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MWS Chapter 181

The sun had barely risen, leaving the town of Slough covered in a grey mist. It was an unusual sight for three students in particular because they had never woken up this early in their lives, much less come to school at such an hour.

Innu was groggily walking up the stairs to the Westbridge’s roof and could see the door just a little ahead. The teenager was still in the middle of a stretch, yawning so wide that he could have fit his fist inside his mouth. When opening the door, he was surprised to see that he was apparently the last one to arrive.

“You're late.” Kai stated, not even turning around as he continued to look out from the roof’s fence. The blonde teenager was staring into the distance. As to where exactly, only he seemed to know, for all Marie and Austin could see was the school field, that was currently empty, as well as the shapes of a few buildings. It was something the others had seen Kai do several times in the short amount of time they knew him.

“Late?” Innu checked his phone, which revealed that it was five past six in the morning. “Oh come on, it's only by five minutes.”

Under normal circumstances, he would have still been asleep. At this hour, the only person who one might expect to see at school would be its caretaker. However, he lacked the energy to argue right now, so he silently moved over to his fellow Howlers members. Marie and Austin looked just as tired as him, their bodies slumped over.

‘How did Austin manage to get here before me? He doesn’t even live in this area or go to the same school?’ Innu worried.

“Aren’t you worried you might be late for classes?” He eventually asked, looking at the large student, who seemed to be fixing his hair.

“Worried about the classes I never go to? At a school that will never get me anywhere in life? I thought joining this gang made it pretty clear that I have nowhere better to go.” Austin gave Innu a look that made him feel like an idiot.

Just as Innu was about to say something back, Kai stopped staring outside and turned to look at his fellow gang members.

“Enough with the chit-chat. After our fight with the grey colour gang, each one of you came up to me individually. You all told me how useless you felt when faced against those freakish twins… Well, I felt the same way. Which is why we can’t stay the same. If we do then there is no hope for us.

“Our gang is small and has only just started, but I hope that soon enough it will be the Howlers instead of the Underdogs that people will associate with the town of Slough. Once we have achieved that, we can go for the county, then the country and finally the whole world.”

It should have sounded crazy, hearing that type of talk from the mouth of a teenager, yet somehow, when Kai told about his ambition, none of the other three felt like laughing, nor that it was unrealistic. They might not yet know how, but he seemed determined enough that he would come up with a way to achieve that goal.

“Of course, if it was that easy, anyone could have done that already. Along the way, we will face countless enemies who will make the grey colour gang look like a bunch of clowns in comparison. I won’t sugar coat it, we’ll eventually have to deal with Altered, and I mean real ones, not whatever those twins turned into!

“As such, I want you to never forget the fear that you felt that day. How it was mostly luck that we’ve even made it out alive…

“Now, I've come up with a strict training regime for all of us. We’ll be practising two hours each day before school starts.” Kai explained with a sadistic smile.

Everyone had their fists clenched tightly, and it looked like they were ready. The little pep talk had almost gotten rid of their tiredness, and everyone was put into action.

Innu and Austin were told to start with some warm-up activities. The idea was to build up their basic stats. The two of them were talented and although Innu trained he had done so nearly always alone. While Austin was the opposite, never having attempted to push his body to the limit but always getting in fights.

The two teenage boys began running around the roof a few times, increasing their basic strength with push-ups workouts and more, and eventually would finish up with a few spars here and there. They were learning a lot from each other, and their competitive nature made each one try to outdo the other.

“Forty five!” Innu loudly announced how many push-ups he had already made, sweat dripping down his forehead, falling on his chiselling abs, as he had long since taken his shirt off, same as Austin

“Bullshit, you call that a push-up?” Austin questioned him, as he demonstrated how to do it ‘properly’. “If you can’t do it with proper form, then that means you're done, don’t try to force it!”

“Talk to me about form once your bum isn’t all the way in the air!” Innu argued back.

Next it looked like the two were moving onto squats, however they weren’t regular squats. At least for Innu, who placed one of his legs out straight and was going down using just one of his legs. Seeing this, Austin attempted to do the same, but his balance was horrible.

When he got down to the bottom, he attempted to push off but it was something he had never done before, his whole body was shaking and just when he was about to fall over he felt Innu grab him steady.

“It's harder than it looks.” Innu said. Austin was expecting a smile but Innu didn’t have one on his face as he lifted him up. “You're a strong hitter, and for you to have punches that strong while having weak legs like yours. If you improve your legs like mine then your punches will have even more power in them.”

When walking back to do his exercises Austin was looking at the sheer size of Innu’s legs. His thighs were thick like tree trunks and it looked like in his trousers there was no space for them to breathe.

‘I thought that guy was just naturally strong like me, but it looks like it was all hard work in the end.’ Austin thought.


Top 10 in golden tickets = 5 chapter mass release

Instagram: jksmanga

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Kai didn’t care that the two boys were bickering, as long as they were working hard, they could do whatever they wanted. Meanwhile, he had come over to Marie to give her special training. She had never been much of a fighter, so doing the same as the boys wouldn’t help her enough.

When she had come to him with her request, Kai had been reluctant. In the past, he had always been there to take care of any problems she might have had. However, there hadn’t been much he could argue, once Marie had confessed that she was worried that she might get kidnapped again.

Coming towards her, Kai opened a small little suitcase and inside there were two small four inch knives.

“Wait, you want me to use these? How did you even manage to get your hands on weapons?!” Marie exclaimed back, a little shocked, and even pushed the box back. She slightly regretted her actions, because it was obvious that the high schooler must have jumped through some hoops to acquire them.

“Yes, I want you to use them.” Kai answered, his tone revealed that he was slightly annoyed at her action. He was sure that if anyone understood what he was proposing, it should have been her.

“You want to fight like the others, right? Let’s not kid ourselves, we both know that you’re no fighter, Marie. You neither have the body to compete with those around our age, much less adult men, nor do you have the experience or skills to make up for such a deficit.

“There are only two ways for you to make up for the difference in a short period of time. Either you use weapons… or you become an Altered. The latter option is pretty much impossible for us, so we can only go with the former. Trust me, there are psychos out there that will use weapons against you without giving it a second thought. We’re talking about your life here. Don’t think about some stupid pride of using wepons is wrong. Don’t die because of that.”

Marie looked at the two weapons again, and this time she took them out from the box and held them in her hands. It felt natural to hold them by the handle, like she had been doing, similar to how one would use them in the kitchen.

When looking at the weapon she could see it wasn’t like a kitchen knife as there was a guard stopping one's hands going onto the bladed part, but it wasn’t like a dagger as the end was rounded off and not pointed.

“It's not pride.” Marie finally replied, looking into Kai’s eyes. “I just don’t want to kill anyone. I know what you're saying, and maybe one day if it's their life against mine I will fight to the death, but these weapons could kill someone if I used them.”

Kai then went over and grabbed both the knives from Marie and stood a distance away from her, so she wouldn’t get hurt. He then held the two knives in a combat potion, so the blade part was sticking out from the back of the hand rather than through his thumb like a pair of daggers.

He looked like one of those secret agents that would fight in the jungle that she had seen on TV.

“You don’t have to use the weapons to kill. You will be using them to cut, not to stab.” Kai explained. He started to move about, with the blades, spinning his body as if he was going up against an opponent. As Marie carefully watched Kai, it looked like he was shadow fighting against more than just a single opponent.

Kai’s display was so impressive that Innu and Austin couldn't help but stop their warm-up to observe him. He was smooth and quick, most of all, he was confident as well. In the end, the demonstration was over, and the two boys felt motivated to work even harder.

“Stabbing an opponent, you risk losing your weapon. You might be unable to pull it out from their body, or worse, they might use it against you. Either scenario, it gives them a chance to retaliate. Using it the way I’ve shown is far better for you, especially given your current strength.”

Marie, taking the blades back, nodded. Kai went on to slowly show her the movements one by one, making sure to explain in great detail what the best thing to do was. He even had a pair of fake wooden blades as well.

The two of them would go through situations, and he would do his best to explain to her from the beginning. Of course, Marie was finding it difficult, but she had never expected things to be easy, aware that it would take time.

After an hour and a half passed the group decided to take a break, all but Kai huffing and panting, meeting up in the middle. Marie had prepared some food for them all. Sandwiches she and her mother had made, and the group were happily digging into them.

It was quite silent between everyone, and all of them had questions they wanted to ask. After seeing what Kai did, the two boys were interested in knowing more about who he was. That wasn’t the only thing. They were also more interested in learning what exactly Gary was since their vice-leader seemed to somewhat know, but due to no one speaking, they just continued to eat until Marie eventually broke the silence.

“You really like it up here, don’t you, Kai? We could have trained somewhere else, but this is still your favourite spot.” She smiled.

“‘My’ spot.” Kai chuckled at the comment. “Well, I guess it is ‘mine’ now… but I used to come up here in the past and there would always be someone else up here looking out at the field, I wonder where that person is now.”

The others looked at each other strangely as he was reminiscing, but in the end, Austin was the first to speak up, unable to hold it in any more.

“Kai, I want to know more about who you are. I think after all we’ve been through, we deserve to know!”


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