 주안점은 컴퓨터 코드에 약간의 마모가 나타나기 시작한 요소를 미세 조정하기 시작한 것이 었습니다. 코드 작성에 대해 더 많은 것을 배울 때, 한 요소를 수정하면 다른 요소 나 많은 요소에 부정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 것을 알게되었습니다. 예를 들어 W, A, S, D 컨트롤과 <, ^,> 화살표 컨트롤을 사용하는 이동 스크립트를 만들면 별도의 컨트롤을 사용하는 경우에도 사용자의 우선 순위가 낮아지는 경우가 많습니다. 프로젝트가 계속 성장하고 더 많은 시간이 할당되면 더 많은 인터페이스 개선 및 디버그 빌드가 제공 될 것입니다. 고정 된 또 다른 다소 유머러스 한 버그는 RPG 모드의 공격 도깨비인데, 누가 미쿠를 공격 할 필요가있을 때, 사라지기를 결정했습니다! 우리는 은신처에 부끄러워하는 천민상이 없습니다! ^ _ ^

너무 많은 항목이 있었기 때문에 변경된 각 항목에 대해 아래 목록을 참조하십시오.

Unity 버전 2017.1은 현재 영구적 인 업그레이드를 테스트 중입니다!

현재 노스 우드 레어와 다른 모든 프로젝트는 초기 버전의 Unity Engine 5.0을 사용하여 만들어졌습니다. 매우 안정적이지만 노스 우드 레어와 같은 대규모 프로젝트의 경우 성능이 저하 될 수 있으며 엔진에 가져올 때 애니메이션 품질이 크게 저하 될 수 있습니다. Unity 버전을 입력하십시오. 2017.1. 이전에는 새로운 버전의 Unity Engine으로 업그레이드하려고 시도했을 때 프로젝트가 완전히 망가졌습니다. 이는 우리 모두에게 재미가 아닙니다. 이 때문에 Unity ver. 2017.1은 이제 별도의 컴퓨터에서 테스트 용량으로 사용되고 있으며, 지금까지는 매우 성공적이었습니다! 이 새로운 버전에는 영화 제작 지원 (마침내!) 등 프로젝트를 훨씬 쉽게 제작할 수있는 많은 도구가 도입되었습니다. 그러나, 나는 당신이 곧 새로이 포함 된 문 (Mun) 장면에서 볼 수 있듯이, 현재이 기능 대부분을 긴 방법으로 사용할 수 있습니다. 이 새 버전으로 이전하기로 결정한 경우 모든 사용자를 업데이트하고 새로운 기능 중 일부를 선보일 것입니다. 계속 지켜봐!

피오레마스코트는 발명가 바루가 캐릭터 세부 정보를 받고 있습니다!

지난 몇 주 동안 스트라토 바리우스로고와 3D 캐릭터로 사용 된 피오레캐릭터 일러스트를 제작 한 고도로 숙련 된 R18 아티스트 인 바루와 즐겁게 대화했습니다. 필자의 일본어 작문 능력이 제한적이기 때문에, 바루는 피오레의 몇 가지 중요한 특성을 프로젝트에 반영 할 때 매우 친절했습니다. 예를 들어 피오레가 누구와 함께자는 지, 피고는 누구인지, 그리고 그가 좋은 사람이라면 같은 사람을 반복적으로 즐기는 경향을 이해하는 데 도움이되는 데모의 손 그림이 있습니다. 확인 해봐! ^ _ ^

이것은 다가오는 VR 게임 인 서큐버스를 가진 기와의 두 번째 베타버전에 크게 도움이 될 것이며 VR 팬이 즐길 수 있도록 새로운 내용이 다시 쓰여지고 있습니다! 또한, 바루는 이제 그를지지 할 수있는 지지자를위한 Enty 계정을 보유하고 있습니다! 오리지널 피오레 (Fiore)와 다른 많은 훌륭한 작품을 즐기는 분이라면 언제든지 Enty 페이지를 방문하여 가입을 고려하십시오! ^ _ ^

다음은 노스 우드 레어버전의 출시 노트입니다. 1.24 :

- 모든 장면에서 HDR 조명 보정

- 2 개의 새로운 H 애니메이션 추가

- 3 개의 새로운 non-H 애니메이션 추가

- 1 개의 새로운 H 장면 추가

- 오버 월드의 숲에 2 개의 새로운 BGM 추가

- 오버 월드의 숲에 3 개의 새로운 SFX 추가

- 새로운 무대 1 개 추가 : 숲, 오버 월드(텔레 포터메뉴에서 찾을 수 있음)

- 1 명의 새로운 캐릭터 추가 : Mun

- 오버 월드를위한 1 인칭 컨트롤 수정

- 오버 월드에서 단단한 표면에서 풀뿌리로 소리가 고정됨

- RPG 모드에서의 고정 된 사라짐

교도소의 모든 횃불에 밝은 빛의 불길이 수정되었습니다.

- 보좌 실에 포즈 모드 추가 (미쿠 검사 메뉴 대체)

- 포즈 모드에서 무릎 꿇기 포즈에 사진 배경을 추가했습니다.

- 포즈 모드에서 포즈 오버 포즈에 사진 배경을 추가했습니다.

- 포즈 모드에서 오버 포즈 + 포즈에 사진 배경 추가

- 포즈 모드에서 다리를 벌리기 위해 사진 배경 추가

- 포즈 모드에 추가 된 도움말 메뉴 (정보 및 튜토리얼로 빌드 될 때까지 비활성화 됨)

- 포즈 모드에 초점 지점 변경 메뉴 추가 (포즈 모드에서보기를 변경하는 기능을 준비하지 못함)

- "탈출!"추가 도깨비에 의해 붙잡음에 RPG 형태에 원본

- 탈출 미터가 이제는 미쿠의 각성 상태를 반영하기 위해 적극적으로 감소하고 클라이 막스에 가까워지면 해방되기를 원하지 않습니다.

- 메인 메뉴의 인터페이스 요소에 라인 플레어 추가

- 교도소의 인터페이스 요소에 라인 플레어 추가

- 탈출구를 마우스로 가리키면 교도소 (예 : "Hover"-> "Hover?")에 해당하는 빨간색 호버 텍스트가 추가되었습니다.

- 루카의 본디지 라운지의 강제 삼키기 H 장면이 루카, 미쿠및 도깨비옆에있는 침대에 미쿠및 후타 나리루카의 사본을 생성 한 고정 인스턴스 (재미 있고 즐거운 버그였습니다! ^ _ ^)

- 오버 월드퇴장시 경사 SFX 누락 1 개 추가

- 오버 월드의 호수 물에 약간의 난기류를 추가하여 파도에 약간의 상승과 하강을 일으켰습니다.

- 모든 옥외 지역의 잔디 높이 감소

언제나처럼, 당신의 성원에 진심으로 감사드립니다! 새로운 버그를 발견하거나 새로운 기능이나 H 장면을보고 싶다면 자유롭게 아래 나에게 알리거나 메시지를 보내주십시오! 대단히 감사합니다! ^ _ ^





Can i get a link?


Congratulations on your new work.


link pls~


Link pls ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


ok....thanks for your answer and hope you make great success on your work,and can you add Chinese for setting?


Thank you very much~! I cannot promise Chinese setting, but it is good recommended, there is growing Chinese interest so it is good idea to make~ ^_^


Link pls.


nicely dont! can i get a link?


Very nice update, not only you tweak and improve stuff in every update but you also manage to surprise us with bombastic additions once in a while like that Mun scene. Speaking of which... Harlow getting healed lol... <a href="https://youtu.be/rjlSiASsUIs?t=37" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/rjlSiASsUIs?t=37</a> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Very beautiful, very cinematic, and indeed, graphics heat up to nearly 70C xD , hope things keep getting smoothe with your engine transition. By the way, in this scene the camera controls were reversed from what is usual on other scenes, don't know if its intentional for VR or not but it felt confusing. Nice job with the lighting, I didn't find any character being "impaled" by light rays xD. I don't remember how Miku looked in suspended scene before this update exactly, but you probably tweaked it as well, since the slight hue from the environment didn't bother me as much this time. The blur in the DP scene in prison cell looks interesting, makes it look like the room got really hot from the long action from previous scene but maybe it could be toned down just a little bit. I have a feeling I forgot to mention something last time so I'll add it here, in RPG mode when Miku fails escaping the henchmen her legs start making a looping motion that is very bizarre, like she's a glitched frog and her legs are flapping to make her take flight or something xD. Good job fixing the disappearing henchies! One more shameless request to consider extending the zoom out range in prison cell table scene, miss seeing more of what is going on without retouching camera, specially on the last animation. Thank you and good job on another lovely update! <a href="http://img09.deviantart.net/608f/i/2013/137/8/e/miku_approves_by_gruzdev47-d65mx6e.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://img09.deviantart.net/608f/i/2013/137/8/e/miku_approves_by_gruzdev47-d65mx6e.png</a> May Miku's song always be with you! ❤


oh, forgot something, those buttons you made for the throne room are pretty slick. This could be your solution for language barriers! Since the button itself shows what it's for with a picture, and you know what they say... a picture is worth 1000 words ^_^


thanks for this great work!may i get this links?


Can i get a link?


Damn, missed the payment: (corrected :)


Link plz :)


It is so good to see you update frequently, and can i get a link plz :D


great game !!! link plz ;D


LOVE IT! Link plz! thanks~~


Game is VERY good, but it needs in-game settings, like turning down music and so on,


Link please ^_^


I came into this not knowing what to expect as this is the first version of The Northwood Lair I've played. First of all, despite not knowing what to expect i kinda was expecting something that was more... Playable? I can see that the potential for a really good game is there and I can get behind Stratovarius's vision, but in its current state, it seems to be more of a movie gallery. This is okay though as I expect the game will develop more structure and "gameplay" over time based on what I'm seeing already. There were a few small issues I had with functionality which I will now go over. The biggest one was that the audio is based on camera position rather than player position so any speech or sound effects are often inaudible in the mix when music is playing. There is no option to go back to character selection (e.g. Luka, Luka futa or henchman options) in H scenes. You have to return to the main chamber with Miku and then go back to your specified location, this is quite annoying and time-consuming, Text speed is quite slow and I did not come across an option to skip it other than clicking quickly, is there a key to skip text? This next one is probably being developed, but I was surprised to come across a large number of H-scenes that did not have a happy end (orgasm/ejaculation). I suspect these are being worked on, but I think it would be better to not include these in the game until the entire scene is finished. For example, handjobs are one of my favourite things to see in H games, but the only scene in the game that has one and is dedicated to it is pretty lacking in any kind of interactivity and variety. the animation itself is slow, has no options for speed or technique and comes with no happy ending. As I said before I suspect these things are being developed, it's just disappointing to play them in their current state. Lastly, it would be nice if we had the option to unlock the camera position during H scenes so we're not stuck rotating around a single point. It's fine to start the scene off with what you think is the best position, but please don't limit us only to that, you should look at how ILLUSION give the player control over their camera, it can move on all 3 axis using the left, right and middle mouse buttons. As for what I liked about the game... The scenes and animations that are complete are fantastic and I can't wait to see more. The setting and characters are done well and it makes me want to know more about them. The work you put into making the game look so beautiful is really appreciated, however I do hope you're able to optimize the rendering process as I suspect some people will struggle to play the game in its current state, My gaming PC even struggled with the tavern location, averaging around 10-20 fps on the 1st floor. Not sure if the voice acting is ripped from other games, hentai or if it's original, but it's good quality so good job on that. I can't think of much more to give feedback on at the moment as most of the content is animated scenes, so thank you for what you've created so far and I'm looking forward to seeing more from you. OH! one last thing, please flesh out the handjob scene in H mate with more stroking animations, speed varieties and a happy end at some point. It would make me a very happy patreon ^^


Ah~! Thank you very much for this feedback~! For more playable, it is developing Story Mode, but it is only myself development (it is long time to make it)~. But it is mode I am excited you to see, it will become full game~. It is many H scene currently because it is desired by most, but it is good for knowing more also want story~. Ah, unlock camera is good~! Thank you very much for this idea~! Because I am not Illusion company size, I must develop this ability for new controls for camera, all parts of game code are created by hand~. Speaking of hand, I am happy for make more handjob~! \^o^/


Nice to meet you! link plase


Link please :)


link pls :&gt;


The UI does not scale with aspect ratio, so if you have a wide aspect ratio monitor (e.g. 3440 x 1440) UI items at the edges of the screen (e.g. the Overworld and forest on the teleport screen) are not visible. The 'fullscreen' launcher option does net let you change the aspect ratio, and the 'windowed' launcher option has a limited selection of resolutions.


Link please :D


link pls~ and thanks for created a good game~


Link pls~ XD


hello~ link pls~^^


Welcome~! I send you link now~ ^_^


thx for creating this game~ link pls xD


i follow you form iwara and finally can support you some how also link please :3

Tom Ate

awesome - want to try it - link please ? :)


I will support you! I would like to try this.


Can I get a link?


Plz,How do i download it?


How do i download it?


A link PLZ


A link PLZ


Link Please? Also thanks for making such good games!


Link pls your my sunshine


Yahoo could i get a link?


Link pls XD


Could i get a link as well please? :D


Can I have a link please? :3


Can i get a link?


I would love a link as well :P &lt;3


I would love a link. Looks like an awesome work.