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Hello everyone!

Welcome to the weekend! And to a very special discussion update! With the completion of the new Dollhouse stage in The Northwood Lair, we are now ready for all kinds of H ideas that you'd love to see added to this exciting new area with Miku Doll! ^_^

In addition to the Dollhouse stage's completion, this update will be the precursor update before The Northwood Lair's 9th anniversary! With this year's anniversary, I will regrettably be taking a small step back from time constraints from our yearly tradition of rapid H content creation that we've enjoyed every anniversary to date. However, The Northwood Lair will still continue onward! I also want to say a quick thank you again to everyone for your support for this project over almost an entire decade! This year saw a big push for development in new ground for The Northwood Lair, providing us with even more ways to enjoy your favorite characters, like Miku Doll! As The Northwood Lair continues to get bigger and bigger each update, it is my hope that you will always find an outlet in me for your favorite ideas! Thank you again for your support for all these years and more~! \^o^/

The Northwood Lair's Dollhouse is now ready for H content! Tell me your favorite ideas~!

My friends! It is time to enjoy us some Miku Doll in her own native habitat! Our small Miku Doll wants only the hardest of play from us all! Now that development on the new area is completed, now is the perfect time to tell me about your favorite ideas you would love to see in action! Please be free to let me know down in the comments section below, or also to send me a message with your idea any time~! ^_^

Thank you very much for your support! It is amazing to see how far we've gone in almost 9 years~! See you next update! \^o^/



ドールハウスステージの完成に加えて、このアップデートはノースウッドレアの9周年を控えた前兆となるアップデートになります!今年の記念日には、残念ながら、これまで毎年記念日に楽しんできたHなコンテンツを迅速に作成するという毎年の伝統から少し後退することになりました。しかし、ノースウッドレアはこれからも続きます!また、ほぼ10年間にわたってこのプロジェクトをサポートしてくれた皆さんに、改めてお礼を申し上げます!今年はノースウッドレアの新境地への開発が大きく前進し、ミクドールのようなお気に入りのキャラクターをさらに楽しむ方法を提供しました!ノースウッド レアはアップデートごとにどんどん大きくなっています。皆さんが私の中にお気に入りのアイデアをいつでも見つけられることを願っています。長年にわたるサポートに改めて感謝します~!\^o^/

ノースウッド レアのドールハウスは、H コンテンツの準備が整いました!お気に入りのアイデアを教えてください~!

皆さん!ミク ドールを彼女の生息地で楽しむ時が来ました!私たちの小さなミク ドールは、私たち全員から最も激しいプレイだけを望んでいます!新しいエリアの開発が完了したので、今こそ、実際に見てみたいお気に入りのアイデアを私に伝えるのに最適な時です!下のコメント セクションでお気軽にお知らせください。また、いつでもアイデアをメッセージで送ってください~!^_^

サポートしていただき、ありがとうございます!ほぼ 9 年でここまで来られたのは驚きです~!次のアップデートでお会いしましょう!\^o^/

안녕하세요 여러분!

주말에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 그리고 아주 특별한 토론 업데이트에 대해 말씀드리겠습니다! Northwood Lair에 새로운 Dollhouse 스테이지가 완성되어, 이제 여러분이 미쿠 인형 이 있는 이 신나는 새로운 지역에 추가되기를 바라는 모든 종류의 H 아이디어를 준비했습니다! ^_^

Dollhouse 스테이지가 완성된 것 외에도, 이 업데이트는 Northwood Lair의 9주년을 앞둔 선행 업데이트가 될 것입니다! 올해 기념일을 맞아, 저는 유감스럽게도 매년 즐겼던 H 콘텐츠 제작의 전통에서 시간적 제약에서 조금 물러나야 할 것입니다. 그러나 Northwood Lair는 계속 나아갈 것입니다! 또한 거의 10년 동안 이 프로젝트를 지원해 주신 모든 분께 다시 한번 간단히 감사드리고 싶습니다! 올해는 Northwood Lair의 새로운 영역에서 개발을 위한 큰 추진력이 있었고, 미쿠 인형 과 같은 여러분이 좋아하는 캐릭터를 즐길 수 있는 더 많은 방법을 제공했습니다! Northwood Lair가 업데이트될 때마다 점점 더 커지면서, 여러분이 항상 좋아하는 아이디어를 내 안에서 찾을 수 있기를 바랍니다! 수년간 그리고 그 이상 동안 여러분의 지원에 다시 한번 감사드립니다~! \^o^/

Northwood Lair의 인형집이 이제 H 콘텐츠를 준비했습니다! 여러분이 좋아하는 아이디어를 알려주세요~!

친구들! 미쿠 인형을 원래 서식지에서 즐길 시간입니다! 우리의 작은 미쿠 인형은 우리 모두에게 가장 열심히 놀아주기를 원합니다! 새로운 지역의 개발이 완료되었으니, 이제 여러분이 실제로 보고 싶어하는 좋아하는 아이디어를 말해 줄 완벽한 시기입니다! 아래의 댓글 섹션에 알려주시거나 언제든지 여러분의 아이디어를 메시지로 보내주세요~! ^_^

여러분의 지원에 정말 감사드립니다! 거의 9년 만에 얼마나 많은 일이 일어났는지 보는 것은 정말 놀랍습니다~! 다음 업데이트에서 뵙겠습니다! \^o^/


欢迎来到周末!并参加非常特别的讨论更新!随着 Northwood Lair 中新的 Dollhouse 阶段的完成,我们现在已准备好迎接各种 H 创意,您希望看到这些创意添加到这个令人兴奋的新区域,其中包括 Miku Doll!^_^

除了 Dollhouse 阶段的完成之外,此更新将是 Northwood Lair 9 周年纪念日之前的先行更新!随着今年的周年纪念日,我将遗憾地从时间限制中退后一步,从我们每年快速创建 H 内容的传统中退后一步,迄今为止,我们每年的周年纪念日都享受这种传统。然而,Northwood Lair 仍将继续前进!我也想再次向大家说声谢谢,感谢你们近十年来对这个项目的支持!今年,Northwood Lair 在新领域的发展取得了巨大进步,为我们提供了更多方式来享受您最喜欢的角色,例如 Miku Doll!随着 Northwood Lair 每次更新都变得越来越大,我希望你能在我这里找到一个出口来表达你最喜欢的想法!再次感谢你这么多年来的支持~! \^o^/

Northwood Lair 的娃娃屋现在已经准备好提供 H 内容了!告诉我你最喜欢的想法~!

我的朋友们!是时候让我们在她自己的栖息地享受一些 Miku 娃娃了!我们的小 Miku 娃娃只想和我们一起玩最难的!现在新区域的开发已经完成,现在是告诉我你最喜欢的想法的最佳时机,你希望看到它们付诸实践!请随时在下面的评论部分告诉我,或者随时给我发消息告诉我你的想法~! ^_^

非常感谢您的支持!看到我们在近 9 年里取得的进步真是太神奇了~!下次更新见! \^o^/





Yay! Almost anniversary time! Thanks for all the hard work and doing the request from all the craziness and sexyness requests for the vocaloid girls! My personal thoughts, no problem on doing the updates if there is not much time, all time is important for self projects. For ideas / future updates on the dollhouse we could do the usual voting poll. For ideas I would like to suggest the following, hope any of the ideas make it to the game: 1- The Miku maid with her hands behind her back with a mono glove, her nipples attached to the serving board so she can carry some refreshments over the board, any kind of gag, bunny ears and a matching butt plug bunny tail (variants on other sets such as cat ears, dog ears, etc...), high heels and shackled, on both thighs straps holding the controls to egg vibrators (as much as possible vibratos stuffed in our lovely doll) ,as complement a bottle opener tied to a clit piercing; would love to interrupt her trying to serve around the dollhouse with some H scenes. 2- possibility to have the Miku doll pet that follows us around the dollhouse as the personal servant, possible to configure any type of bondage that's being used in any of the scenes of the Lair, would be interesting to see Miku crawling in bondage trying to follow us, or legs tied together she would need to hop around :D, possibility to interact with her 3- there is enough room below to do a crotch rope race between 2 dolls, wouldn't feel right if we miss some gambling over our lovely dolls, this one could be a mini game so that we control one of the dolls, controls could be alternate keyboards, difficulty would be an orgasm bar that fills depending on how fast the pacing. 4- Speaking of sports how about a tug of war with two dolls pulling from a crotch rope, both inside a small circle with a line in the middle as the crossing zone 5- Would like to re-take a proposal made some time ago for the singing contest, 2dolls tied to a pole with vibrators strapped to their fun parts, this one to be the classic arrow game, the more one miss the stronger the vibrators will go and kind of blurring the arrows as not being able to concentrate/keep singing. Looking forward how our lovely dolls will serve us. Thanks as always for the hard work Stratovarius! Cheers!


Nice as always perfectly on point. To point 4 I remember we had a variant of tug of war as idea. 2 Dolls with Anal Beads chained together back to back. And the one who loses her first loses. I think it was in the H-Race idea. About Miku pet, I saw the Idea abou a special leash short while ago. Leash not attached on a collar ring but threaded through a backwards collar ring and than connected to an anal hook. I think we could have 1 or 2 Dolls lieing on tables, decorated as living food plates. And one option maybe at this tablepoint to spread her holes and look inside,I would absolutely love a speculum scene


I do remember something like that some time ago, how about having both types of tug of war? That way the dolls won't get bored :D




非常感谢~!我也非常期待故事模式,我迫不及待地想要制作它~ ^_^


More all the way through content and ear pen maybe?


I wish Haku and Meiko were added to the doll house too :-(


I'm always biased to Haku and Gumi content but I just enjoy seeing what is made. You do great work regardless.