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The cameraman was carefully showing the damage to the equipment, how the metal rail had snapped and the chain linked to the bag had snapped as well. Then on top of that, there was the wall, which had been smashed and the bag itself, the outside of it was ripped and the insides were pouring out.

If an Altered was to do the same thing to a normal heavy bag, or normal equipment, then it wouldn't be so much of a surprise, but this was the AFA. The equipment had been made with those who would be tested on it kept in mind.

It was strong, reliable stuff, and for Eddy who had been the personal teacher for the debut students for a while now, he had never seen anything like this before.

‘His strength is off the charts, I’m sure he wasn’t this strong before. Did he manage to improve this much, in such a short amount of time? If the Gary now had gone as wild as he did back then, I don’t think even I would have been able to stop him. I doubt if I was to go head to head in a battle with him that I would win.

‘Is it possible, does Gary now have the ability, to be in the top fifty of the AFC?’

Eddy was already imagining it, depending on how many wins an Altered had in the AFC in a row, and how convincingly they won their matches, they would be put with higher level opponents quicker.

Not everyone who was in the AFC was an automatic superstar, and it was really only those that had the potential to reach the top fifty or those in the top 50. Just as Gary had managed to enter the AFA and cause a storm, Eddy was imagining the same thing happening in the AFC as well.

However, he had no idea that Gary had no interest in those things at all.

“I’m really sorry, I didn’t expect that to happen.” Gary apologised with his hand behind the back of his head, embarrassed. “That isn’t something I'm going to have to pay for right? You guys have insurance for things like this

Out of all the things to worry about, of course, Gary would be worrying about money and cost, while he had unknowingly caused a stir.

“Everyone, did you see that!” Clem said, pumping her fist toward the camera. “This is the difference between a debut student and the rest. The AFA as of late have been producing extremely skilled fighters and it looks like this might be one of the most skilled yet.”

Right after Clem said those words. Elanor went to the camera man, telling him to cut the recording there. Their air time had just about to come to an end, and ending it there, she knew that the viewers would want more.

“They ended the program there! What about the Green Haired kid? When is his debut match? What about his Altered form? Aren’t they going to show us more?”

“That guy, he looked like a weakling but he managed to break the bag off the rails of the thing.”

“He even damaged the wall, is that normal, can every Altered do that?”

It was quite common for those to question the power of an Altered. After all, for most it wasn’t something they came across every day apart from in the AFC. Other than the few documentaries or programmes like this one, they didn’t have much to compare Altereds in terms of strength against each other.

“That had to be a set up, it's clearly a fake video so more people tune in to his debut match!”

“What, you think they got a fake wall as well? Idiot.”

“FML, if you guys can’t clearly see how fake this video is, then I feel sorry for you. Let me sell you this bridge I made.”

There were quite a lot of accusations online, because some Altereds that were watching from other academies, were even calling the video fake. Since they used the equipment, they felt like it was impossible for a student to do something like this.

Elanor was going over the initial reaction and she knew it wasn’t fake, which made her think that the publicity, whether it was good or bad, didn't matter either way, because eventually when Gary did have his first match, everyone would soon be changing their tune.

Thinking about what to do, Eleanor seemed to go over to Eddy, Gary caught it for a few seconds, but soon Clem was right in his face with a big smile and both hands behind her back.

“That was amazing
 I really didn’t think you had it in you!” Clem said. “You really are strong, and it was such a nice feeling to see that after that big ape showed off.”

By big ape, it was obvious she was referring to the guard, who when Gary looked at him, immediately stood up tall like a bamboo shoot and couldn't even look Gary in the eye. Since they had hit the same bag, he also knew that it wasn’t a set up.

Some Altereds were quite arrogant and they held grudges easily, so he just wished that this Altered wouldn’t take it out on him, but Gary wasn’t like that either way, so he had nothing to worry about.

“Thank you, I train quite hard so I’m confident in my skills, I just felt a bit awkward when looking at the camera.” Gary could also hear his phone pinging now that the program had ended that he had left on a table by the side.

“I think with your looks, your body, and your personality you could become a one of a kind star.” Clem stated.

“A star?”

“I agree.” Elanor said, walking to Clem and Gary while a bright red faced Eddy was left in a daze behind them. From the beginning Gary could hear that Eddy’s heartbeat would go slightly faster when he looked at or spoke with Elanor, so it was clear he was head over heels for her.

“Gary, it's up to you whether you wish to or not, but we can make your debut huge.” Elanor said. “If possible, we would love to take you to AJ Entertainment and sign for a contract. You will have to stay with us for a week or so, but in turn we will run a whole documentary of you, leading up to your big match.

“You will also be able to meet other stars and other Altered under the AJ Entertainment. Let me know what you think?”

Gary really didn’t know how to answer, if they were to make a program about him, then it would also mean they would be asking a lot of questions, but being in the academy Gary had gotten used to being a good liar.

He also remembered initially that Kai wanted him to try and make his debut as big as possible. As there would be those wondering who Gary was under, and the team and group supporting him would be the Howlers.

In turn, there would be those that wished to join the Howlers, and they could make their own Altered force as those who idolised Gary could go ahead and join them.

“Doesn't that mean I’ll be out of the academy for a week, I would have to ask my teacher for permission.” Gary replied.

“He already gave me his blessing.” Elanor said, and Gary realised now what she must have been doing before. “Here is a sample contract for you, of course the details can be changed.”

Gary took a look at the contract, and the first thing that caught his eye was the amount they were willing to pay him.

“200,000 just for 7 days of work! I would be stupid not to take it!” Gary said with a smile as he shook his hand.

Since Gary didn’t run the finances, he was unaware that 200,000 was pocket change for the Howlers. If Gary needed it, they would have given it to him in a heartbeat.

Later that day, just so Kai was aware of what Gary was planning on doing, he sent him a text message with details.

“I can’t believe it.” Kai shoved his hand on his forehead. “This idiot is getting excited over 200,000 and he doesn't even realise how much he owns of the company that's paying him! Well, he already signed the contract so I guess the only way that he can break the contract is by getting permission from, well



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When will Gary find out the truthh about AJ Entertainment! Actually better yet when will AJ entertainment find out about Gary come on its on there paperwork and must be easily accessible they clearly didn't do any investigating on Gary for the interview


So Gary now owns himself.