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The Kraken was placed on the far end of the Burnham food street, right on the corner. The establishment was black in colour from the outside and made to look like an old ship, with fake broken wooden panels. On the top, just by its name, they had what looked like a giant octopus intertwining with the letters.

It wasn't only unique on the outside but was also unique on the inside. When entering the restaurant, there would be large wooden panels on the floor to walk. Besides the wooden flooring, the ground was covered in shallow water.

Then on these bodies of water, the wooden flooring would branch off to little boats. This was where the customers would enjoy their meal. As if they were eating on a boat in a lake of water. It was quite the popular restaurant because of this and it was one of the few places in Burnham that would still be open as a restaurant even when night came, not indulging in the other side of business.

However, some knew that all of it was just a front. A front for the gang known as the Pincers. There was a grand office on the third floor, where customers weren't allowed to be. The room itself was as big as a dining hall.

It went on and on, and at the very end was a large table where the leader of the Pincers would be present. The room was currently filled with men on either side lined up still like statues. Then in the centre of the room, not too far from the desk, there were more men in suits standing by the side of a few girls.

"Boss!" One of the men in the centre of the room shouted at the top of his lungs. "We have brought you the new products. Please decide what place they would be best suited to work at!"

The chair slowly turned around, revealing a long black haired woman wearing a tight-fitting leopard print dress. The centre part of the dress opened up in a large V shape showing most of her breasts. If it wasn't for the large fur piece she had over her shoulders, one might even be able to see more.

This person, who they referred to as boss, was in charge of the trafficking and Slough's red-light district area. A female named Miss Oliva Pearl. Standing up, her height reached nearly six feet.

She was a tall woman, and when walking towards the others, some of the men couldn't help but stare at her long legs and nice figure. However, there was one place that they wouldn't look at too much, and that was Oliva's face.

Not because they found her ugly or anything like that, it was just due to how menacing and piercing her stare felt. Often if she caught someone staring at her, she would snap at one or the other..however, this treatment was only given to a particular type of person.

Olivia stood in front of the girls and stared at the four of them.

"Hmm, you look a little young. Why don't you head to the yangs." Going down the line, she then looked at the next girl. "Birchwood house."

She continued to look at the girls saying the name of the restaurants in Burnham food street. Once a place was decided, one of the men would take them away as they started their introduction into the workplace and their duties.

Finally, she stopped at the last girl left and looked at her for longer than the others. Out of all the ones so far, this one was like a Snow White beauty. She had clear skin, and there wasn't a mark on her, but she was also the only one visibly shaking. Scared as if she knew what was going to happen to her.

"For this one..the Kraken." Olivia smiled. "For now, just come and stand by my desk over there."

The girl looked a little reluctant to move, so the man by her side gave her a little nudge. Immediately. Olvia looked his way, and the man turned his head, making sure not to make eye contact.

"I apologise…please, young miss, listen to the bosses orders. It will be the best for us all." The man said.

Hearing this, the young Snow White started to walk over to the desk and waited patiently there.

"I heard there was a disturbance yesterday. Someone asking about the Pincers…and one of our girls died?" Olvia asked as she began to walk back.

"Yes, boss." The man replied, who had been doing all the speaking so far. "It was two people who seemed to be looking for us. However, the worker that died was an unfortunate accident while we were trying to capture the two."

Olvia sitting back in her chair sighed.

"So what I'm hearing is that you let two people get away, and one of our workers died? You know, if you hadn't brought such a good one to me, then I would have been in a terrible mood."

The truth was, the man didn't want to reveal everything in the report. If she knew how many of the Pincer gang members had been injured in the attack itself, she really would be in a bad mood. The man was just hoping that they would never see those two again.

It was unlikely that any gang would try to start trouble so openly in their area, not so soon after what happened yesterday anyway.

"Alright, everyone out!" Olvia shouted. The men in the room soon started to leave, and as the door was closing, turning back, they could see Olivia, licking her lips and bringing the girl's head towards hers.

She opened her mouth and slowly forced her tongue into the other's mouth.

"Relax and enjoy this moment," Olvia said. "I will make you experience things you have never experienced before."


A group of people dressed in black and gold blazers were currently walking down Burham high street at a fast pace. What stood out the most was the one in the centre wearing a black wolf mask covering the top of his head to his nose.

It was the middle of the day, so there weren't as many people as there usually would be or those at night. Still, it certainly had caught the guards' attention that were standing by each place as well.

Standing up against the window and looking at the commotion, Nina looked out and recognised the large man with them.

"They came back…after what happened yesterday? What are they exactly planning to do."

Nina had heard the news of what had happened to Stacy. The workers often talked to each other, and before Stacy had arrived, Nina was the newest girl that had worked at the place. It was meant to be her job to show the ropes and how things worked here.

Hearing of her death had affected her more than she had liked to admit.

"Please…just leave this place.. you're only going to make it worse for yourselves," Nina said to herself as she watched them continuing to walk towards the place where she had first arrived when coming here.

Eventually, they had reached the outside of the Kraken. Gary walked forward, and the group pushed past the two outside workers.

"Get out of the way," Gary said before they even tried to stop them. They eventually entered the room, and we're now in the main hall. Some customers enjoyed their food, eating peacefully away, but a few started to notice the group inside.

"Everyone!" Gary shouted. "The Howlers gang are taking over this place. You have two minutes to leave now, and anyone who is still here after two minutes will be considered an enemy."

Some of the customers seemed a little shocked by this, a gang coming to attack them, but those that knew the business didn't even know who the Howlers were or had heard of them. In the end, they even asked the workers to kick them out or get them out.

A few moments later, a group of four guards started to walk towards them.

"Hey, if you know what this place is, then you need to get out of here!" One of them said and went to grab Gary.

Before he could, Gary Grabbed onto his wrist and twisted it with his full strength, not holding back. A click sound was heard. Pulling his arm forward, Gary slammed his fist into the first one's face, causing him to fall back and fall to the ground.

"1 minute!" Gary shouted.



Going to be a great fight I can tell


Oooo He about to go primal