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A lot of what Jayden said was unheard by the students. For one, most of them were already knocked out. Even Sty had been hit by a wind blast at some point, banging his head into the wall.

Leaving the only students able to listen being Apollo and Gary, but with Apollo being on the other side of the room it was unlikely he heard anything and as for Gary, he was so focused on the person ahead of him, that he was drowning out the words coming from his mouth.

‘I scratched him… which means I can hit him as well, which means I can win this fight!’ Gary thought, as he burst off the ground from his position, swinging his arms at Jayden. Although the attacks were fast, Jayden was able to see them relatively easily, and he could parry away the strikes without touching Gary’s hand.

Right now, Gary’s strength was unable to be felt because a single hit wasn't landing on Jayden.

‘I only have a few skills, the claw drain, last stand, and howling force, but in this situation none of them can help me. Did I make a mistake, should I have stopped focusing on stats and have used pawn points to unlock a skill from the system instead?

‘I still have two pawn points right now that I can use, but I'm trying to get a skill and use it in the middle of a fight.’

“You’re thinking far too much.” Jayden said, as he jumped, flipping over Gary and Gary’s strike with his hand had gone right into the wall, stabbing it.

Gary didn’t even realise that they were this close to the wall because he was so focused on hitting Jayden.

‘In a ring, Gary’s speed and tenacity would put nearly any AFC contestant in trouble. His speed, strength, and his deadly claws… his transformed state, it's one of the strongest I’ve ever seen. In the ring where one can't use special abilities or attributes, you may very well become champion, but outside the ring…

‘It will be hard Gary, if you are continuing down your path, you will meet those who are far more powerful than me, with far more dangerous skills. You have to learn how to fight them. I'm glad I came here, because you need to learn a lot more than what the AFA can teach you if you're going to survive.

‘I know you were the one that defeated Kirk, and I know you're involved with the Howlers. I’ve been watching the news carefully to see what you have been doing and it looks like Slough has become a better place… but there will be those out there that will try to take advantage of that. It was the same for me.’

With a double palm push from his hands, Jayden unleashed a strong wind that pushed Gary into the wall further with his claws, because there was another one that was coming toward him.

Apollo, had been waiting for the right time, and while Jayden and Gary were busy fighting, Apollo had begun his charge, he had reverted to his full Altered form, looking more like a polar bear than a human, and was running on all fours.

It was slow at first, but soon he began to pick up speed and was running as fast as a car as he came straight toward Jayden. When he launched forward, Apollo’s form was changing into his half state making him appear more human and Apollo had the biggest grin on his face, because he could tell that this was too fast even for Jayden to react.

‘I got him.’

Apollo grabbed him by both of his arms, holding onto them tightly.

‘Now he can't use his wind against me.’ Apollo thought, as he lifted him in the air and threw Jayden into the ground as hard as possible.

The professors and the observers from NIRV who were watching were worried, they had seen the strength of Apollo, especially his large slam, and even Jayden would be hurt by this.

At the last moment, with his hands facing toward the back of him, Jayden unleashed a large amount of wind. He needed to use all of his power as he pushed back against the floor.

Apollo had felt like he had slammed someone onto the floor, but the sheer power that Jayden had produced, had stopped him from touching the floor.

“You’re good, you’re really good.” Jayden said, with a smile. “Too bad that I'm awesome" Jayden said, as he pushed off the ground with the wind again, using it in a burst and loosening himself from Apollo’s grip.

“You're a big guy, so I think you can take this!” Swinging his hand, wind had come out, but not as strongly as the times before, instead across his chest, Apollo felt the special armour they gave him had been ripped and so had parts of his flesh, as blood was being drawn, but Apollo still stood there strong as Jayden created distance between the two of them.

At the same time, Gary had quickly reverted his form back to his normal self to get his claws out of the wall and then had transformed back to his Werewolf self.

‘I can feel it, I'm close, I have to keep trying new things.’ Gary thought, as he walked closer and had Apollo by his side.

‘These two’ Jayden thought. ‘Both of them are incredibly strong. It makes me wonder if the two of them were to get in a fight, which one of them would win. What a talented new generation we have. Xin, you have a lot cut out for you if you want to stay at the top.’

Putting his hands down, the buzzer went off shortly after.

“Fifteen minutes have passed, the special lesson is over.” An announcement was made.

During that whole time Jayden was also able to tell how much time had passed, it showed how skilled he was able to be able to focus on different things during the fight.

“I guess it's now time for me to decide who the winner is out of both of the teams.” Jayden smiled.


MWS Webtoon is now at 20 Chapters, be sure to check it out, and see all the characters come to life. Please support the webtoon as well, and maybe one day there can be an MWS Anime!



I hope it's Gary's team. Although it could be Apollo's team and he's gonna give them some pointers.