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A few days had passed with nothing much happening. The news announced the death of Billy Bruntin and had reported that it was due to the Altered Hunters. Nothing big had happened with Gary since then and even when he saw Blake the two of them seemed to act normal with each other.

There was one change though, after Amy had returned to school, Stacy was nowhere to be found. When she had asked their home room teacher about it, the adult woman didn’t know any of the specifics, having been told that the high school girl had transferred somewhere else.

Whether Stacy had told her parents about everything or insisted on moving, who knew. Perhaps she was even still in Slough, just in a different school. In the end, Gary was happy that at least it was a problem Amy didn’t need to deal with, but now there was no one close to watch her over at school.

Still, although there were no worries per se with how things were progressing, there was one annoying thing still in front of Gary.

[You have 16 days until the next full moon]

Gary was staring at the message as he leaned back on his chair with its two legs, balancing as he went forward and back.

‘This month has gone by quickly. I'll soon have to start dealing with the ‘blessing’ of the full moon again, and my bloodlust will increase. However, if my theory is correct, as long as I burn through most of my Energy beforehand, to the point that I won’t have enough to transform, I should be good.

‘I might be irritable the entire day due to hunger, but if it's just one day, I’ll be able to hold out.’ Gary thought. He suddenly felt a vibration from within his pocket. Pulling out his phone, he read through the message, which put a smile on his face.

“What's the good news?” Tom asked who had been less involved in his friend's life. For now, Gary had been in a good mood, so he would stay in a good one as well and not put a damper on things.

“The repairs are done. It looks like I’ll be able to work again starting today.” Gary whispered to Tom during class. “Do you wanna come to our grand reopening?”

“Sorry.” Tom sighed as he stuck his head back in his books. “For once, I’ll be the one who will take the rain check. These days, my dad wants me to brush up and help with some of their research. You know how they want me to follow in their footsteps.

“I think he plans to bring me along to their lab during the holidays to help out, and I really don’t want to embarrass them. Apparently, he can bring me on as some type of intern. Oh, and don’t worry, I'll ask him that question you want to ask as well, about those beasts.”

Nodding along, Gary was happy that things were getting back to normal. At least, as normal as they could get, anyway.

“Alright, everyone, I know that you’re all eager to go home today, but I’m reminding you that even though it’s Saturday tomorrow, Westbridge’s talent show is a mandatory event. Now, I don’t want to have to send any of you to detention.” Mr Grey said, standing at the front of the class. “Xin, as the new class representative, would you kindly pass out the flyers?”

The high school girl went around, passing out the flyers, and nearly all the boys had a huge grin on their face when she came to them. It had only been this morning that she had been announced to be their class’s representative.

As the new girl, she hadn’t expected to be elected. It was a mostly unimportant role, and the only reason she had even thrown her name into the ring was following her father’s suggestion. According to the mayor, it would look good on her future resume, though his daughter suspected he also saw it as a chance to brag about her accomplishments to his associates.

She had run against Tiffany, and the reason she had won was due to the major support she had received from the male half of her class. Many of the girls had been split between her and the other candidate, Tiffany, who at this moment was biting her nails, as she stared at Xin.

As pretty as she was, the boys just didn’t like Tiffany’s attitude. On the other hand, the new girl treated them nicely and it was easy enough to talk to her, due to her interest in fighting, especially Altered fights. Unlike the class diva, Xin didn’t just assume everyone who was talking to her was hitting on her.

After everyone received a flyer, she began to assign different tasks to her classmates, as they were also supposed to help out with the event in some way. Either by creating things or setting up the room, among other things.

‘Xin… she still looks gorgeous. I haven’t really talked to her… well, since she kicked my butt.’ Gary realised. He wasn’t really listening to her instructions, just happy to hear her voice after so long. Now that he didn’t have to worry about a bloodthirsty monster, his brain had time to focus on ‘more important’ things. ‘Come to think of it, didn’t she say that she would date whoever could beat her? I’ve gotten a lot stronger… should I give it a try?’

‘Although… Would it be fair? Me, a Werewolf, beating her as a human? … No, the important thing is getting that date! Then we can get to know each other! I’ll finally have the chance to enjoy my life like a normal high school boy! I can’t just think about fighting forever.’ Gary thought as he hyped himself up, ready to ask Xin for a rematch.

When school ended, due to the talent show that was happening tomorrow, after school club classes had been cancelled for the day. Tom was heading home as he said he would.

“Are you ready to head to the Wolf’s Pool Club?” Innu asked, since he too had received the news.

“Errrr…” Gary hesitated, as he looked out of the corner of his eye and could see that Xin was already leaving the room.

“Oh! I see! You horny dog, you!” Innu punched him on his shoulder. As he did that, the high schooler realised just how solid Gary's body was, which honestly surprised him.

“Alright, go ahead! I’ll tell the others you might be late. Afterwards, I’ll be the one to swoop in after she gets so frightened that a broccoli asked her out.”

With that said, it was time for Gary to make a move for his love life.


Top 10 in golden tickets = 5 chapter mass release

Instagram: jksmanga

Support my editor: ko-fi/devilsadvocate

Chapter 185

Since Innu had volunteered to inform the others, it was time for Gary to initiate his plan. Right now, the high school boy was waiting for the right moment to talk to Xin. First, he had to catch up to her, and she had a bit of a head start.

While following Xin, he started to find something a little strange. It was the fact that she wasn’t heading out towards the school’s front gate. Instead, she was heading towards the backside of the school. The more he thought about it, the worse the feeling in his stomach was getting.

Eventually, she went past the school field where they would hold track and do sports, and she headed straight to the back fence. There was a fence that went around the whole school, and in certain areas there would be a door once in a while in the fence.

Gary had stayed quite far behind, because the two of them were the only ones going towards the back of the school. He felt like it would be strange if she spotted him, worried that she might mistake him for some type of stalker.

Still, he had come this far, so it seemed stupid to turn around now. He assumed that she might head to some type of main street from the back. In that case, he might still pretend that it was a coincidence that they met. After going through one of the fence doors, Xin carried on and went through some trees on the other side.

Meanwhile, Gary ran across going through the fence door after her and quickly hid behind one of the trees. His eyesight and sense of smell allowed him to keep an eye on her.

‘Nice going, Gary, hiding behind a tree… why would anyone ever think of you as a stalker?’ The high school boy’s brain chastised himself. Looking ahead, he could see that there was a car park behind the school.

The area they were in was close to multiple giant trash containers, just one of the ‘perks’ one had to accept when living in a Tier-3 town, and they had been set up in a very strange way. They had blocked off certain car packing places, almost as if they were blocking the way to the shops that were placed there.

‘Now what are the chances she’s just come here to enjoy the scenery?’ Gary thought, as he carefully kept watch, curious for her reason to go there.


“Come on!” Xin shouted frustrated, tapping her foot impatiently as if she was in a rush. “I followed your stupid note. I came here alone, so just tell me what you want. Just give me back my stuff, and I’ll be out of here.”

Earlier in the day, after Xin had been called to the teacher’s lounge to be introduced to her new ‘job’ as class representative, she had come back, only to find her school bag missing. It wasn’t just that, someone had cleared out her school locker, including the special kit that she would use for karate as well.

Although it wasn’t really much trouble for her to just get a new bag and clothes again, it was a pain. At the same time, it didn’t take a genius to figure out who was behind all of this, as well as why. Xin found it hard to believe that Tiffany would actually care about such a stupid thing.

Instead of the class diva, a total of four young adults came out from around the bins. They didn’t look friendly, and at a glance one could tell exactly who they were. Each of them wore a different item of clothing with one very prominent colour, red.

Even Xin seemed to be a little taken aback as her calm demeanour was gone.

‘I was expecting her to be with her goons, maybe some people from our school, but other gang members?’

“Thank you for confirming that you are the one we were looking for.” One of the men said he was sleeveless and had two large caterpillar-like eyebrows.

“Why would you do her bidding? Who cares, if she sent you, then I guess I won’t have to feel so bad about hurting you.” Xin was the first one to make a move, as she got in a fighting stance, and hopped forward, so she was within her range.

Immediately, throwing out her leg, she kicked the bushy eyebrowed gang member in the head. Seeing this, the other colour gang members rushed in, and Xin attempted to kick one charging at her in the stomach as well, sideways with her other foot.

Unfortunately, the man’s reaction was good, and he was able  to catch onto it just in time, but it looked like Xin was expecting this much. Feeling that he held onto her foot, she spun her body around to kick the man in the head once again.

Before she could deal her kick, a green haired teenager came out of nowhere, and planted a heavy fist right into the person’s head. It was a strong hit that chucked his body quite far to the point he had hit the metal trash container and fallen to the floor.

When Xin went to look at the others who were with them in the attack, she could see that the other two had been knocked out as well.

‘Did he do all of this, but how? I saw his skill. Sure he was resilient but to take them out so quickly. He must have beaten them all with one hit.’

“Come on, let's get out of here, clearly they don’t have your stuff.” Gary hurried her, as he turned around and the two of them headed back towards the school. Eventually they reached the main school building and the two of them took a second to try to figure out what had just happened.

“Thanks for your help back there.” It was the first thing Xin said to Gary to show him that she appreciated his help. “What were you even doing back there? You must have been watching me for a while, if you heard about my missing ‘stuff’.”

Right now. Xin was suspicious of everyone that was trying to get close to her. Could it be that for once Tiffany was innocent and that this boy had set up everything? Given his green hair, maybe he’s one of their members, and he had asked his buddies to create this scenario, so he could swoop in and play hero? She wouldn’t put it past him since she hardly knew him.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.” Gary apologised, rubbing the back of his head. He saw no way of lying his way out of this one, at least not without making it sound too weird. As such, he thought the truth would actually be the best option here. “I was actually going to… ermm… ask you about that duel from before.”

“Last time you said that… you would go on a date with me… if I could beat you in a match… and… well, I’ve been kinda working out…” Gary stammered, his face turning beet red, and judging by Xin’s face, she hadn’t quite expected this type of explanation.

“Oh, okay. Sure, I’ll go on a date with you.” Xin replied.


Top 10 in golden tickets = 5 chapter mass release

Instagram: jksmanga

Support my editor: ko-fi/devilsadvocate

Chapter 186

For a while, Gary had been playing out scenarios in which he would ask Xin out. How to make it sound casual and cool, and not at all desperate, needy or obsessive. Unable to find a solution, he had been lagging behind as he had followed her.

However, when he saw she was faced with four men belonging to the red colour gang, he just had to act. Afterwards, Xin had demanded an explanation as to why he had been there… so he had admitted to the truth.

Time seemed to have slowed down, his heart beating faster as he nervously awaited her answer. Still, he had finally done it. He had asked her out… well, technically, he had asked her to fight him again. In his head he had convinced himself he was just asking her to a fight and that’s how he had finally said those words.

What he didn’t expect, though, was the fast reply.

“Oh, okay. Sure, I’ll go on a date with you.” Xin replied, after only a few moments of thinking things over. Gary's brain was unable to process the words. If he had been a robot, he would have surely short-circuited. Shaking his head, he just had to ask for clarification.

“I’m sorry, are you yes to a date? Don’t we have to have a match first?” Gary asked.

“Given your little performance, I think we can skip the duel. You helped me out back there, and it doesn’t seem like you were lying about the liking me part. Besides, I have taken a bit of an interest in you myself ever since your rugby match performance.

“I don’t see any harm in getting to know each other better. But, errr, let’s schedule things another time, alright?” Xin spoke, looking behind Gary, as she could see that those that would usually pick her up were getting a bit restless.

After what had happened in Cipen Park, her father had sent out more guards to look after her, and with how long she had been gone they might start a manhunt any second now. It looked like Xin was about to set off, but before she did, Gary wanted to know one more thing.

“Wait!” Gary called out. “Why were they after you? The red colour gang, I mean!”

That was something she would like to know as well. Unable to answer, she just continued running off towards the black cars.

‘I guess the life of a mayor's daughter is tough. Did someone send them after her, but then who took her bag she was talking about?’ Gary wondered.

In the end, Gary had knocked out the red colour members so fast, he was hoping they hadn’t seen him. After all, he was already having trouble with the Grey Elephants as well as the Underdogs, no reason to add another colour gang on top of that. With them working with the Grey colour gang that night as well he was sure they had some tie in with the Grey Elephants which was why he wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.

‘A date…I really got a date! This has to be my luckiest day ever! But…I don’t have her number? I guess I’ll just get it tomorrow.’ Gary thought, smiling to himself as he headed to the Wolf’s Pool Club.


A little while later and the red colour gang members were getting up after having been embarrassed. Each of them looked at each other and were wondering what had happened. three of them, their jaws hurt like hell and they wouldn’t be surprised if something was broken.

They had all been so focused on the girl, that they hadn’t even seen the other persons coming. Each of them had no memory of what the person looked like.

“Man, how the hell are we going to explain to Riv that we couldn’t even get one girl?” The bushy eye-browed leader wondered, rubbing the side of his head where he had been kicked.

“You're right, how are you going to explain this to me?”

They didn’t need to turn around to know who it was. They all recognised the voice of their leader. Straight away, they had gotten on their knees to apologise. Although they were already on the ground.

“We’re sorry, we came out when she appeared to be alone, but she had some guard in the vicinity.” Bushy eyebrows started to explain.

“I thought you were going to get someone reliable.” A female voice could be heard pouting as she appeared behind one of the other trash containers and immediately went to grab onto Riv’s arm. “I took her bag, and we even told you guys to set up this place. She’s not an idiot, something like this is not going to work again.”

Stomping her foot several times, it was clear she was annoyed.

“Hey, don't worry Tiffy, we will have plenty of chances, trust me. I'm not just anyone. You're talking to the leader of the red colour gang as well as the newest senior member of the Grey Elephants gang! A few guards won’t be a problem, we just have to wait.” Riv tried to appease her.

It was a strange sight to behold, the rest of the gang members honestly found it a little disgusting, they had never seen their leader act so lovey dovey. Not only that, but he was being apologetic, and why did it seem like she was actually the one in charge?

At this moment, all four of the gang members shared one common thought about their leader… ‘whipped’.

“No!” Tiffany shouted back like a spoiled princess. “Everyday I have to see her, I want to claw that girl's eyes out. She embarrassed me not once but three times! You keep bragging about how great you are, but I have yet to see any of that! I don’t want to date a loser!”

Once again, Riv started to pull a sad baby face, which churned the other's stomach. It seemed as if their leader had forgotten that all of them were still present.

“You have my word that she’ll pay, my little pumpkin. I promise I will do whatever’s necessary.” Riv then turned to his subordinates on the ground, his face changing to the cruel one they were more used to.

“Gather the red colour gang! Tomorrow, we're going to cause quite a mess. Bring whoever you can, it will be a great opportunity to prove that we’re not the same losers as the grey colour gang” Riv smiled.

“Trust me, Tiffy I will keep my word. If you want her dealt with as soon as possible, then will get her in the one place she can’t get away from! For you, I’ll take down the whole school if I have to.”


Top 10 in golden tickets = 5 chapter mass release

Instagram: jksmanga

Support my editor: ko-fi/devilsadvocate

Chapter 187

Walking down the streets of Slough, one particular teenage boy was getting strange looks from the passers-by. All because of the look on his face. Right now, Gary was spouting a grin so wide that his eyes were almost closed, and one couldn’t help but look and wonder if the high schooler was actually okay.

Funnily enough, Gary didn’t notice any of that. Right now, he was in his own world, feeling better than ever before. Entering the Wolf’s Pool Club, the first thing Gary did, without evening looking inside, was to announce.

“Today’s a great day!”

The other Howlers had opened the place a while ago, and there were already a few customers inside playing pool and eating a few snacks, though the majority were from Austin’s school. As quick as they looked at Gary, they quickly carried on doing what they were doing before.

One person, though, noticed the smile and almost dropped the tray that was in his hand.

“No, it can’t be… she actually said yes?” Innu’s mouth was left wide open.

Gary didn’t say anything, he just placed an apron on himself as he went to ask all their customers if they wanted anything, making sure to praise their place’s membership program, trying to win them over as loyal customers. Unsurprisingly, his attitude didn’t win him any friends, yet, once again, he didn’t seem to care.

Meanwhile, Innu needed to sit down for a bit, occupying a seat on the stool by the counter.

Although he didn’t know Xin very well, she was a pretty girl, and, as mean as it might sound, he had actually had made a few plans for what would happen after Gary had been rejected. With his head down, the last thing Innu had expected was for him to get pulled by the hem of his shirt, nearly getting dragged across the counter.

“Would you elaborate on that bit about someone saying yes?” Marie ‘requested’ with a smile on her face. Innu felt like he was staring death straight in the eyes. Peeking down, he could see two concealed blades which she had trained with daily, and he was currently very afraid that she might choose to use them on him.

“Hey, hey, what's the big deal? What exactly do you plan on doing once I tell you, Marie?” Innu asked nervously, unaware where this sudden anger had come from. In the end, she soon let go as Gary walked past, grabbing a drink from the fridge.

She then smiled at him and gave him a light wave, as he walked back, Gary returning the gesture. For the second time today, Innu was left with his mouth wide open, as his eyes went back and forth between Marie and Gary.

“Yo-you-yo- you li-“

“Shut up!” Marie hissed at him, quickly placing her hand over Innu’s mouth. It was impossible to tell what she planned to do afterward, but luckily for him, a customer came over, saving him from impending doom. He couldn’t believe the complete change in behaviour the high school girl displayed towards the customer as he placed his order.

‘Why the hell are all the cute girls after Gary? And I bet that guy doesn’t even know about Marie’s feelings! Seeing it in person is even more annoying than in those dramas.’ Innu would have loved to cry out his frustration, but now was neither the place nor the time. ‘Damn, is it his green hair? Should I dye mine as well?’

The day continued and as the sky started to turn dark, business hours were over. They weren’t risking another incident like what had happened before. Although they assumed it wouldn’t happen again… not anytime soon at least.

Today, though, it was a bit more special than usual, as Kai had a serious face on. He informed them all that there was something he wanted to talk about now the place was open for business again. Currently, the Howlers were all sitting down on the sofa on the other side of the counter behind the pool tables.

Kai was the only one standing. Due to the tension in the room, even Gary finally snapped out of his earlier daze, focused on what Kai was about to say.

“First of all, great job everyone. Now that the Wolf's Pool Club is back in business again, we can finally start making some money as a gang.” Kai started. “Thankfully, with the money the grey colour gang ‘generously donated’ we were able to pay for the repairs. After a few more days like this, profit will be no problem, but there is a reason why businesses don’t last long in Slough, and that’s because what happened to us could happen again.

“The good news is, now that the grey colour gang is gone, we don’t have to worry about them coming after us. In the meantime, the red colour gang are scrapping around doing the Grey Elephant’s bidding, and it looks like a fight between the Underdogs and the Grey Elephants is on the horizon.”

Hearing this news, Innu and Austin were very shocked. The gang war between two colour gangs had caused the police to quarantine the entire Chavley area, simply because they had lacked the manpower to do anything about it. What would happen if two big time gangs would have a go at each other…

“Now I don’t yet know when it will happen, but if I were to make a careful estimate, probably in one week at the earliest, one to two months at the latest. Either way, no matter which gang wins, they’ll have suffered serious losses, to the point they won’t have the manpower to claim the territory that they have won.

“In those times, the smaller gangs will come in and swoop in on the loser's business. Now here’s where the problems begin, as a small-time gang ourselves, we’ll be dragged into that mess, whether we’ll like it or not. While the rumours about us caused the grey colour gang’s disbandment are great to keeping gangs in line, it will also get us targeted in the upcoming war.

“I, for one, don’t want to be caught with my trousers down, which is why I called this meeting. Right now, we need to do a few things. The Howler’s need to grow our gang reputation to protect this place, strength, and money. Now what if I told you there was a way to get all of that at once?” Kai smiled mischievously.

As expected, the blonde teenager already had a plan.

“Aside from the colour gangs, which are now down to black and red, there are five small-time gangs that made a bit of a name for themselves. Their territory isn’t really worth mentioning, and the colour gangs have used them as sort of puffer zones.

“What we’ll do, before everyone starts fighting for scraps, is to go and pay each one of them a visit. While the colour gangs might not have cared about them, for the Howlers, they’ll serve as perfect stepping stones. We’ll take over their territory, and spread our name.

“If our leader agrees, of course!” Kai looked over to Gary. Now the others did so too, waiting for an answer.

A war between the Underdogs and Grey Elephants. Both gangs had a reason to go after Gary, and if this is what they needed to do to face them head on, if this is what Kai thought was the best for them, then he would gladly lead them.

“Of course,” Gary answered.


Top 10 in golden tickets = 5 chapter mass release

Instagram: jksmanga

Support my editor: ko-fi/devilsadvocate

Chapter - 188

Inside the ‘Basement’ night that had yet to open, a muscular teenage boy who had seen better days was busy walking through. He dragged his feet across the floor and had eventually approached one of the workers in the club who wore a suit.

“I finished my delivery.” The teenage boy reported.

“Good, just sit at the back and wait for the others. When they're done, you can leave the place.” The man instructed.

Listening to the orders he had been given. The boy walked through the set of double doors, and took a left turn, entering what looked like a break room for the staff, only that it was completely empty at the moment.

In fact, for the last few days the nightclub had been emptier. Fewer people would come in, and he could only assume it was because something was going on outside. Eventually, sitting down at the sofa, the boy leaned back and suddenly kicked the table.

“Sh*t! How did I even get myself in this situation! It all happened at that damn supermarket!” The frustrated teenage boy cursed his own situation. After a strange turn of events, Gil found himself working as a transporter for the Underdogs.

As had become the norm for him, he was thinking back to everything that had happened that day. There was one person who had changed everything, Kirk, the Underdog’s Altered. He and his Cheetah Squad had managed to completely overpower the grey colour gang members. They all had been beaten badly, Gil especially, and after he woke up, the teenager had found himself in the nightclub.

He hadn’t been the only one who had been abducted, though. Most members were from the grey colour gang, though some red colour gang members had been there. Honestly, Gil had believed that to be it, regretting his choice to drop school and join a gang.

They had been warned that they would be attacking Underdog territory, but the original plan had been to get out of there long before they would get to the scene. Unfortunately, nobody had expected the Underdogs to send out their elite forces so quickly, just because the black colour gang got their butts kicked.

Around twenty of them had been spread out on the dance floor. They had then been brought in and surrounded in a dance room by the Underdogs members and Kirk watching over them.

One member had tried to make a run for it, but before he could get far, his face had met the Altered’s sole, hitting him back on the ground and no one else had tried anything after. After a long while, he had finally arrived, the leader of the Underdogs, Damion Hawk.

He walked in with great confidence and smiled at them all.

“Welcome to our humble home!” Damion shouted with his arms open wide. “Get all of these wretched souls a change of clothes and some food. They must be hungry, and make sure their wounds are patched up.”

Everyone at the time had looked at each other in confusion, including Gil, but the members of the Underdogs didn’t need to be told twice. They had immediately started treating them well and bringing them cooked meals.

Most members had been cautious at first, afraid it might have been poisoned, but Gil had dug straight in. If they were going to kill them, there would be no reason to do it in such a roundabout way. No, this man had something else planned, Gil could tell.

For one week, they had been trapped there, getting food twice a day, taking bathroom breaks under the supervision of the Underdog gang members. On the eighth day, they had believed the same thing to occur, but this time Damion came in once more.

“Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed our hospitality for the past week. As you might have noticed, no one has come for you. Not the other grey colour gang members, nor the red colour gang members, and not even the Grey Elephants themselves.

“You’ve been used, and now that there’s nothing more you can do for them, you’ve been discarded… But you see, here at the Underdogs we’re different! Loyalty is number one! As long as you wag your tail like a good dog, you’ll get rewarded.” Damion explained with a grin.

“Now I'm going to give you all the choice. Most of you are still young. High school and University students with families that have to be sick and worried about you. They might even think you
are dead after what happened that night.

“We all make mistakes in our youth, and it's important we learn from them, which is why I will give you a choice. Those of you who wish to leave this place, raise your hand, and those of you who wish to join us sit still. Those are your two options, no questions allowed!”

A lot of them looked at each other, obviously wanting to ask some questions, but the crazy look in his eyes made them afraid to do so. They had learned that whatever this man said was the law in this place, so they would have to give him an answer soon.

In the end, a few of them raised their hands. This experience had opened their eyes that the life of a gang member wasn’t for them. In the past, colour gangs were experts from real gang warfare. They would just be used as pawns and nobody was really bothered by them.

However, for Gil, he was wondering, something just didn’t feel right, and in the first place if he was let go, what would he even do? Go back to the grey colour gang, who had lost in this fight? No, that wasn’t a place for him. He had dropped out of Westbridge to rise up the ranks, to get somewhere in life.

In the end, Gil didn’t put his hand up, but around one third of them did. Since the decision had been made, Damion turned around, and it looked like one of those in suits handed him two objects, two small axes.

Immediately, without hesitating, he leapt forward and struck at the first person he could see who had raised his hand. Of course, quickly seeing this, there was panic and many people tried to flee, a lot lowered their hand, but like some possessed demon Damion cut them down. The gang leader had seemingly remembered each one who had raised their hand, leaving everyone else alone.

That scene was ingrained in the minds of all the survivors, and they understood why Damion talked about loyalty. They were now part of the Underdogs, whether they liked it or not, and if they even thought about betraying him, they all knew what fate they would suffer now.

Gil didn’t care, this was life for him… the only thing he didn’t imagine was the next day, he would be told to work as a transporter.


Eventually, the doors opened, and the other teenagers entered the room. Gil had seen them a few times; they were the other transporters that would be used.

‘Damn it, I have to get out of this job somehow.’ Gil thought.

It was then that he could hear shouting from one of the other rooms.

“YOU STILL CAN'T FIND HIM?!” A loud crash was heard after.

“I’m sorry, Sir, but we really are doing our best! There are thousands of kids in Slough. We have nearly nothing to go by other than his green hair. He must have dyed it a long time ago, maybe he outright cut it off.

“Even if he hasn't, there are so countless punks that fit his description! It's impossible, Sir, we’ve been going around everywhere looking for him!” Another voice tried to explain their failure.

“What's that all about?” Gil asked as they all could clearly overhear the shouting.

“The Boss is pissed because they can’t find one of the old transporters.” One of them explained the situation. “That kid that came before you, and apparently he stole one of the packages he was delivering. It seems pretty important because they’ve been looking for him ever since. He was a strange guy that Greeny G. He would always try to talk to us.”

“Greeny G?” Gil replied.

“Ah, his nickname. You know how no one knows each other's real name here? He went by G, but because of his green hair, the Boss kept calling him Greeny, so Greeny G.”

Hearing the description of the said person, an image appeared in Gil’s mind. It reminded him of a certain teenage boy that he had gone to school with.

‘G… for Gary? No it couldn't…’ A smile appeared across Gil's face as he remembered the look Gary had given him down the hallway that one time, it was a stare as if he wanted to hit him. ‘Hah, does it even matter if it's really him or not? I think I just found my way out of these stupid deliveries!’


Top 10 in golden tickets = 5 chapter mass release

Instagram: jksmanga

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Can't wait for more


I still can't understand why Gary hasn't dyed his hair back. At least not green anymore. It's like he's screaming "Here find me" with that green hair.


I was the same, but now that they expect him to, maybe it would have been even more suspicious for him to suddenly change it.