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The vehicle was already on the move and the two of them could tell straight away as they felt the rumbling of the ground through the floor and the sound of the old engine. As for where they were going, it was impossible to tell, but right now, fear was going through both of the girls' minds as to what might happen to them.

Amy wanted to reach into her pocket to grab her phone but thought that would be too obvious. She was wearing a skirt in the first place and too much movement might cause it to drop it.

‘I'm surprised they didn’t take our phones off us.’

Thinking this thought their next move made it impossible anyway. Before she could try anything, their hands had strongly been forced behind them and black zip ties were used to tie them together. Not stopping there, black tape was also placed over both of their mouths, making it so the two of them couldn’t scream or call for help either.

“Stop resisting. I know it's a hard thing to do when you are placed in this type of situation, but trust me, this is also for your sake.” Raven said. “We’ll refrain from tying up your legs, but you should just cooperate. I’d prefer not having to get rid of two bodies as young as yours. I already have too much on my record and I don’t want to be adding this.”

Hearing Raven talk and knowing who he was caused both of the girls to gulp. They were suddenly aware how weak they were, how easy it was for a few adult men to restrain them like this. Neither girl thought to have a chance in a fight, and struggling was useless. For now, Amy wanted to hear Raven out, while trying to figure a way out of this situation.

“Great, as I tried to tell you yesterday, all I want is some information about my brother. It’s obvious that you two seem to know something about it. Just tell me everything that happened the day you met him, because that's the day he went missing as well. Again, for your own sake, you better not lie to me. I don’t want to hear what you might think I want to hear, I just need the truth.

“We could have done it the easy way, but you didn’t want to talk, so now we have to do it this way. Relax, I’m not a monster. We won’t torture you, since that will most likely just make you tell me what I want to hear.

“No, we're going to head to a coffee shop, and have a nice little chat, alright? A public place where I can’t do anything to the two of you so you both can feel at ease.  If you can help me, all of this can be over soon. However, if you scream or try to escape… well, I don't think I have to tell you the rest.” Raven said as he pulled out a blade, and slid it up Stacy thigh.

Due to the situation and seeing the blade, the teenage girl couldn’t help but pee a little. She wasn’t embarrassed, though, as Stacy had far bigger problems than ruining her knickers. She just wanted to make it out alive at the end of all of this. She started to sob, regretting not having told Raven everything yesterday. Maybe then, none of this would have happened.

Eventually, after driving for a while, the car had stopped. The men cut off the zip ties and one even wiped Stacy’s legs clean. Next, the tape was removed from their mouths, yet Raven made sure to remind them what would happen to them if they were to make any noise.

The men took off their masks, and Amy tried to remember all of their faces. Each one of them started to leave the van with Raven being the last one. They had positioned themselves in a way around the girls, making sure they wouldn’t even attempt to make a run.

‘Crap these are real gangsters, they're not even giving us any chances!’ Amy thought. ‘And I can’t risk calling their bluff. They already resorted to kidnapping, it was a way to show us how serious they are.’

The next moment she was surprised that they were actually heading towards a normal looking coffee shop. School had only just ended, so it was still sunny outside, yet there were some customers and a couple of people behind the counter, just like any other coffee shop.

When the girls entered, Raven wasn’t too far behind them, and even more surprisingly, it looked like the men that had kidnapped them would be staying outside.

“Sit, please.” Raven smiled and pulled out two chairs for them as if he was being a gentleman. The table chosen was next to the outside window.

The three of them sat there for a while, Stacy still shaking. Amy wasn’t as frightened, but she wasn’t saying anything either, and it didn’t look like Raven was going to speak. Eventually, three coffees came over.

‘Should I write a note, pass something onto the staff? But if we get found out, it could put us both at risk.’ Amy contemplated her choices.

Raven just continued to sip his drink looking at the outside and eventually twenty minutes passed with no one saying anything. Stacy seemed to be hanging in there just barely, but Amy knew it was only a matter of time before she would break and say anything.

‘Why am I So worried about the truth anyway?’ Amy thought, her heart thumping loud.

In the end, Raven broke the silence at the table.

“You know, I have all the time in the world right now. I can wait here all day if you don’t want to cooperate. However, I'm sure your parents should be very worried about you by now. I gather a report must have been made by the school already, claiming they saw you two being kidnapped.

“What do you think will happen if your parents are unable to reach you? They’ll naturally start to worry about where their daughters are, but you see… I don’t care! I’ve had that feeling ever since that day! It’s up to the two of you how long your parents will have to suffer that feeling with me!”

There was a certain look the two girls could see in Raven’s eyes, he looked crazy, and it looked like they had no choice.


Top 10 in golden tickets = 5 chapter mass release

Instagram: jksmanga

Support my editor: ko-fi/devilsadvocate

MWS 174

Stacy went and held Amy’s hand under the table. To her, it was clear that her best friend was in no condition to handle this entire situation, and although this would reveal that Amy was there that night, she eventually spoke up, afraid to test Raven’s patience any longer. Although the adult man claimed he had the time, the aggression at the end made it clear that he was about done playing games.

“That night, we both went to meet up with her internet boyfriend for the first time. I just came along, because Stacy was afraid he might try to do something to her. Seeing as your brother brought two friends along, she wasn’t wrong.” Amy revealed.

“He took us to a karaoke club, and he and his friends started to offer us… stuff. The two of us just came along to have some fun, but when we refused to take it, he tried to force himself onto my friend. In the end, I screamed, and the receptionist came and saw what was going on. We ran away after that, but we didn’t inform the police… we were too scared and just wanted to forget what happened that day, but that’s when you showed up.”

When speaking, Amy had decided to partly reveal the truth, only omitting that according to Stacy it had been her brother who had appeared. She just hoped that would be enough for Raven to leave them alone, without getting her brother involved in this mess.

Stacy nodded her head, confirming her best friend’s recounting of what had happened, but Raven just folded his head and started shaking it.

“You sure it was the receptionist? Why don’t we wait a little longer and see if your story changed.”

It was then that Amy got the feeling that Raven had caught onto her lie. Unfortunately, the high school girl had no way of knowing that the Grey Elephant leader was aware that the receptionist was a good friend of his brother’s. That wasn’t the end of it, though. That guy was also one of those people that had gone missing without anyone having any clue about their whereabouts. According to the owner of the club, he had suddenly resigned…

Since Raven knew Amy was lying, he felt more confident that he was on the right track. They waited another thirty-ish in silence. Amy eventually drank her coffee, trying to appear relaxed as if they had nothing else to hide, but that didn’t seem to be working either.

“May I go to the toilet? I think it might be this whole situation or the coffee.” Amy requested.

“Can I go, too?” Stacy immediately asked.

“Of course, but you know what will happen if you two try to do something.” Raven allowed it, but not before warning them. The two girls quickly got up and headed towards the toilet, while the adult man remained sitting. Once inside, Stacy was waiting on Amy thinking she had some type of plan.

“Why don’t we just tell them the truth? I mean, I know you don’t want to get your brother involved, but if he tells me that he doesn’t know where that guy is either, he might let us go, right? Please, can we just tell them the truth!” Stacy begged, her hands were still shaking.

“Do you really think a guy who kidnapped us for simply refusing to speak to him, is going to let us go, just because we don’t have the answer he is searching for? These are gangsters, Stacy!” Amy replied, holding onto her best friend’s hands. “You’ve seen the movies, right? Once they have seen our faces, then it means that they will get rid of us. They’re only keeping us alive because we have information that they want. So we have to keep it from them, and call for help!”

Amy only half believed the things she was saying. If one ignored the fact that Raven had abducted them, it really seemed like he was an overprotective brother who just wanted to learn the truth. He might even have been honest about letting them go, but right now she needed Stacy to believe that getting Gary involved was dangerous.

When they were finally in the toilet stalls, though, she had asked Stacy to try to contact the police and see if they could help in the situation. At the same time, Amy had decided to send a text to her brother.

However, it looked like there was no signal in the restaurant, or at least not in the bathroom stall. It was a little strange but not impossible. In fact, it might have been a reason why he had picked this place.

‘The message should be sent once I'm back outside anyway.’ Amy thought.

The two girls came back, and since they could still see the strange men behind the door, they returned to sit down opposite Raven. He waited for them to sit down before he let out a sigh and started shaking his head.

“You know, technology truly is an amazing thing. There are many new inventions that come out every day. I’ve really tried being nice to you, you know? I told you to not try anything, didn't I?” Raven smiled, as he received two text messages on his phone.

Amy wasn’t quite sure how, but he must have realised that the two girls had tried something.

‘Microphones in the toilet, cameras, damn, I should have known they didn’t just take us to a coffee shop.’

Panicking, Amy did the only thing she felt like they could do now that the situation had escalated.

“Help!!! We’ve been kidnapped by this guy!!! He took us from our school and threatened us with those guys outside. Please help us!” Amy shouted, dragging Stacy along as they rushed towards the worker behind the reception desk.

It was the last resort and the only thing they could do. She just had to hope that the strangers would help protect them from these gang members.

‘Huh, why isn’t anyone doing anything?’ Amy thought as she looked around the room. That's when she noticed that many of them were smiling or outright laughing.

“You really are kids. Why do you think I brought you here? This entire coffee shop belongs to the Grey Elephants. Everyone in here is one of our members… that naturally includes that worker behind you.” Raven explained as he came over.



I hope Gary finishes Billy off fast and gets to his phone. Though, with gangs being such a big thing, how on earth could the girls not know that they would be taken to a place safe for the gang member? *sigh*


Oh fu.. Not amy i dont care for stacy but why amy gary gat to go fast killing billy


Yeah I don't get it. How could Amy have a friend like that. First she disregarded her and her best friends safety to go on a date and next she wanted to sell out her brother.