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Of course, the news spread around the area of Slough, and the public were quick to rush into their homes. Some took the news seriously, while others thought that perhaps the police were exaggerating or that this was just a made up story to have the people off the streets.

Whatever the case, the Grey Elephants didn't care because in the first place, their aim was to get another group's attention, and that they certainly did.

“Boss!” One of the men in suits came running into his office, only to see that Damion was already standing, surrounded by some of his most trusted men.

“Speak!” Damion shouted at the man who had just entered.

“We keep getting calls from all our businesses from each of the areas! It's definitely a targeted attack!” The man explained. Turning around, Damion picked something off the desk and the next second as he spun, he threw out a knife, hitting the man straight in the forehead and killing him on the spot.

“That's wasting my time with information I already know!” Damion scoffed. “We knew the Grey Elephants were going to attack us, but those weasels can’t even bother to do it themselves. For now, forget about all the other areas. We will protect Cipen and get rid of all those that are here.

“After today businesses will have no other choice anyway. Once we’re the only ones in town, they will come and go when this all blows over, and we will just take them back. You, tell me, have we heard any news from Kirk and the Cheetah Squad?” Damion asked.

One of the men gulped before answering.

“Yes, one of his men reported that he has almost annihilated the entirety of the Grey Elephant gang that was at their warehouse. However, none of their leaders were present when they arrived.”

Hearing this news, the Underdog gang leader smiled.

“Good, that means that their leaders are somewhere else, and will be personally coming over. The only question is who the f*ck is pulling their strings? … Ah, it doesn’t matter, I’ll find out soon enough, once I skin all their members alive. Tell Kirk to head to the other areas to clear them out as he makes his way back here.”

Going up to the wall at the back of the room, he looked up to a pair of red coloured small axes. His men thought of them as nothing but simple decorations and were wondering why their boss would grab them now of all times. They didn't exactly look regular, as their handles were covered in scales and the head itself was white, as if it was made from a type of bone.

Damion's weapon of choice had always been a pair of small axes. Perhaps because whenever he ended up using them, there would always be a mess, instilling fear in those who followed him, making them think twice about ever crossing him. And this pair was certainly quite special.

“I was hoping to solve the damned package situation before this, but these Grey Elephants just couldn’t cherish their last days on Earth. Pulling this stunt could get us all killed. Well, I’ll at least make sure they’ll die before us!” Damion murmured, as he walked out the door.

The man kicked the door open from his office and entered the nightclub floor, which had been open for a couple of hours. The customers inside were frightened and shaking. It looked like they had run inside away from the monsters.

Walking through, he had his men behind him, using more conventional and regular weapons, while some of them had none. Walking up the stairs to the high street, Damion kicked the door open as well, seeing the chaos unfold.

There were people screaming and running all sorts of directions. However, there didn’t seem to be any gang members out and about on the streets, at least not yet.

“Send out the small timers to the end of the streets. Tell them to stay there and kill them, anything that isn’t a panicked civilian. I doubt this will be the full attack, so if I were them, I would be waiting for us to get tired.”

In doing so, the newbies along with some younger members started to run out either side. One of those ‘lucky’ enough to help protect Cipen was Gil. However, he and his group didn’t get fair, until they encountered the beings the people were running from.

They looked like kids, only clearly deformed, their bodies resembling strange beasts more than human. The main thing, though, was how they were covered in blood and the street behind them had bodies as well.

One of the Underdog gang members pulled out his knife and one of the creatures ran towards him at a fast speed. The man slashed his knife cutting deep into the beast's hand, however, with its other hand, and its pencil-like nails that were similar to long mini drills, it repeatedly stabbed the adult in the side of the neck, making him drop dead on the ground.

Watching this, Gil panicked. He had been handed a baseball bat, so putting all his strength he swung from below, hitting the creature right in the rib, sending him off in the other direction. However, the gang member was clearly on his last legs and bleeding out.

The other gang members, despite having more than three times the number, were having trouble dealing with the creatures, and soon Gil heard growls near him. Looking up, he could see that the creature he had swatted away, was up again. The teenager was sure he had broken its ribs, yet the only sign of damage was black blood seeping out from its mouth as it was staring at him.

‘Sh*t I'm going to die here!’ Gil thought, as he placed his bat behind his head and was ready to swing it once again.

The small creature ran quickly, and the dropout swung the bat aiming for its head, yet it was prepared for him. At the last moment it stepped back, making him miss completely, leaving him open for its attack. The beast was ready to pierce both its claws right through the teenager’s soft body.

Having over swung the bat, there was no getting out of this one for Gil…

When he closed his eyes, ready to feel pain, he heard a scream in front of him. Opening his eyes again, he saw a red axe having cut right through the beast's arms, chopping them off. The next second, Damion used the other axe, slicing the beast’s head off, killing it on the spot.

“You… you're the one who claimed to know where Greeny was, right?” Damion asked. “I’ll have you accompany me. It’s too early for you to die.”


The Underdogs had known that the Grey Elephants gang had been planning something. In fact, they had been tipped off that it was to start today. However, Brandon had been smart enough to keep the plans of what exactly would happen to himself and Raven.

With both gangs being as big as they were, it was impossible to guarantee that there were no moles. In fact, Raven had gone one step further and had advised his old time friend to tell the different teams, only the area they would have to drive to. That way the Underdogs would be in for a surprise.

Nevertheless, armed with the knowledge that ‘something’ would go down, Damion had sent out Kirk along with the Cheetah Squad that consisted of five members to the Grey Elephant’s factory ahead of the attack. These were his number one squad force and his most trusted as well.

The factory wasn’t just any regular factory, it was the place where the Grey Elephants’ main income came from, and it was rumoured to be where the leaders would often be at as well.

The Cheetah Squad were considered the strongest group in the Underdogs. They had never failed a job before, and that was mainly due to the leader of the Cheetah Squad being an Altered. Today was no different.

Kirk stood there in the centre of the factory that manufactured particular parts for cars, but right now it was no longer operating. The machines had stopped, and it was a bloody mess. A worker's face had been shoved into the assembly line and was bleeding.

The group didn’t care if they were part of the Grey Elephants or not, all of them were to be punished and dealt with. It was the risk one took when deciding who they would be paying to protect them.

What looked like countless gang members had been defeated all around, and the clothes of the Cheetah Squad themselves were no longer black, but stained red. Placing his phone back in his pocket, Kirk took in a big breath.

“Alright, everyone, it looks like we had a busy day today. We were a little too late, and the Grey Elephants seem to have already started attacking all over the place.” Kirk sighed. “We need to get moving, but before we go, we have one more order. To make sure, this place won’t be in operating condition for a while. If we can’t beat them head on in this war, or they continue to run away from us, that's fine. We’ll just hit them with their finances. Forcing them to come out eventually.”

A few minutes later the group were seen leaving the place with a few explosions going off and being heard in the background. The whole factory would have to be rebuilt, and as for the people inside, they probably would never be able to walk another day in their life.

Outside, there were two vehicles waiting for them, getting in. They were on their way to the area closest where the attacks were taking place. While in the car, though, Kirk leaned forward, resting his head against the seat in front of him.

“How many were in that factory?” Kirk asked.

“About twenty, Sir.” The man next to him answered.

“Add that to my list, make sure it's updated.” Kirk ordered while clenching his fist. The others in the car stayed silent, not saying a thing.

‘How long will I have to keep doing this for, and… will all my bad sins be forgiven?’ Kirk started to wonder. ‘The only way I can stay sane, is to make up for all those I have hurt, and use my strength to save others.’

The car stayed silent until they reached the next area and the sound of screams could be heard.

“We are finally here, Sir, from the news we have received, they seem to be crazed Altered that have been taken over by their other side.” The man said as he got out of the car, opening the door for Kirk.

They group had stopped on the other side of a bridge that would lead to a small little local bar area that the Underdogs owned. It was quite the popular area for night drinking on the outside for people. Often there would be those that would go on what was known as a pub crawl. Hitting all the bars in the area before they arrived at home. It was why the Underdogs had made it their place of business due to the nice profits they all owned.

Not only did they help deal with other gang members, but also the drunken customers that would like to cause trouble as well. It was one of the few places that actually welcomed the Underdogs and their business, as it allowed them to run more smoothly.

Today, though, there weren’t any happy customers, instead there was fear in their eyes.

While running over the bridge, Kirk could see what looked like a couple that were at the very back. It was a young man along with a woman. However, the woman was struggling to run as she had high heels. In the end, one of her shoes eventually snapped.

The man quickly turned around to help his partner, but could see that the creatures that had been chasing behind them weren't too far behind.

“I’m… I’m sorry!” The man shouted as he turned around and ran, abandoning her.

“You bastard!” The woman cursed as she threw her high heels away, and attempted to get up, but looking behind, she could see the creature was close to her.  The next second though, she could feel the wind on her face, and when she looked up, instead of the creature there was a man with yellow coloured skin and spots over his body.

The creature was seen off in the distance, its face bloody. At the same time, the man that stood by her side had a bloody fist.


“Hey folks, I’m here right in Kidminstin! Did you guys all see that just now?!” A young man who was wearing a puffy oversized coat and had chains all around his neck was currently filming the event on his phone.

He wasn't just any regular university student, though. Scotty was a popular live streamer who happened to be in the area, rating different bars and their best drinks. Ever since the attack had started, he had continued to film the whole thing, and the reason for that was simple.

The amount of his viewers had skyrocketed!

Rather than overwhelmed with fear like others, Scotty had seen this as an opportunity for himself. He had managed to gather over two hundred people after livestreaming for a couple months, but right now, his viewership was in the thousands! People not only from Slough were watching what was going on, but from other cities as well, as they had never seen such Altered before.

[Is this real, or are they promoting some type of movie?]

[Yeah, I’ve never even heard or seen this many crazy Altered in the same place before.]

[I heard some rumours, on the dark web. They say that there are large numbers of Altered in the lower tier towns that had gone crazy.]

[But that doesn't make any sense. I thought there weren’t any Altered in the lower tier towns?]

[Which is why it doesn't make any sense and this person is just talking out of his arse.

Don’t believe everything you see on the internet.]

“Did you all see that just now!? The man suddenly transformed his arms and legs, and burst across to save that woman right now, yo!” Scotty commentated. “It's an Altered. I can't believe there is an Altered in Slough, here to help the people!”

Soon, though, one of his viewers recognised him as Kirk Summerfield.

[Hey, that's not just any Altered, that's Kirk Summerfield! The Rookie AFC guy, the Cheetah Altered.]

[Yeah, it is him! I guess he couldn't just stand back and watch what was happening in his town, so he had to get involved.]

[Whoa, does that mean this whole thing is real!]

[I dunno. Might just be some promo for the AFC. Maybe they will reveal this as some new type of match style?]

“It's not a set-up guys.” Scotty said after checking in with his livefeed. He wasn’t happy that his viewers were doubting the seriousness of this situation. “I didn’t get to get a good shot because I wasn’t ready for what happened, but when I was leaving the place I saw real blood. I saw the look in the girl's eyes before she…s he died.”

[Have you ever heard of paid actors before, Scotty, or are you really that naive?]

[F in the chat for the poor woman, people.]


“Remember, to add her to the list.” Kirk shouted, as he continued to move forward. There was only one creature that had followed this group, but Kirk was sure that there would be more around the area.

While walking forward, though, Kirk noticed that he had merely injured the beast. It stood up from the ground. Opening its mouth, the skin stretched until it bled from the sides and let out a nasty sounding growl.

‘It's so small, is it really an Altered? … guess it has to be. There’s no way a normal human could have survived my hit when I didn't hold back.’ Kirk thought. ‘Does that mean, the Grey Elephants have turned kids into Altered? Just how did they get their hands on so much Altered DNA? There's something else going on here. That thing seems to have gone berserk with the rest of them. Damion could be in more trouble if I don’t hurry up.’

This time, instead of using his fists, Kirk grew out his sharp nails, and dashed forward again. The creature was fast, but Kirk was simply just too fast for it, his nails piercing right through the kid's head.

“I'm sorry, once turning into a crazed Alter there is no way of coming back from it. I'm sorry for what they have done to you.” Kirk apologised as he let go of the corpse.

Quickly, leaving the body on the ground, the Cheetah Altered continued to where he could hear the screams. He entered the main road where cars would normally be at this time of day. Some had been flipped and others destroyed.

While walking towards the area, he also saw countless dead bodies on the ground. Those of the Underdog members. He was a little proud that the gang members at least stayed to try to fight, rather than run away.

There were those inside their establishments with the doors locked, staring outside, but it was quite calm, because standing in the middle of the street was a lone man, who was facing all the creatures on his own.

Scotty had followed Kirk and the others, and zoomed in on the lone man fighting.

“Look at this, it looks like a regular person is taking on the monsters.” Scotty commented.

On the camera, one could see a man, who had a scarf wrapped around his neck, and a cap on the top of his head. Wearing a standard sports shirt, even in the middle of the night. He dodged two of the creatures' attacks, and grabbed the back of their heads, slamming them into the ground.

‘Damn…this is harder than I thought without transforming any of my body.’ Jayden thought.

While he was catching his breath, another beast that he thought he had dealt with, had gotten back up, thrusting its hand forward. Still, Jayden was ready and was waiting for the right time to kick it in its head.

When he lifted his foot off the ground, though, he could sense that something else from the front came forward and had punched it in the side of its face instead.

“These guys are tougher than you think.” Kirk said towards the apparent stranger.


The police had been somewhat quick to respond, which was a little strange even for them. However, they had managed to go to most of the areas where the current troubles were occurring. Still, their tactics were questioned by many of the people who had been walking by.

For one of the areas, the police had surrounded the high street with cars, on all exits around in a circle. Simply put, they weren't letting these creatures get out from the areas. Hoping to minimise the damage to the outside, yet not a single one of them had entered the place themselves.

On the edge of the road, where the police cars had blocked the road, a large van had pulled up and on the side, it had the words channel five TV crew filmed. Immediately, coming out of the car quickly, was a cameraman, and a female presenter dressed in a suit. It was light blue in colour. She had short hair that was tied back, and a stunning earring made of diamonds.

Of course, like with most presenters for a TV channel, they were quite the looker. It always seemed to earn them more ratings, especially when Miss Kate Dar was on the scene. Immediately, she didn't shy away as the camera was seen rolling with the red dot, and got out her microphone, pointing it towards the officers.

“Officer, I’m Kate Dar from Channel Five News. I’ve come here hoping that you would be able to answer some of the public's questions.” Kate stated her reason for being here, and straight away the police officer looked nervous and the others standing around were wondering what to do.

The problem was they were already having trouble trying to stop the general public from entering. There were many still inside establishments and buildings held up, and their family members had appeared, hoping to get them out of such a dangerous place.

“Many videos of the strange creatures that are assumed to be crazed Altered have appeared online, but what the people want to know is what is your plan to get the civilians out of these areas.” The reporter pushed on. “As far as we know, none of the police have acted, and seeing what the situation is like it seems to be true. What do you have to say to that?”

As they were asking the questions, screams were still being heard from behind. Zooming in on the camera, they could see countless dead bodies, mainly men in suits who looked to have been protecting the people so far.

However, they were unable to put up much of a fight against the creatures, and now it looked like the crazed Altered were going for their next target. They were bashing against the door, trying to break the glass windows of the shops and more.

“HELP THEM PLEASE!” The group of people watching were shouting.

Once again, Kate shoved the microphone up to the officer's face.

“Look, we are here to contain the area of damage.” The officer replied. “And stop people like you from getting inside. This is the best option, if we go in and end up losing our lives, then these creatures will kill all of you as well!”

Some officers shook her head at the comment. They had been trained how to deal with press in certain situations, but they understood. The pressure was getting to them. They had been watching the creatures fight against what they assumed were gangsters.

They had the same set of weapons as the police officers, but they actually had more members and were quite skillful using their tools, yet they were still killed. Furthermore, they could see that the creatures seemed to be attracted to whatever human was closest to them. If they went in, they would just be sacrificing themselves for no reason.

At least they could get in their cars and create a barrier of some sort until a solution came to them.

“Are you saying that the police are incompetent to solve this situation? If the police can't solve it, then who can?” Kate asked.

At that moment, a hooded figure was slowly pushing people out of the way as they walked through the crowd of people. His head was held down, and he was dressed in all black. Eventually, he had got to the front and was just a little away from where the reporter and police officer were.

“Step back, this is a restricted area, no one is allowed past this point!” The police officer shouted, but it didn’t seem to slow down the stranger's pace.

Seeing what was going on right now, Kate pointed at her camera man towards the commotion, she had a feeling that something was about to happen.

“Let me through.” The voice said. It was slightly altered and when the hooded man lifted his head, the police officer could see who it was straight away. It looked like he was ready to yell, but before he could, his mouth was grabbed by a hand, and the next second he was kneed in the stomach and thrown behind him.

Two more officers stood in the robbed man's way, pulling out their batons. A swing was made, but it was easily avoided, and the hooded man quickly kicked the back of his leg making him fall, before spinning and hitting the back of his head.

The other officer went to swing as well, but the man was able to grab the person's wrist before he could swing it and twisted it on the ground. Before kicking him hard in the stomach as well.

“Get out of my way, you guys aren’t the ones that I’m here for.” The man stated, walking forward.

Quickly, seeing an opportunity due to the injured police officers, Kate, and her cameraman ran off through the gap, continuing to film the stranger. The rest of the police quickly regrouped, stopping the rest from charging in.

The next second, though, the hooded man pulled out two swords from his side as he was ready to charge in.

“It's an Altered Hunter.” Kate gasped.


Chapter 282

When Blake first heard the news of the crazed Altered attacking the people in Slough, his first instinct was to go out to help. After all, despite being shunned by the public, the reason Altered Hunters operated was to save people from a situation just like this one.

However, part of Blake knew that he didn’t go out just to help the people. Part of him relished this situation, as it would justify him to do what he wanted to do ever since killing Billy. Right now, he was excited to be fighting Altered, however there was one thing that he noticed when appearing.

‘These Altered are so small… and the clothes they are wearing look so shabby. Are they… homeless kids? Did someone turn kids into Altered?’ Blake wondered.

It was impossible that someone would use the conventional way to turn so many kids. After all, those that were turned into Altered were meant to be humans in peak condition, usually people between sixteen and twenty-five years old to ensure the best effects.

Then again, that only applied for those who needed to get sponsored. With enough money, one could be as old as one wanted…

As Blake started to walk forward, the attention of some of the crazed Altered that had been stabbing holes through doors and windows just seconds ago, shifted towards him. Two in particular looked his way.

They screeched and growled, it was a strange sound as the noise they made was in between a growl and a scream, but that didn't matter, Blake had to make sure he had the resolve to kill these Altered.

Looking on the ground, he looked at the corpses. Not only were there those who looked like gang members, but there were also civilians among them as well. Regular people who seemed to have simply been at the wrong place at the wrong time.

‘They seem to attack humans on sight. They seem no different from the beasts the books described. If these Altered are allowed to live, they will continue to cause more chaos.’ Blake reasoned.

Both of the creatures leapt towards him at the same time, and seeing this, he moved his father’s swords in a half arc motion, a clash was heard as the sword bashed against the hard pencil claws of both the Altered. The swords weren’t light by any means, and with the armour Blake wore he could feel a boost in strength whenever he used it to attack.

Suddenly, there was a third one that came towards Blake, and as it thrust its hands forward, Blake rolled on the ground, narrowly avoiding the attack. When he lifted his head, though, he saw a fourth one and quickly raised his sword to hit the claw of that away as well. Getting up on the ground, he continued to swing his swords at the claws towards him.

Clashing and dodging the attacks from all over. Those watching felt like they were witnessing a scene out of an action movie being recorded. The people hiding inside the cars, were amazed at the skill the young Altered Hunter was displaying, rooting for him as he might be their only chance to get out of this alive.

The public knew how strong the Altered monsters were, when latched on no matter how much strength they used to throw them off it was impossible for them. How sharp their claws were and how fast their reflex were as well. Still, this lone person was able to block and avoid and match up to their strength.

However, they noticed that the beasts were starting to overwhelm him. The lone figure had quickly turned from a hero to someone who was barely surviving. Blake was able to block the attacks, yet he lacked the opportunity to deal any of the creatures a devastating blow.

‘This is why Altered Hunters are meant to go in pairs!’ Blake thought. ‘Since they were smaller than regular Altered, I thought I might fare better, but this is proving difficult. The moment I find the opening to attack one of them, the others come in at the right time.’

The young Altered Hunter felt his stamina disappearing. If he didn’t do something soon, there would be serious trouble. Finally, his movements were a little too slow as one of the creatures got behind him and stabbed multiple times one after another towards Blake's back.

Those seeing this thought it was the end of the brave warrior that had come for their help, but just like with the sword, several clashes were heard. Turning around, spinning and using his full strength, Blake managed to slice right at the neck of the creature, cutting its head off and killing it.

Looking at his armour, he could see there were a few scratches on it, but it was able to withstand most of the attack.

‘Looks like that answers my question of whether they can get through this armour or not. I guess they're not as scary as a Werewolf. Although I didn't want to test if they could pierce through my armour or not.’ Blake thought, now a little more confident.

More help had arrived, as two figures landed right into the centre of the street. The duo flapped their large, powerful wings, which knocked some creatures away. Then with the ones closest, the female that had arrived latched her hand, digging her claw into the creature in front of them. One had grabbed the shoulder of the creature so deep its blood was seen soaking down its shoulder.

The next second, it was thrown strongly against the floor.

“It looks like we hit the jackpot.” Sadie said with a smile. “Who would have thought that we would be getting all of these Altered and an Altered Hunter right here in front of us.

Everyone recognised the new arrivals as White Rose agents.

“Frank, take care of these little ones, I’ll go after this one!” Sadie ordered, as she dashed forward and went to strike with her claw hand. Blake lifted his sword to counter the claw, but unlike when fighting the other creatures he was being pushed back, losing out in strength.

The next attack, he rolled to the side, instead of meeting it head on.

“What is White Rose doing?!” Some of those watching shouted. “Why are they attacking him when he was trying to kill the beasts?!”

“I heard them call him an Altered Hunter.”

“Who cares about that? They were the ones that were too slow to respond! If it weren’t for him, we might have been dead.”

Those watching started to complain and physically boo the White Rose agents. Frank also wasn't having an easy time, facing off against nine crazed Altered, who proved to be quite resilient.

“Ah, Sadie, maybe we should have a truce or something for a second.” Frank suggested.

However, the look on Sadie's face was a clear no. She never cared about public opinion. They had PR teams for that sort of nonsense. Just as she was ready to charge forward again, though, the pain on the back of her foot started to throb. The next second something had wrapped around her arm, and she was pulled back.

Whatever had wrapped around her arm, quickly unwrapped and a loud bang was heard. The weapon had cut the White Rose agent's forearm. Looking at who it was, Sadie saw a woman dressed in black and gold, holding a whip in her hand.

“I really never liked your police in the first place.” Olivia stated.






Or just my werewolf system. One time I could only type the number in