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MWS Chapter 191 

Simultaneously all the doors were slammed open and storming in from each of them were several red colour gang members. All of them displaying the symbol of their gang by having a sort of item or clothing in red.

As soon as they burst through the doors, the last person to enter carried with them chains and a lock. They began to tie it around the double doors, sealing them in.

“What are you doing? You're not meant to be in this school!” Mr Grey shouted at the intruder, he reached out his hand aiming to grab the lock. The gang member turned around, and without hesitation threw his fist, right into the teacher's face.

The middle-aged man fell on his backside, holding his face. It wasn’t enough to knock out the adult teacher, but it certainly had shaken him up a bit. The other teachers, seeing this, came to the conclusion that trying to physically stop them was not the best choice.

After seeing how they were dressed and the stunts they were pulling with their makeshift weapons, the teachers had some idea of who they were. It was impossible in this day and age to not know about the several gangs who proudly would display themselves in the streets of Slough.

Nevertheless, a gang storming into a high school, even though it was ‘just’ a colour gang, had never happened before in the history of the town.

In total there seemed to be around sixty or so red colour gang members, and while the students outnumbered them roughly ten to one, they were too scared and frightened to do anything about their situation. Especially since the gang members were carrying around weapons.

Aware that fighting the red colour gang wasn’t in their best interest, the majority of high schoolers attempted to make a call on their phone. The police were usually useless to respond since they were too busy, but in a situation like this, what else could they do?

“Huh… that’s strange! I’m sure I had a signal in here earlier!” One student muttered, shaking his phone in hopes of getting at least one bar.

“I can’t connect to the Wi-Fi either!” Another shouted in a panic. Not a single person in the room could use their phone and with the Wi-Fi down there was no way for them to contact the outside. The locks had been placed, meaning they were all trapped.

“Ha ha ha!” The man on the stage laughed into the microphone, watching all of their reactions. “If you don’t want anything to happen, it would be best if you all went into the centre and sat down. That includes you teachers as well!”

Of course, the one who was on stage was none other than the coloured gang leader himself, Riv.

With no choice, most of the students followed his instruction, especially since the teachers had been the first to act. They all bundled up and started to head towards the centre of the main hall.

[New Quest received]

[You're locked in here with me!]

[You might be surrounded, but as an apex predator, they only cut off their own path of escape!]

[Escape or defeat the red colour gang who have invaded your school!]

[Quest reward: Will depend on the number of people hurt by the gang before completion (3/624)]

A Quest had appeared now of all times, which just made Gary aware that the situation was worse than he had imagined. When getting in small fights, although he would gain Exp at times, it wouldn’t always give him a Quest.

This was also the first time the system based his rewards on another condition. It looked like three people had already been hurt. One of them being Mr Grey and the other two students who had tried to make a run for the doors. It appeared that the lower the number would stay, the better the Quest reward would be, but did he really have time to be thinking about these things?

‘Why are they here?’ Gary wondered, as he looked at all of them. ‘The red colour gang had teamed up with the grey colour gang in that attack on Chavley, which means they should be working for the Grey Elephants.

‘Are these guys here because of me? Is it because of what I did… and since Stacy told them about me? If Hawk’s brother could find out what school she and Amy attended, he definitely could have found mine. It's' either that or…’

“I'm not sure.” Kai replied when Gary looked over at him. It was the answer to the question he knew his underclassman wanted to ask. The blonde teenager didn’t know if this was in any way connected to the Underdogs, or if they had coincidentally decided to act on their own.

In the first place, colour gangs were pawns that could easily be influenced by the bigger gangs without them knowing it. At the same time, they could even just be pretending to be part of a gang to cause trouble for others, though the appearance of Riv suggested that this was the real red colour gang.

“Don’t take out your weapons.” Kai whispered over to Marie. “Not unless you’re in serious trouble.”

Even in the situation they were currently in, pulling out two small knives to attack others while in school was a big no.

“Hey, should we try to fight or get out of this one or something?” Innu whispered to the other two.

At the same time, due to the situation, he could see a startled Marie inching her way forward towards Gary.

‘Of course, she goes towards him.’ Innu inwardly shook his head.

Tom, who had overheard this, was shaking at the suggestion and had to speak up.

“Are you guys crazy?!” He whispered. “There are dozens of them, and most even have some type of weapon. I don’t care how good you guys might be at fighting, it’s impossible for you to take on that many. Don’t tell me you’re planning to fight!?”

My Werewolf System Chapter 192

There was a slight pause before the others answered, until Kai eventually spoke.

“Tom’s right.” Kai agreed. “Let's just sit back and see what they want to do first. Depending on what it is, it still won’t be too late to try to resist them.”

Although Gary and his gang were complying with the red colour gang’s orders, the same couldn’t be said for a few of the other students. While backing up, a group of those from the Rugby club, as well as members of the Karate, Boxing, and other fighting clubs had gathered.

“There’s more of us than them.” John whispered.

The high schooler was a large light heavyweight boxer who was an upcoming prospect for the school team. There weren't many talented people in Westbridge so teenagers like him stood out. His confidence though made him shine a bit more and people naturally followed him, like those in his club and others. “We have to act now, and together, while they aren’t suspecting it.”

The group of students around him agreed, as they all nodded, waiting to make their move. The red colour gang members were moving in closer, making the circle smaller and pushing them back. The gang members closest to John and his group consisted of five guys, and one of them held a baseball bat in his hand, constantly hitting into the palm of his other hand.

“Hey, you, step back! I said, step back!” The gang member shouted at one of the students who wasn’t exactly complying, one of John’s allies in the whole thing. Seeing as the one with the weapon was distracted, the boxer saw this as his opportunity to make his move.

“Now!” He shouted charging forward quickly, holding onto the bat with one hand as he pushed it down, and then threw a right cross punch, hitting the member right in the jaw and knocking him out.

Soon after, the group of boys behind charged out, trying to bombard and charge at the rest. After knocking out the first person, John was ready to go for the next. He assumed his boxing stance, using his arms to cover his head, and punched another gang member. It was a quick one two, hitting him with both hands, but the gang member didn’t fall.

‘Damn it, these guys’ bodies are quite well-built. Only if I get them by surprise and a clean hit will they fall with one or two hits.’ John realised.

Carefully, the boxer was trying to see what the rest of his situation was like, worried about how the others were doing. Just as he was about to turn around, from the corner of his eye, he noticed a bat swinging towards him. It wasn’t aimed at his head or body though, no, it was going for his legs.

It was too late to dodge, and the bat slammed into his legs, causing the boxer’s body to be filled with pain and for him to instantly fall to the ground. He wouldn’t be surprised if his shin was broken. On the way down, the member he had tried to deal with punched his face while he was open, and soon he could feel a rush of punches and kicks from other sides as well. The only thing John could do was turtle up on the floor, covering his head.

‘No…it hurts…it hurts so much… I thought we could do it… I thought maybe more would come help us once they saw what we were doing…where are the others?’ John was peeking through his arms and he wasn’t sure if he was seeing properly, but he could see a few people knocked out on the ground already.

“Enough!” A voice was heard, and the beating outright stopped.

Finally, John was able to lift his head, but he had done so slowly, scared to get hit again. His body was hurt, but he could still move due to the adrenaline rushing through his body. When looking at the students who were behind him, he could see that a total of eight of them were rolling on the floor in pain.

Standing above them were the red colour gang members, but the one he had seen on stage seemed to have descended at some point as well.

“Look at this! This is what happens when you pathetic bunch try to rebel against us! Did you really think none of us knew how to fight or something?” Riv asked the lot of them.

By now, the rest of the students and teachers had huddled towards the centre of the hall and were sitting down quietly, shocked and scared. That's when John noticed something, why there were only eight of them injured, despite there having been a few dozen who had agreed to chase off the intruders.

“It would have been a good plan if everyone had acted at the same time.” Kai whispered. “Too bad, not everyone is as brave as him. In the end, people are scared, and it looks like they backed down at the last second. With how many members there are, it's still best to sit and wait.”

An attack from a coloured gang on a school just didn’t make sense to Kai. There was nothing to gain from this unless they had done this due to a personal reason. Sure, they might cause some chaos here and there before leaving, after achieving whatever goal they might have, but most of them would come out of the situation just fine.

If their goal was Gary, Kai believed that there was a better chance for him to escape at a later time. Perhaps away from the eyes of the others. He was willing to bet that not even Damion knew what had been in the package… otherwise the gang leader would surely have kept it to himself.

Those that had attacked with John were dragged to the centre stage, displayed for all the others to see the consequences of their foolishness. All the students and teachers were looking at the nine high schoolers whose faces were beaten and bruised, but they were still concussed and groggy.

Each one of them had two members of the red colour gang behind them. Riv walked to the first person on the very end and squeezed their mouth together, pushing their lips forward.

“Tell me, who was the one who planned this little stunt of yours!” Riv demanded to know.

It was hard for the student to speak, but his eyes looked towards his left, at another student, which had given it away. Letting him go, Riv stormed to the next person who flinched as he approached them.

“Was it this one?” Riv pointed at the one next in line.

The student who had been asked shook his head, and Riv continued to go down the line until eventually he pointed towards John and after a brief moment of hesitation the student nodded.

“Hahaha, this is great. Not a shred of loyalty between you all. I knew who it was anyway, he was the only one who could actually fight a little.” Riv started to laugh. “During my time at school, I met plenty of people like you. It was a different era back then, but now it's guys like me who reign at the top.”

For a second, when speaking, Riv looked back behind him, as if he was looking for someone among the crowd, before turning back towards John.

“Pull his hands out.” Riv smiled, his eyes filled with some sort of strange anger.

My Werewolf system Chapter 193

After Riv’s command, Immediately, the two behind John went to the front and pulled his arms. They held them, so his palms were flat on the floor by the wrist.

“From your form, I can tell that you’re a boxer. You had a good stance and your punches seemed to pack some power. Well, you hit one of my guys, so this is only right. Say goodbye to them.” Riv started lifting his foot just above John’s hands.

“Wait!” A deep voice bellowed from the crowd. When the students looked at who it was, they could see it was their large teacher, who was as big as a tree in his red tracksuit, Mr. Root, the P.E teacher and Rugby coach.

“It was me, I was the one who planned that attack. Don't hurt the students because of me!” Mr. Root shouted. Riv’s foot stayed hovering over John’s hands, he looked at the students one more time before making a decision.

“Fine then. Bring him in!”

The other gang members stepped into the crowd of students and held Mr Root by the arm. Their heads only came midway up to his arms, due to how tall he was. However, the coach willingly came to the front.

All the students, including those that were beaten, knew that Mr Root had taken no part in the plan that John had made. He just couldn’t bear to see his students hurt when it was the adults’ jobs to protect them.

The red colour gang members threw the others that were hurt back into the crowd of those sitting down. Some of them looked at those who hadn’t stuck to the plan with disgust, while other students were looking at them, thinking that if they hadn’t attacked, then their teacher wouldn’t be in this situation right now.

They forced Mr Root to get down on his knees in front of everyone. Four people now held onto Mr Root just in case he tried anything as well. In all honesty, most believed that if Mr Root would defend himself, he might even take on the four holding him down. Alas, the adult man knew it was useless, as there were far more of the gang members that he could take. Besides, there was also the risk that they would involve the other students if he did anything.

“You see, we need to teach you all a lesson, so you don’t try to act out just like those idiots did! If you had just all listened, then this would have been a lot easier.” Riv smiled, seemingly enjoying the ‘justification’ to hurt another human being.

At that moment, the red colour gang members held Mr Root steady so his head and chest were out slightly, and another large member who was as big as Mr Root himself stood in front of him. He kicked Mr Root in the stomach as hard as he could, and a loud grunt resounded throughout the main hall.

Another punch was delivered right to his face and blood from his mouth fell to the floor.

“Oh, he looks like a tough guy, it might take a lot to hurt this one.” Riv started to smile.

The punches kept on coming, hitting his arms, his body. They had stopped hitting the head, as if they just wanted to do as much damage to Mr Root as possible.

‘No…no it's my fault… this is all my fault but then why…’ John thought with tears running down his face and gritting his teeth hard. ‘Why can’t I say anything?’

“Hey… if they keep hitting him like that, they're going to kill Mr Root!” Tom whispered, unsure what they could do.

“No.” Kai shook his head. “Their hits are just aimed to hurt him. He might come out with a few broken bones, but since he doesn’t show any signs of resisting, Riv should become bored by it soon. They won’t kill him in front of us all. We can see his face. I hate to say this, but the best thing to do now is just to stand ba-“

As Kai was in the middle of telling Tom how to behave, he could see someone next to him stand up.

“Hey, you…sit back down!” One of the members shouted, but he was ignored, as the student walked forward and passed the rest of the students who were sitting down. Each one glanced at the one who had decided to walk forward.

‘So you’ve decided to act.’ Blake thought, who had been staying at the back of the room, looking at the exits and windows.

“Do you want to get hit as well? I said stay back!” Another member shouted, as the student had finally walked past the rest of the students and was now in front of the whole group. There was only one person who had stood up out of everyone there. One person couldn’t make a difference in a situation like this, so nobody felt hope seeing this person.

Lifting his head, Mr Root looked at the student who was standing up right now.

“Gary…”He muttered. “Don't worry about me. I'll be okay… you stay back… you're our star player… don't let these guys hurt you and ruin your future.” Mr Root smiled when saying these words, his mouth, and teeth stained red with his own blood.

Gary clenched his fist.

“I don’t think I can.” Gary replied. “You see, I kind of like you as a teacher and our coach.”

The red colour gang member had lost his patience. He stepped forward, picking up his bat, and swung it towards Gary from the top downward towards his head.Clenching his fist tight, the high schooler threw his fist right towards the bat. His fist connected with the bat, breaking it in half, and continued forward.

“ARGHH!” Gary screamed, his fist planted into the attacker’s face. A cracking noise was heard as the gang member’s face was pushed into itself by the fist, a tooth was seen flying through the air landing on the ground.

“Get the f*ck out of my school!” Gary shouted.



Literally every day we end up on a cliffhanger lol it's just so good


Alpha the @#%$ iutta these fools!