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MWS 210

Describing the way Gary currently felt as annoyed would be a vast understatement. He was jogging his way back to the parts of Chavley. Fortunately, running wasn’t really a problem for Gary due to his stamina and improved body, and he had a lot of time until it was evening in Burnham, so there were a few things he could do before then.

He wouldn’t have minded it at all, but after seeing those three nice cars with so many empty seats in them, he thought the others could have at least offered him a lift back home. Of course, there was also the option to get the bus, but that would cost him a bit of money. The bus fares in Slough seemed like a rip-off, no matter how much money he had, so he preferred the free method.

‘I think I might just run to Burnham at this rate. Hmmm, I wonder what that look was on Xin’s face when she got in the car. Maybe she’s still shaken up by everything that happened.’

Soon enough, the high school boy’s frown turned upside down as he thought about the progress he had made in his relationship with Xin. A date, a house visit, and he had managed to rescue her, which surely would win him some brownie points.

On his way back, Gary quickly stopped by the convenience store where he picked up two sets of dye, as well as some food as he was getting ready to head home first. As usual, Gary intended to eat some raw meat in an alleyway to quickly restore his Energy on the way back.

“Is that everything for you, kid? You sure do eat a lot of meat, but looking at your body, I can see where all that protein is going.” The clerk joked behind the counter. His name tag read Tyler. The bespectacled university student was the hard-working type.

He also seemed to always be on duty whenever Gary would come in. Ever since he had become a Werewolf the teenager had come here and given how much he would spend, he and Tyler would enjoy the occasional small talk, especially when the store was as empty as it was now.

“Ah yeah, do you have the bag that I gave you from before?” Gary asked.

Going behind the desk, Tyler handed Gary a sports bag, and he quickly changed out from his gang uniform and replaced his clothes. There was no one else in the shop, and honestly it was just putting his blazer away and putting on a hoodie instead. Due to his home being in Chavley and the area it was in, Gary would always change into a hoodie around his area.

However, he couldn’t exactly always carry a bag around him while fighting. That would only make things harder. As such, he decided to leave certain clothes and bags at certain spots. Tyler had happily agreed to it, once Gary had offered him twenty notes. As much as Gary needed to save his money, he regarded this as an investment. It pained him to do so and was something that had taken him a long time to decide.

The school and this convenience store, was one of the many places that Gary would leave a bag with a change of clothes. However, now that Kai had gotten him clothes that were able to stretch, perhaps he wouldn’t have to go through so many…

‘Do I have to worry that once our Howlers gang becomes famous, people will start noticing our uniform? Will it be a problem that I go around in these colours? At least, I don’t think Tyler knows I’m in a gang yet.’ Gary suddenly pondered.

Just then, the electric door made a sound to inform them that a new customer had entered. It was a man in a suit who looked to be… quite drunk, as he could barely keep his balance.

‘It’s not even 5PM yet… Did he just finish work and start drinking straight away? Or maybe weekend midday drinking.’

Gary didn’t need Werewolf senses to smell the alcohol off of him. However, having them meant that his poor nose was practically being assaulted by the stench. The high schooler just wanted to get out of the place as soon as possible. He made sure to get out of the man’s way, he actually managed to make it to the counter.

Gary was getting ready to leave to enjoy his nice meal. He was getting used to the taste of Raw meat, and was actually looking forward to eating it before heading home.

“Hey, get me some leaf blacks!” The drunk man yelled.

“Here you go sir, that will be 15.20!” Tyler smiled politely, placing the cigarette pack on the counter.

The man then pulled out his card, sticking it into the reader, but he started to slap his head all of a sudden.

“Damn it, what was the pin?” The man grumbled loudly, before he proceeded to push some buttons. Unsurprisingly, there appeared an error message on the screen. The man tried this two more times, until the machine informed him that his card was now blocked.

“SHIT! YOUR DAMN MACHINE IS BROKEN!!!” The man accused Tyler in his drunken tone and started to almost pull apart the machine. “Just give me my damn leaf blacks.” The drunk man reached over and looked like he was about to snatch the cigarettes away, when the university student quickly pulled them back and placed them away.

“I'm sorry, sir, but your card has been declined. If you happen to have some cash, I would be happy to give them to you.” Tyler nervously smiled.

“Why the hell do you care? You’re just a poor sod working for this shop. You don’t own them, so might as well give them to me!” The man demanded as he stretched out his arm and opened his palm. However, when he noticed that nothing happened, he became even angrier.

“Do you think I won’t do anything because this place is meant to be protected by the Underdogs? You think I'm scared of those guys?!”

The man then leaned over the counter and pulled on Tyler’s shirt. He was pulled over the counter and The university student could smell his alcoholic breath coming off from him, and the next second, he spat on his head.

“Sir, what are you doing!?” Tyler shouted as he could feel something land on his head.

“You think I’m stupid, huh? That I didn’t notice the way you looked at me?! Screw you, and my superiors. All of you look at me like I’m scum. Where are your gang members to help you out now, huh!” The man continued to shout, and it looked like he was about to spit on his head once again, but before it reached his head, a hand was shoved in front grabbing the spit.

“What is wrong with you, old man? How is it his fault that your superiors treat you badly? I'm pretty sure if a gang member was in this shop right now, you would be shaking in your boots.” Gary, having heard the commotion outside, had come back in.

Perhaps it was because of the events that had happened today so far, with his teacher being hurt, Xin taken away and more, but today was a day that Gary just couldn’t look the other way at these things.


Top 10 in golden tickets = 5 chapter mass release

Instagram: jksmanga

Support my editor: ko-fi/devilsadvocate

MWS 211

The drunken man looked the teenager up and down. Given his new appearance, the teenager seemed to be someone who would often visit the local gym, yet it wasn’t to a point the drunk man feared him yet.

“Haha, this is brilliant now even kids these days are acting like gangsters.” The man said as he got a big one ready in his throat and spat it out, hitting Gary right in the cheek. He let it drop on his face for a few seconds, and smiled back at the drunk man.

“I'm not acting like one.” Gary said as he clenched his fist.

The next second, Gary shoved his hand that was initially soaked in the man’s spit back in his face, rubbing it in. When the man stepped back startled about what happened, Gary whacked him in the face, and he fell to the floor. The teenager’s hotheadedness had taken over from him, and he just couldn't deal with it any more.

Tyler was so amazed that he leaned over the counter to look at the old man.

“Sorry… I couldn’t control myself.” Gary apologised to the university student.

“Nah, he definitely deserved it. I would have done the same if I didn’t really need this job.” Tyler tensed his bicep, but there was nothing to see there.

A few seconds later, and the man came to, rubbing his face. Gary had held back a little, but the man was clearly startled, and his legs were wobbly as he fell backwards.

“You…you! You will pay for this. I’ll remember you green haired kid!” The next second, the man was wobbly rushing out the door.

Before leaving, still a little annoyed at the man’s attitude, Gary picked up a chocolate bar from the counter, and aiming carefully threw it, hitting the man at the back of the head.

“Have a Bickers! If you're annoyed!” Gary shouted and soon paid for the chocolate bar. Although Tyler refused payment, as a way of saying thanks. Perhaps before Gary would have been worried that the man would remember his face and hair colour especially with those looking for him.

However, Gary couldn't care less… for after today, he would no longer have green hair.

Leaving the shop, Tyler had given Gary his thanks and promised him that he wouldn’t mention what had happened to anyone. Given the slip of his tongue in anger, he had actually expected Tyler to ask a few questions, but the university student didn’t mention it. Either he chose to keep it to himself… or he simply mistook the truth for a bluff. Either scenario worked for the teenager.

With his hood now up, Gary entered the Chavley area, where members of the Underdogs would still be keeping up their patrols. Using his enhanced senses, as well as his personal route, the high schooler successfully managed to avoid all gang members on the way to his apartment block.

Now entering the area where his apartment block and others were located, Gary could see that many of the residents had gathered outside, near the bulletin board. However, they didn’t seem interested in the stuff that was posted there, instead they were talking to an old man whose face resembled a nut sack. It was a crude image, sure, but Gary couldn’t deny the resemblance.

The man himself, was the landlord of the apartment building, Mr Morten. Getting closer, Gary was interested to hear what all the commotion was about. He remained at the back of the crowd which was filled with families, students and all sorts.

“This is crazy, you have to say something to them, Morten!” An older woman yelled. “If this continues, then soon we won’t even be able to afford to live here! And then we’ll…have to... ”

She didn’t dare to finish the sentence, but everyone was aware that if she couldn’t stay here, her only choice would be to move to a Tier-4 town. Living in a Tier-3 town like Slough was already bad enough, but at least the Underdogs and Grey Elephants ensured a certain level of peace.

A Tier-4 town, on the other hand, had no such thing. Multiple small-time gangs were constantly vying for a piece of the already small cake. There was next to no order in a place like that, and no one wanted to end up there.

At times, progression from a Tier-4 town would spiral down worse than others. In the first place, there weren’t many jobs in such an area. Moving from a Tier-3 town  probably meant you didn’t have sufficient skills in the first place and in the end, it was a slippery slope that might see one end up moving to a Tier-5 town.

The crime rate was similar to that of a Tier-4 town, yet the living conditions were far worse. In a way, it was similar to one living in a rubbish tip. A junkyard with scraps here and there. No jobs, just people searching through junk and living in self-made houses. Honestly, all this information though was based on the information Gary had just seen on TV.

“It isn’t his fault. You really think Old Morten can stand up to them? He’s just one man. A wrinkly old man.” Another tried to calm down the bitter woman.

“Still, he should at least try to talk to them? That's all we ask... that's all.”

Eventually, after listening for a while, Gary understood the gist of what had happened. As it turned out everyone’s rent had gone up. The letter didn’t have the concrete reason, but the residents wouldn’t care, in their eyes it was a sudden and quite the sharp increase. All those who lived here were like the Dems, families that barely lived from paycheck to paycheck.

Honestly, with the way Gary was now, he didn't think he needed to worry too much about an increase, but he knew how the other people felt, because he had been there not too long ago. Eventually, when everyone left, Morten was left there nearly collapsing from tiredness and eventually sat down on a bench that was nearby.

“Is it the Underdogs?” Gary asked as he sat down next to the landlord.

The old man sighed, which only confirmed Gary’s suspicions.


Top 10 in golden tickets = 5 chapter mass release

Instagram: jksmanga

Support my editor: ko-fi/devilsadvocate

MWS 212

“What happened to this world that even a brat like you can so easily figure out the reason behind the rent increase.” Morten shook his head. “You're correct. After what happened recently, those parasites have been patrolling the area… so now that they’re actually doing the job we’ve already been paying them to do, they suddenly demanded more. It’s not just me either, all the landlords will have to pay higher fees in this area.

“Unfortunately, I'm not as wealthy as my residents believe me to be. Although I own this place, I never once made a profit. There are countless repairs that need to be done everywhere, and everything I get is just enough to allow me to live by myself while improving the area and place. Do you know how many things get broken in an area like this? Especially after what happened with that attack.

“I wanted to make a change, give people another chance, but because of my already low prices… Since the Underdogs ask for more, I have no choice but to increase rent… it’s the first time in ten years I had to make a decision that I was uncomfortable with.”

Adam Morten was a good man. Gary knew that his mother had been late paying bills a few times, yet he had never pressured her into paying immediately or anything like that. Now, hearing the regret in the old man’s voice, the high schooler was even more assured that their landlord was a decent man.

He couldn’t believe just moments ago he had met a drunk scumbag who would pester a normal worker because he was frustrated with his job, when there were people like Mr Morten in the world.

“I'm getting old and tired, Gary.” Morten sighed. “If things continue like this, I might have to sell this place. The only thing holding me back are people like you. If I sell this place… what are the chances that the next landlord will keep the rent the same?”

The answer to that question was obvious.

“I’m sorry, Gary. I didn’t want to burden you with all of this. Just take it as the ramblings of an old man. Say, now that you’re here, I haven’t seen your mother much lately. Is everything alright?”

Gary stood up from the bench and looked at his fist, more than ever he felt useless, the question was could he do something to help these people. The fist he was looking at now, it was the only thing he had. He wasn’t good academically at school, nor was he strong before, but he was strong now.

‘Some people say violence isn’t the answer, but in the world we live in at the moment I can’t agree. The Underdogs are the problem, and they are still after me… if only I had power like Jayden. How great would it be, if I could change things around…’ Gary thought, before he shook his head to wake himself up from his daydream.

“Thanks for asking. Mum is doing fine, she’s just a little unwell from all the overtime she put in. You must have just missed her. And Mr Morten, I'm sure things will look up at some point.” Gary smiled back, heading to his apartment block.

Seeing a young teenager like Gary still believe in the good of mankind, Mr Morten stood up from the bench himself.

“He’s right. It’s too early to give up. Maybe I should have a talk with Damion.”


Finally, back home, Gary made sure that Amy was okay. Ironically, it was his sister who had a million questions ready for her brother, about what  happened at his school, since it had been all over the news.

With the whole school having been involved in the red colour gang attack, it had been impossible to cover up the entire incident. Gary didn’t want Amy to worry too much about him, so he lied about how John’s call to arms had been successful, and that the red colour gang had quickly fled the school soon after.

The brother made them both a meal for dinner, and then headed to the toilet. He placed both packs of dye he had purchased on the sink. One black and the other gold.

‘I guess if I'm starting to take this gang stuff seriously, I might as well use our gang colours.’ Gary grinned at the thought.

Originally, Kai had told him that it would be fine for him to keep his hair green. At the time, the Underdogs had lacked any real information for finding Gary, so doing the ‘stupid’ thing of not changing his hair colour was supposed to throw them off.

Unfortunately, they had somehow discovered what school he went to, changing the entire situation. As such, Gary chose to dye his hair black, which was a common hair colour amongst his classmates.

A hairdresser had dyed his hair last time, but he was too paranoid that he might be spotted by a gang member in the middle of changing it, so he had opted for the DIY version. The teenager carefully read the instructions and went through the process step by step. When he was finally done, he washed the dye out a couple of times, and lifted his head looking in the mirror.

Now staring back at him, he could see a full head of black coloured hair.

‘... I’ll have to get used to this new look. Hope Xin wasn’t too fond of my green hair.’ Gary thought.

The high schooler went to pick up the other hair dye. The ‘gold’, which was technically just a variation of blonde. It was just to add a few nice touches since he was curious how it would look. If he didn’t like it, he planned to change his hair back with black after…

However, before he had a chance, a system message sprung up.

[Your hair has been damaged]

[Energy points will be used to perform emergency healing]

[Emergency healing will be used to restore the user to its original self]


It only took a few seconds, but Gary witnessed live how his black hair was starting to turn back to green. Each string changed until it was back to what it was once before.



Top 10 in golden tickets = 5 chapter mass release

Instagram: jksmanga

Support my editor: ko-fi/devilsadvocate

Chapter 213

Gary's hands were tense around the sink top. He looked at the packet of dye as he had tried the process a few times already. It didn’t matter if he used the black dye or the golden one. The high schooler only got to enjoy his new look for a few seconds.

Every time, Gary would get the same message from the system. In the end, he gave up. One, because it was consuming Energy in order to restore him to his ‘original self’ and there just seemed to be no hope past it either.

‘YOU DAMN SYSTEM, THIS ISN’T MY ORIGINAL SELF!!! Have you ever encountered anyone who had green as their natural colour? ...should I just go bald? Just get it all off, or will the system just regrow my hair back using Energy bringing back to my natural self again' Gary started to wonder.

When thinking about it, it wasn’t the strangest thing. Even Jayden's hair had grown when transforming, and when he reverted to his human form, his hair did as well.

‘But this... am I really going to have green hair for the rest of my life?’

The teenager wondered when exactly the system had decided on this being his natural hair colour. Was it back when he had received the system… or did it perhaps temper with his body when his Grade had gone from Pawn to Knight? He had grown taller and his muscle mass had increased, so would it be really unbelievable if it had changed his hair colour?

Aware that dwelling on this matter wouldn’t help him in any way, Gary decided to leave it for now and started to get ready to head over to Burnham. It was getting late, and if he didn’t head over soon, the others might just head back.

In fact, based on the group chat, they all wanted to ask him questions about what happened. News of the red colour gang’s demise hadn’t spread just yet. Today, he wouldn’t be wearing his gang clothes. It would bring too much attention and as Kai had explained today’s job scope was simply scouting.

So while picking a set of normal clothes, and once again a hoodie. Gary was nearly ready to leave. He had been looking forward to seeing the reaction of the Howlers when he would show up with a brand-new look, but unfortunately it was not to be.

Before going, though, Gary had made a decision after seeing Jayden.

‘I don’t know if it’s just him, or Altered in general, but at least Jayden was clearly stronger than me. If Kirk is also that strong… I’ll have no chance against him. So far, I’ve kept my stat points ready for my opponents, just in case I needed them. However, if all fights will be this hectic, I won’t be able to use that point.’

Unlike his stat point, the Pawn point he had received after consuming Billy had many uses.

[Would you like to convert your Pawn point into skill point(s)?]

Gary wasn’t sure he was doing the right thing. According to the message he had received when gaining the Pawn point, he could use it to upgrade his body into the next Grade, upgrade skills with it, or stats. So far, the high schooler hadn’t seen the benefit in doing that.

Stat points he could always gain from Levelling up or consuming people… well as a Knight Grade Werewolf, he would apparently have to eat beasts as the system claimed.

Beasts might no longer exist in the world, but he could still Level up in other ways, as the system had shown him. The most useful thing therefore seemed to be to convert the Pawn point into a skill point, so he could strengthen his Claw Drain to the next level.


[3 skill points have been obtained]

[Skill points can be used to upgrade certain existing skills or to purchase new ones]

[New tab has been added; Skill Shop]

Gary was baffled at this sudden development. He would have already been happy to simply upgrade his Claw Drain skill to Level 2, but his system had blessed him with a new tab. What’s more, his one Pawn point had been converted into three skill points, instead of one. The teenager was curious if he could change them back, yet he received no option to do so.

‘If this was a game, then I would usually get a worse deal when converting… Does that mean the Pawn point would have been better used to upgrade that Grade thingie?’ Gary wondered, but the Werewolf System simply kept him guessing. Unfortunately, it wasn’t as if there was another Werewolf around for him to gain another point.

Curious, Gary checked out the new Skill shop… only to be vastly underwhelmed.

[Claw Drain - Forced Level Up - 1 point]

[Berserker - 1 Skill point]

[Magnetic Howl - 2 Skill Points]

[Last Stand - Cost - 3 Skill Points]

Seeing that the Claw Drain claimed to be a Forced Level Up, Gary felt reassured that just like games, it should be possible to level it up naturally, most likely by using it more.

‘Seriously? What kind of shop doesn’t say anything about their own skills?’ Gary questioned. ‘This seems more like a back alley type of deal with some ruff looking tattooed man with a bad attitude who simply tells me ‘take it, or leave it’.

Alas, not even this accusation of foul play earned him any reaction from the system. There was no information at all, which made the high schooler think that this system seriously sucked. If it was a game developer, Gary would have already been making a complaint.

He might have even understood it for the two new skills, but hadn’t he already been told what Berserker could do? What was the point of playing coy now?

With three skill points, Gary could theoretically purchase Berserker and Magnetic Howl. Two skills should be better than one, allowing him to be more flexible… this might have been the logical choice. Alas, Gary wasn’t the most logical person there was, and something drew him to the third skill.

Perhaps it was the fact that it cost the most amount of skill points. Surely the higher the cost, the better skill he would get. Maybe it would give him something that would let him deal with an Altered or an Altered Hunter he might run into at some point in the future.

[Are you sure you would like to select the skill ‘Last Stand?’]

[Yes / No]

‘Screw it.’ Gary thought as he selected [Yes] on the menu



Love how the author just replaces the first letter of everything with a B when changing it's name